13 research outputs found
Osmanlı öznelliğinin gerçek ve imgesel eşikleri.
This work examines the nature of frames that restrict our perspectives and thus give birth to such sociological entities like societies, communities and nations. How is the dualism of “inside-outside” created on sociological and psychic levels? More importantly, what instruments play what kind of roles in the creation of that dualism? Examining the formation of Ottoman subjectivity as a case, this study gives original answers to these questions. The psychoanalytic theory, which opened a new methodological domain for the social sciences in the past century, productively accommodated a good amount of works on these questions. Sigmund Freud’s pioneering works on the dynamics of human psyche and Jacques Lacan’s theories of human subjectivity played important roles in the improvement of this domain. Beginning from the second half of the past century, discussions on identity and belonging, as well as such furious social questions as nationalism, racism and xenophobia, have been held in the light of the new approaches of psychoanalytic theories in the field of social sciences. In this sense, this study can be seen as a part of those approaches, because methodologically, it bases itself on the opportunities offered by a particular psychoanalytic theory, namely, that of a French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan. I pick up two of Lacan’s productively scrutinized concepts, namely the “real” and the “imaginary”, to develop a particular perspective towards this question: How is the dualism of inside-outside created in different contexts throughout the Ottoman history, so that this dualism could give birth to Ottoman subjectivity? Taking the two Lacanian concepts as a base, I analyze the instruments that play the role of “thresholds” in the formation of the dualism of “inside-outside”, under two general headings: The “real thresholds” and the “imaginary thresholds”. To put in a very brief manner, a “real threshold” is born out of any material obstacle that puts restrictions of any kind to the abilities of human body (natural obstacles like mountains, rivers and oceans, as well as designed obstacles like any object of war architecture, for instance, fall into this heading). Imaginary thresholds, on the other hand, are the “images of selves” that reflect back to us on the social ground, just in the same manner as our mirror-images come back to us and provide us with a subjective feeling of self (like the diplomatic texts and the mythologies). Although I borrow the two Lacanian terms (i.e. real and imaginary) to build up a theory of thresholds, I do not hesitate to bend and reshape those concepts whenever necessary, to build the conceptual tools into a rather ergonomic manner.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra
Tekinsiz nesne: zenofobinin Lacancı analizi
The study aims to define xenophobia, which is attached such meanings as ءhostility against foreign people̕ or ءfear of alien people̕, through the main concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. The ءfear of/hostility against foreign people̕ is treated, in this study, by references to the subject-object relation formulated in Psychoanalysis. The study aims to give an original account of the spiral of subject-object through such concepts as ءpolarization̕, ءannexation̕, and ءergonomy̕. Under the light of this account, an attempt follows to recast the term xenophobia. The analysis focuses on three main historical lines, to check the account of the term set down in the study, as well as to fortify and clarify its limits: Capitalism, industrialization and nationalism. As a conclusion, the study maintains that both xenos (stranger) and fear dwell within the subjective field. Accordingly, the study concludes that xenophobia originates not from the ءprimary qualities̕ of the object of fear/hatred (xenophile), but from the deepest ranges of the subjectivity of fear/hatred (xenophobe). Hence, it is asserted that xenophobia is a subjective delirium, rather than an objective formBu çalışma, genellikle ‘yabancı insanlara karşı duyulan nefret’ veya ‘yabancı insan korkusu’ gibi anlamlar verilen zenofobi kavramını, Lacancı Psikanalizin ana kavramlarıyla tanımlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, ‘yabancı düşmanlığını/korkusunu’, Psikanalitik kuramda formüle edilen özne-nesne ilişkisine göndermeler yaparak işlemektedir. Psikanalitik kuramda ifade bulan özne-nesne sarmalı, ‘polarizasyon’, ‘ilhak’ ve ‘ergonomi’ gibi kavramlar yardımıyla özgün bir çerçeveye oturtulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Daha sonra, bu çerçeve ışığında, zenofobi kavramı yeniden tanımlanmaktadır. Analiz, hem xenofobi kavramının burada yapılan tanımını sınamak, hem de bu tanımın sınırlarını belirlemek/güçlendirmek amacıyla, üç tarihsel çizgi üzerinde odaklanmaktadır: Kapitalizm, endüstrileşme ve milliyetçilik. Sonuç olarak, hem yabancının hem de ona iliştirilen korkunın öznel alanda ikamet ettiği savı ortaya atılmaktadır. Buna paralel olarak, şöyle bir sav geliştirilmektedir: Zenofobi kaynağını korku/nefret nesnesinin ‘birincil niteliklerinden’ (xenophile) değil, öznelliğin en derin yörelerinden almaktadır. Dolayısıyla zenofobinin dışsal bir form değil, öznel bir hezeyan olduğu ileri sürülmektedir.M.S. - Master of Scienc
Revisiting the complex architecture of ALS in Turkey: Expanding genotypes, shared phenotypes, molecular networks, and a public variant database
The last decade has proven that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous, and that the genetic component in sporadic cases might be stronger than expected. This study investigates 1,200 patients to revisit ALS in the ethnically heterogeneous yet inbred Turkish population. Familial ALS (fALS) accounts for 20% of our cases. The rates of consanguinity are 30% in fALS and 23% in sporadic ALS (sALS). Major ALS genes explained the disease cause in only 35% of fALS, as compared with similar to 70% in Europe and North America. Whole exome sequencing resulted in a discovery rate of 42% (53/127). Whole genome analyses in 623 sALS cases and 142 population controls, sequenced within Project MinE, revealed well-established fALS gene variants, solidifying the concept of incomplete penetrance in ALS. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with whole genome sequencing data did not indicate a new risk locus. Coupling GWAS with a coexpression network of disease-associated candidates, points to a significant enrichment for cell cycle- and division-related genes. Within this network, literature text-mining highlightsDECR1, ATL1, HDAC2, GEMIN4, andHNRNPA3as important genes. Finally, information on ALS-related gene variants in the Turkish cohort sequenced within Project MinE was compiled in the GeNDAL variant browser (www.gendal.org).Bogazici University; Suna and Inan Kirac Foundatio