133 research outputs found

    Albania and Trade Liberalization Using our trade advantages in the Free Trade Agreement with EU

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    According to the World Trade Organization agreements frameworks, individual countries can agree to lower customs tariffs and other trade barriers, in order to open and keep service markets open. In this context, Albania has already concluded free trade agreements with nine countries of the region: Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Moldova, Turkey, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria (the last two are EU members now) and by January 2009 the ratification process from the European members’ countries finished. What this means is free exchange of goods and services between these countries by better exploiting their competitive advantages. To better exploit the advantages from free trade at first we need to find out which the Albanian sectors that have competitive advantages are and then compare them with other countries. In order to do this we will use Trade Performance Index (TPI) which measures the competitiveness and diversification level of each sector taken in consideration using the comparison with other countries. Before starting the negotiation process with each EU country we need to know the level of competitiveness and diversification of our sectors. Only in this way we will have an idea in which sector and with which country the trade we bee profitable. Using TPI we can draw up the list of sensitive products to be negotiated, find out the sectors with best initial product or geographic specialization, etc.Trade Policy, Free Trade Agreement, Competitive Advantage, Trade Performance., Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Project Work as a Means of Teaching Intercultural Communication Skills

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    The purpose of this paper is to show the benefits of  project work as an effective teaching approach to language and intercultural communication skills. A project work enhances students’ language skills, develops their metacognitive skills, their confidence, independence and interpersonal skills, which are very important for people’s lives .When students come from a mix of cultural and educational backgrounds project work improves the learning process and provides them with the necessary  intercultural communication skills. A case study approach was taken. It is a qualitative approach  where observation and interviews were the instruments used to collect the data. The questions that guide our study are how project work benefits students in developing students’ language skills and  group work skills. The other question is to what extent the use of projects in multilingual groups leads to developing intercultural communication skills. The study concludes that the use of project work is effective and in a multinational learning setting it is essential that the teacher must play the role of a guide as well as an intercultural facilitator. Keywords: Intercultural communication, Language skills, Project wor

    Multithreading technique improvement in processing Client Server communication by utilizing object oriented language

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    A comparison of an application’s performance, when a program is executed through multiple threads and only a thread to complete a specified task by using Java techniques. In this paper will be expounded how a Java programmer can profit by technology facilities. How to create a program that executes in a parallel way, that solves independent tasks not one after the other, but all at the same time. The application that is developed(the environment used is Eclipse) aims to speed up the time needed to download images from a specific website, but it is flexible for downloading images also from different sites. We have generate downloading of 15 images from a website.It will count the time needed in the two cases, will compare them and lead to the conclusion of the increasement of time performance. It will reflect to a faster application for end user. It’s quite obvious that the multithread version of the application is faster. The timing performance is increased nearly by a factor of 6. This means, that building a nearly parallel functional application, is very important and will have a great feedback from the user. Saying all that, must be accepted that programming with threads is necessary, sometimes inevitable, but it needs caution, because complexity increases and new problems should be prevented

    Mesuesi si Punonjës Social dhe si Mësimdhënës: Sidë Për Programet e Mësuesisë

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    Shkolla ka si mision kryesor pajisjen me dije, dhe përgatitjen e brezit të ri me aftësi dhe vlera duke krijuar një ambient motivues e përfshirës për të gjithë nxënësit, gjë që realizohet nga shërbimet e ofruara në shkolla, por në rradhë të parë nga mësuesit të cilët me qëndrimet dhe veprimet e tyre ndikojnë fuqimisht në edukimin e nxënësve. Mësuesi ka detyrë dhë përgjegjësi të ofrojë arsim, edukim dhe mundësi të barabarta për secilin nxënës, pavarësisht nga niveli ekonomik, prejardhja familjare ose niveli kulturor. Kjo gjë kërkon një përgatitje më të mirë të mësuesve në programet e mësuesisë, ku shpesh mëshohet fakti i përgatitjes së tyre me aftësitë e nevojshme shkencore dhe metodike të lëndës së caktuar dhe jo aq sa duhet në krijimin e profesionistëve autonom dhe të aftë të relektojnë për të vepruar si punonjës social me klasën e tyre, për të punuar me eikasitet në një realitet për ditë në ndryshim. Mësuesit i duhet të trajtojë mjaft probleme të etikës në klasë, zgjidhja e të cilave varet nga mënyra se si ai i transmeton normat dhe vlerat e shoqërisë demokratike, sa i lidh këto dhe i trajton në një kuadër më të gjerë si janë familja dhe shoqëria e nxënësve. Diskutimi lidhet vecanërisht në rëndësinë që merr arsimimi i mësuesve të ardhshëm për të ndërtuar një mësim ku secili nxënës të ndjehet i mirëpritur, të marrë pjesë aktive në klasë, të trajtohet si individ i veçantë dhe në mënyrë të barabartë. Mos respektimi i nxënësit dhe trajtimi i tij si një individ me probleme çon jo vetëm në uljen e dashurisë së tij për lëndën dhe mësimin në përgjithësi, por e bën atë të predispozuar për zhvillimin e problemeve te ndryshme psikologjike dhe sociale

    Studio della sintesi di alcol furfurilico da furfurale mediante catalisi basica eterogenea

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    La messa a punto di processi in grado di utilizzare le biomasse lignocellulosiche per la produzione di molecole piattaforma, utilizzabili per la sintesi di intermedi per la chimica fine, l’industria polimerica ed i combustibili, Ăš attualmente un argomento di ricerca di grande interesse. Tra le molecole piĂč studiate vi Ăš la furfurale (FU), che si puĂČ ottenere mediante disidratazione dei monosaccaridi pentosi contenuti nei materiali lignocellulosici. Il prodotto di riduzione della furfurale, l’alcol furfurilico (FAL), Ăš commercialmente interessante perchĂ© trova applicazione nell’industria polimerica e viene utilizzato come intermedio nella produzione di lisina, vitamina C, lubrificanti e agenti dispersanti. In letteratura sono riportati numerosi processi che permettono di ottenere questo prodotto, utilizzando la riduzione catalitica con H2 in pressione, che perĂČ presentano problemi di selettivitĂ , costo, sostenibilitĂ  e tossicitĂ  del catalizzatore utilizzato. La possibilitĂ  di effettuare la riduzione selettiva della furfurale senza fare ricorso all’idrogeno molecolare, utilizzando un processo di H-transfer e catalizzatori eterogenei a base di ossidi misti, risulta quindi di estremo interesse perchĂ© permette di eliminare i suddetti problemi. Lo scopo di questa tesi Ăš stato quello di ottimizzare il processo, confrontando catalizzatori basici, quali MgO, CaO e SrO ottenuti tramite calcinazione a diverse temperature dei rispettivi precursori. In particolare, Ăš stata valutata l’influenza che la temperatura di calcinazione, il tempo e la temperatura di reazione hanno sulla reattivitĂ  e la stabilitĂ  dei sistemi catalitici sintetizzati. La caratterizzazione dei catalizzatori tramite diffrazione ai raggi X (XRD), analisi termiche (TGA, DTA) e misure di area superficiale con tecnica BET ha permesso di correlare le proprietĂ  chimico-fisiche dei materiali con la loro attivitĂ  catalitica

    The Importance of Intergenerational Leadership in Organizations

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    Abstract This study delved into the details of leadership within intergenerational settings, spotlighting the pivotal role of effective communication and cultural comprehension. It underscores how intergenerational leadership shapes organizational dynamics, necessitating innovative methods and meticulous succession planning. The research emphasizes the imperative of acknowledging each generation\u27s distinct contributions and the deployment of leadership training and mentorship initiatives to cultivate inclusive leadership spanning generations. This capstone research thesis aims to explore the challenges in executing effective intergenerational leadership practices in contemporary organizations, potentially uncovering issues like communication barriers, change resistance, or generational misunderstandings. The hypothesis posits that adeptly implemented intergenerational leadership practices in organizations can bolster communication, collaboration, and overall performance, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention across age brackets. Through thematic analysis of qualitative data, this research will unveil recurring patterns and insights, offering a nuanced grasp of participants\u27 viewpoints and experiences via coding. The analysis accentuates the indispensability of intergenerational leadership, underscoring the significance of leveraging generational diversity and adept communication to amplify innovation, productivity, and organizational triumph. It stresses the need for strategic measures to surmount challenges, fostering a robust, competitive organizational milieu that cherishes each generation\u27s unique input. In essence, effective intergenerational leadership demands a nuanced strategy that recognizes and harnesses each generation\u27s unique strengths and viewpoints. By nurturing inclusive cultures and adopting adaptable leadership approaches, organizations can unlock the potential of generational diversity, propelling innovation, and ensuring sustained success in today\u27s rapidly evolving global arena

    A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the dual-porosity-Stokes problem

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    We introduce and analyze a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for the dual-porosity-Stokes problem. This coupled problem describes the interaction between free flow in macrofractures/conduits, governed by the Stokes equations, and flow in microfractures/matrix, governed by a dual-porosity model. We prove that the HDG method is strongly conservative, well-posed, and give an a priori error analysis showing dependence on the problem parameters. Our theoretical findings are corroborated by numerical example
