31 research outputs found

    Cystic Artery Control with Bipolar Electrocauterization During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a widely practiced procedure for symptomatic cholelithiasis. Haemostasis of cystic artery can be achieved with clips electrocautery and ultra modern vessel sealing energy devices. Bipolar electro coagulation of cystic artery is safe and a cost effective measure in developing countries. Our aim was to establish the feasibility of bipolar electrocautery in securing cystic artery. We conducted a prospective study on 120 patients in different age and sex groups. Correctable co morbidities were not a contraindication to inclusion criteria. Anatomical variations in size, origin and number of cystic artery were noted


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    The dams and water reservoirs are built to achieve an integrated set of benefits, yet they have certain effects on the people living in the vicinity. The Tarbela dam is the largest earth-filled dam in the world. The objective of this study is to find out the socio-economic effects of constructing the Tarbela 4th Extension on residents of the area. For this purpose, this study investigates the socio-economic dynamics of the Tarbela 4th Extension Hydropower Project. The design of the study is quantitative, based on the data collected from Tehsil Ghazi and Tehsil Topi (KPK). A sample of two hundred households residing in the area was randomly selected. A specially designed questionnaire was used for the data collection. The results of the study reveal that the project has positively affected the social status of the inhabitants, education, and overall Quality of life. People’s economic condition improved as they got contractual and daily wage jobs in the project. Thus currently, their income has been raised. The study found a formal occupation trend, which is govt or private jobs are dominant in the area. The project has played a vital role in the socioeconomic development of the area. The study concludes Tarbela 4th extension has undoubtedly affected the incomes, expenditures, infrastructure, quality of life, health, education, relocation of the people, public safety, and communication system

    Role of Triple Test in Evaluating Breast Lumps

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    Breast tissue undergoes constant physiological changes in a woman’s life because of influence of endocrine hormones during and after reproductive life. These changes may present as pain, lumpiness or both in the breast. Breast lumps are feared for cancer. Thus, it is important for women with a breast lump to receive appropriate evaluation. Clinical breast examination is first step in evaluation of breast lump. The diagnostic sensitivity of clinical breast examination is high (98%) whereas its specificity is low, averaging 48%. Ultrasound is preferred in evaluation of radiologically dense breasts and in the study of breasts with augmentation mammoplasties. Micro-calcifications on mammography are considered to be important signs of breast cancer. X-ray mammography detects microcalcifications in 30–50% of breast cancers. FNAC is a cheap, cost effective and readily available routine diagnostic with a sensitivity ranging between 89% to 98% and specificity between 98% to 100% for palpable breast lumps. When combined together triple test achieves a higher sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy than any of the investigations taken alone. We conducted a prospective study to evaluate breast masses by clinical assessment, imaging and pathological examination. Results were compared with histopathology. We concluded that triple assessment in breast lumps gives superior results than any of its modalities taken alone

    The Relationship of Volatility with Stock Index Option Returns and Prices

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    This paper attempts to identify different kinds of volatilities such as backward looking which includes realized volatility and conditional volatility and forward looking which includes implied volatility. As the report deals with time series data hence the Dickey-Fuller unit root and Engle-Granger cointegration tests are done to check for the stationarity and long term impacts of the data. I have conducted a study attempting to model the relationship between these mentioned volatilities of S&P 500 index stock option with their values and returns using the multiple and simple regression with robust standard error for considering the heteroskedasticity. The Pearson correlation analysis has been done to investigate the correlation between the volatilities, prices, returns and vega index. The paper also tried to portrait the real world scenario of using high-frequency data including its advantages and limitations. I have found that the realized and conditional volatilities of S&P 500 stock index option, have a negative relation with the first difference of historical daily prices and have a positive relation with the first difference of its daily returns at 1% significant level from 2010 to 2019 whereas the first difference of implied volatility has a negative relation with the first difference of its prices and have a positive relation with the first difference of its returns at 1% significance level. Again, I also observed that the vega index of currently trading S&P 500 stock option index has a statistically negative relation with its return at 1% significance level

    The Role of Job Satisfaction and Burnout on Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intentions

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    Job satisfaction (JS), burnout (BO), and work-family conflict (WFCs) have numerous consequences on employees and organizations. Despite an abundance of research on the subject, previous studies have not examined the multi-mediating effects of JS and BO on WFCs and turnover intentions (TIs). Given this gap, we have contributed towards the body of knowledge by developing a new model based on the four theories (i.e., effort-reward imbalance model, conservation resource model, social exchange theory and identity theory). A sample of 387 respondents from the banking sector of Karachi was selected non-randomly. The Smart PLS software was used for statistical analysis. The results suggest that WFCs enhance TIs and JS. On the contrary, past studies indicate that increased WFCs decrease JS. The study also found that BO increases TIs, which is in line with the results of other studies. We also found that JS negatively affects BO and positively affects TIs. The results also suggest that JS has a mediating effect on BO and TIs, and BO has a mediating effect on TIs. The study also indicates that both JS and BO mediates WFCs and TIs.Keywords: Job satisfaction, work-family conflict, burnout, turnover intentions, banking, Karachi

    Premalignant Conditions of Larynx

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    Premalignant conditions of larynx encompass a variety of lesions that have the potential to evolve into malignant changes. The dysplastic premalignant epithelial changes of larynx have significantly increased Risk of developing in cancer than the hyperplastic stage of epithelial changes and this transformation significantly depends on the grade of dysplasia. Therefore, early diagnosis & prompt treatment should thus prevent the development of invasive carcinoma requiring more debilitating surgical resection. The histopathological examination is diagnostic & the evolution of advanced laryngoscopic surgical procedures including CO2 laser and newer treatment methods such as photodynamic therapy has shown promising results in their management

    The effect of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) on inflammatory markers (total leukocyte count, differential leukocyte count and tumor necrosis factor-alpha)

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    Background: Inflammation is involved in pathogenesis of many diseases. Antiinflammatory chemicals can be used to treat such illness,especially if they are derived from plant sources as they will have fewer side effects. Objective:to find out  the outcome of ethanolic extract of syzygium aromaticum flower buds on markers of inflammation in albino rats.Material and method: Antiinflammatory activity was investigated in albino rats using a experimental model of  inflammation, the “formalin test” (injecting 5 % formalin into subplantar surface of right hind paw). Ninety rats were uniformly divided into three groups designates as control A,experimental B and refrence C. Intraperitoneal  injection of normal saline, syzygium aromaticum flower bud extract and  indomethacin was used. In these rats, foot edema was measured by Vernier caliper. Blood sampling was done through cardiac punture under anaesthesia to determine total and differential leukocyte counts and serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) levels. Results: The clove extract  produced significant (p=0.00) decrease  in inflammatory response initiated by 5% formalin. The extract significantly decreased (p=0.009) serum TNF-α. However, its effect on the total and differential leukocyte counts was non-significant (p˃0.05).Conclusion: The ethanolic extract of syzygium aromaticum  possesses potent  anti-inflammatory effects

    Frequency and pattern of gynecological problems of adolescent girls attending outpatient department, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University, Bangladesh

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    Background: Adolescent is a stage of development tangent, like a bridge of childhood and adulthood. It is the healthiest age group of our society which is almost 20% of our total population. World health organization (WHO) defines adolescents are in the 10-19 year in age group. One of the major physiological changes that take place in adolescent girls is the onset of menarche, which is often associated with problems of irregular menstruation, excessive bleeding and dysmenorrhea.Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was carried out in 668 female adolescent aged 10-19 years irrespective of their marital status visiting the OPD of obstetrics and gynecology department of BSMMU. All data was analyzed using SPSS program version 22.0.Results: Results were expressed in frequencies or percentages. Of the 668 adolescent girls, 418 (62.6%) had different type of menstrual disorder. Of these 418 cases about 127 (30.38%) of them were a case of puberty menorrhagia, 109 (26.07%) cases were oligomenorrhoea and 91 (21.77%) were amenorrhea. Other presentations were pre-vaginal discharge, vulval itching, lower abdominal pain, dysuria, feeling lump in lower abdomen, mastalgia, feeling lump in the breast, discharge from breast, acne, hirsutism.Conclusions: This study shows more than half of adolescent girls are having menstrual disorder. Adolescent gynecology needs increased awareness and greater attention to improve the quality of their life. Setting up a separate adolescent clinic is necessary for efficient management of adolescent problem

    Second trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders in Bangladesh

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    Background: Amniocentesis is characteristically carried out under ultra-sonographic control, between 15 and 17 weeks of pregnancy. The term prenatal diagnosis firmly comprises all diagnostic modalities aimed at gaining information about the embryo. Its history includes the development of cytogenetic, molecular genetics and molecular cytogenetic methods. Prenatal diagnosis is now possible for a considerable number of genetic diseases and/or birth defects using a variety of techniques. Objective was to evaluate the safety, feasibility and outcome of second trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders.Methods: This was a descriptive study, conducted at fetal medicine center, Family Care Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh from June 2014 to December 2019. A total of 350 pregnant women had undergone 15-20 week’s transabdominal amniocentesis under real-time ultrasound guidance. A 23 gm/ 88 mm spinal needle was used. The needle was passed though the maternal abdomen into the amniotic cavity in its longitudinal direction. Once the needle was adequately placed, the amniotic fluid is aspirated with a suction force through a 20 cc syringe. All amniocentesis was performed with “two operators” technique.Results: A total of 350 Amniocentesis were done. Beta thalassemia was most common (79.7%). Followed by aneuploidy (10.2%), hemophilia (6.2%), SMA (2.0%), DMD (1.7%), hematoma (7%), intra amniotic bleeding (2%) and per vaginal bleeding (2.8%). 3.7% aspiration was difficult due to fibroid and retroverted uterus. The overall aspiration success rate was 100%.Conclusions: Second trimester transabdominal amniocentesis in an outdoor setting with the help of real-time sonography is a safe procedure with no significant risk to the mother and the fetus

    Bioethics Education, Awareness of Ethics and Dissemination of Knowledge among Teachers and Students

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    The main goal of this study was to determine the awareness regarding bioethics education, knowledge and dissemination of knowledge among university teachers and students. This study's primary objective was to learn how educators cope with ethical disagreement inside the classroom and to clarify the factors that influence the way they cope. A total of 17 teachers and 26 students were selected for the study. A Questionnaire were designed and circulated among students and teachers of Jinnah University for Women. The data was collected and subjected to SPSS Software for statistical analysis. In total 43 teachers and students were surveyed out of which about 60% were aware of the importance of bioethics and were in opinion to add as a separate course in the syllabus. The results of the present study give us impression about the level of awareness to bioethics education and knowledge among teachers and students. The knowledge should be applied to conduct such study in larger population which will result in facilitation of services in both public and private sectors. The study revealed out the necessity of a comprehensive education programs related to bioethical issues and its awareness for the students as well as teachers