43 research outputs found

    Decreased olfactory discrimination is associated with impulsivity in healthy volunteers

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    In clinical populations, olfactory abilities parallel executive function, implicating shared neuroanatomical substrates within the ventral prefrontal cortex. In healthy individuals, the relationship between olfaction and personality traits or certain cognitive and behavioural characteristics remains unexplored. We therefore tested if olfactory function is associated with trait and behavioural impulsivity in nonclinical individuals. Eighty-three healthy volunteers (50 females) underwent quantitative assessment of olfactory function (odour detection threshold, discrimination, and identifcation). Each participant was rated for trait impulsivity index using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale and performed a battery of tasks to assess behavioural impulsivity (Stop Signal Task, SST; Information Sampling Task, IST; Delay Discounting). Lower odour discrimination predicted high ratings in non-planning impulsivity (Barratt Non-Planning impulsivity subscale); both, lower odour discrimination and detection threshold predicted low inhibitory control (SST; increased motor impulsivity). These fndings extend clinical observations to support the hypothesis that defcits in olfactory ability are linked to impulsive tendencies within the healthy population. In particular, the relationship between olfactory abilities and behavioural inhibitory control (in the SST) reinforces evidence for functional overlap between neural networks involved in both processes. These fndings may usefully inform the stratifcation of people at risk of impulse-control-related problems and support planning early clinical interventions

    Risk perception: A chemical industry view of endocrine disruption in wildlife

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    Towards mainstream anammox: lessons learned from pilot-scale research at WWTP Dokhaven

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    The aim of this research was to study the biological feasibility of the Partial Nitritation/Anammox (PN/A) technology to remove nitrogen from municipal mainstream wastewaters. During stable process operations at summer temperatures (23.2 ± 1.3°C), the total nitrogen removal rate was 0.223 ± 0.029 kg N (m3 d)−1 while at winter temperatures (13.4 ± 1.1°C) the total nitrogen removal rate was 0.097 ± 0.016 kg N (m3 d)−1. Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) suppression was successfully achieved at the complete temperature range of municipal mainstream wastewater. Despite the presence of NOB as observed in activity tests, their activity could be successfully suppressed due to a relative low dissolved oxygen concentration. An overcapacity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and anammox activity was always present. Long-term stability is a focus point for future research, especially in relation to the stability of the biological oxygen demand removing step, preceding the PN/A reactor.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog