3,133 research outputs found

    Existence of a phase transition under finite magnetic field in the long-range RKKY Ising spin glass Dyx_{x}Y1−x_{1-x}Ru2_{2}Si2_{2}

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    A phase transition of a model compound of the long-range Ising spin glass (SG) Dyx_{x}Y1−x_{1-x}Ru2_{2}Si2_{2}, where spins interact via the RKKY interaction, has been investigated. The static and the dynamic scaling analyses reveal that the SG phase transition in the model magnet belongs to the mean-field universality class. Moreover, the characteristic relaxation time in finite magnetic fields exhibits a critical divergent behavior as well as in zero field, indicating a stability of the SG phase in finite fields. The presence of the SG phase transition in field in the model magnet strongly syggests that the replica symmetry is broken in the long-range Ising SG.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in JPSJ (2010

    Orbital-Order Driven Ferroelectricity and Dipolar Relaxation Dynamics in Multiferroic GaMo4_4S8_8

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    We present the results of broadband dielectric spectroscopy of GaMo4_4S8_8, a lacunar spinel system that recently was shown to exhibit non-canonical, orbitally-driven ferroelectricity. Our study reveals complex relaxation dynamics of this multiferroic material, both above and below its Jahn-Teller transition at TJT=47_{\textrm{JT}}=47 K. Above TJT_{\textrm{JT}}, two types of coupled dipolar-orbital dynamics seem to compete: relaxations within cluster-like regions with short-range polar order like in relaxor ferroelectrics and critical fluctuations of only weakly interacting dipoles, the latter resembling the typical dynamics of order-disorder type ferroelectrics. Below the Jahn-Teller transition, the onset of orbital order drives the system into long-range ferroelectric order and dipolar dynamics within the ferroelectric domains is observed. The coupled dipolar and orbital relaxation behavior of GaMo4_4S8_8 above the Jahn-Teller transition markedly differs from that of the skyrmion host GaV4_4S8_8, which seems to be linked to differences in the structural distortions of the two systems on the unit-cell level.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + Supplemental Material (2 pages, 2 figures

    Anisotropic magnetic diffuse scattering in an easy-plane type antiferromagnet ErNi2_{2}Ge2_{2}

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    We report on neutron scattering studies of a rare earth intermetallic compound ErNi2_{2}Ge2_{2}. Polarized neutron scattering experiments revealed that the magnetic ordered moment m{\bm m} lies in ab-plane. Taking account of a lack of the third higher harmonic reflection, ErNi2_{2}Ge2_{2} is considered to have a helical magnetic structure. The magnetic scattering profiles along the [100]∗[100]^{\ast}- and the [110]∗[110]^{\ast}-directions are well described by the sum of Gaussian and modified-Lorentzian terms, even far below TNT_{\scriptsize N}, indicating that short-range orders coexist with a long-range order. Interestingly, the modified-Lorentzian-type diffuse scattering is not present in the profiles along the [001]∗[001]^{\ast}-direction. The anisotropy of the diffuse scattering suggests that the short-range-order consists of one dimensional long-range helices along the c-axis.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (HFM2008

    Anomalous phase of MnP at very low field

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    Manganese phosphide MnP has been investigated for decades because of its rich magnetic phase diagram. It is well known that the MnP exhibits the ferromagnetic phase transition at \Tc=292 K and the helical magnetic phase below \TN=47 K at zero field. Recently, a novel magnetic phase transition was observed at T∗=282T^* = 282 K when the magnetic field is lower than 5 Oe. However, the nature of the new phase has not been illuminated yet. In order to reveal it, we performed the AC and the DC magnetization measurements for a single crystal MnP at very low field. A divergent behavior of the real and the imaginary part of the AC susceptibility and a sharp increase of the DC magnetization was observed at T∗T^*, indicating the magnetic phase transition at T∗T^*. Furthermore a peculiar temperature hysteresis was observed: namely, the magnetization depends on whether cooling sample to the temperature lower than \TN or not before the measurements. This hysteresis phenomenon suggests the complicated nature of the new phase and a strong relation between the magnetic state of the new phase and the helical structure.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Critical Point of Itinerant Antiferromagnet in Heavy Fermion

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    A quantum critical point (QCP) of the heavy fermion Ce(Ru_{1-x}Rh_x)_2Si_2 (x = 0, 0.03) has been studied by single-crystalline neutron scattering. By accurately measuring the dynamical susceptibility at the antiferromagnetic wave vector k_3 = 0.35 c^*, we have shown that the energy width Gamma(k_3), i.e., inverse correlation time, depends on temperature as Gamma(k_3) = c_1 + c_2 T^{3/2 +- 0.1}, where c_1 and c_2 are x dependent constants, in a low temperature range. This critical exponent 3/2 +- 0.1 proves that the QCP is controlled by that of the itinerant antiferromagnet.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    This study is a historical linguistic investigation entitled The Phonemic − Syllabic Comparisons of Standard Malay and Palembang Malay Using a Historical Linguistic Perspective which aims to explore the types of sound changes found in Palembang Malay. The investigation uses a historical linguistic comparative method to compare the phonemic and syllabic changes between an ancestral language Standard Malay and its decent language Palembang Malay. Standard Malay refers to the Wilkinson dictionary in 1904. The participants of this study are seven native speakers of Palembang Malay whose ages range from 20 to 40 years old. The data were collected from the voices of the participants that were recorded along group conversations and interviews. This study applies the theoretical framework of sound changes which proposed by Terry Crowley in 1997 and Lily Campbell in 1999. The findings show that there are nine types of sound changes that were found as the results, namely assimilation (42.35%), lenition (20%), sound addition (3.53%), metathesis (1.18%), dissimilation (1.76%), abnormal sound changes (3.53%), split (13.53%), vowel rising (10.59%), and monophthongisation (3.53%). Keywords: Historical linguistics, standard Malay, Palembang Malay, comparative method, sound change, phoneme, syllable.

    Tests of a proximity focusing RICH with aerogel as radiator

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    Using aerogel as radiator and multianode PMTs for photon detection, a proximity focusing Cherenkov ring imaging detector has been constructed and tested in the KEK π\pi2 beam. The aim is to experimentally study the basic parameters such as resolution of the single photon Cherenkov angle and number of detected photons per ring. The resolution obtained is well approximated by estimates of contributions from pixel size and emission point uncertainty. The number of detected photons per Cherenkov ring is in good agreement with estimates based on aerogel and detector characteristics. The values obtained turn out to be rather low, mainly due to Rayleigh scattering and to the relatively large dead space between the photocathodes. A light collection system or a higher fraction of the photomultiplier active area, together with better quality aerogels are expected to improve the situation. The reduction of Cherenkov yield, for charged particle impact in the vicinity of the aerogel tile side wall, has also been measured.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure
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