659 research outputs found

    Simulation based estimation of threshold moving average models with contemporaneous shock asymmetry

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    Persistence of shocks to macroeconomic time series may differ depending on the sign or on whether a threshold value is crossed. For example, positive shocks to gross domestic product may be more persistent than negative shocks. Threshold (or asymmetric) moving average (TMA) models, by explicitly taking into account threshold behavior, can help discriminate whether there exists persistence asymmetry. Recently, building on the works of Wecker (1981, JASA, 76(373)) and De Gooijer (1998, JTSA, 19(1)) among others, Guay and Scaillet (2003, JBES, 21(1)) proposed TMA model in which both contemporaneous and lagged asymmetric effects are present and provided indirect inference framework for estimation and testing. This paper builds on their work and examines the properties of efficient method of moments (EMM) estimation of TMA class of models using Monte Carlo simulation experiments. The model is also applied to analyze the persistence properties of shocks in Turkish business cycles.Threshold moving average models, contemporaneous asymmetry, persistence of shocks, Efficient Method of Moments

    Warped product skew semi-invariant submanifolds of order 1 of a locally product Riemannian manifold

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    We introduce warped product skew semi-invariant submanifolds of order 11 of a locally product Riemannian manifold. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for skew semi-invariant submanifold of order 1 to be a locally warped product. We also prove that the invariant distribution which is involved in the definition of the submanifold is integrable under some restrictions. Moreover, we find an inequality between the warping function and the squared norm of the second fundamental form for such submanifolds. Equality case is also discussed

    The Geometry Of Hemi-Slant Submanifolds of a Locally Product Riemannian Manifold

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    In the present paper, we study hemi-slant submanifolds of a locally product Riemannian manifold. We prove that the anti-invariant distribution which is involved in the definition of hemi-slant submanifold is integrable and give some applications of this result. We get a necessary and sufficient condition for a proper hemi-slant submanifold to be a hemi-slant product. We also study this type submanifolds with parallel canonical structures. Moreover, we give two characterization theorems for the totally umbilical proper hemi-slant submanifolds. Finally, we obtain a basic inequality involving Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature of a hemi-slant submanifold of a certain type locally product Riemannian manifold

    Hero Teachers in the Turkish Historical Novels

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    An analysis of the hero teachers in the Turkish historical novels is put into three groups. These are the teachers of sultan, the teachers of medrese and the teachers teaching private courses. The topics abaout the teachers of sultans in these novels do not take much place, but the topics about the medrese teachers are intensively written. The charecters of the medrese teachers in these novels are reflected positively. The teachers teaching private courses in the Turkish historical novels are usually seen in the palaces and villas. Most of the teachers teaching private courses are expert in their fields, loyal to their jobs, helpful to their students, honest and reliable

    Intellectuals Joining The Çanakkale Battles in Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu and Çanakkale Mahşeri

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    Çanakkale Muharebeleri, yakın çağ Türk tarihinin en önemli olaylarından birisidir. Türkler bu savaşta birçok kayıp vermişlerdir. Bunlar içinde gönüllü aydınlar önemli bir yer teşkil eder. Bu önemli savaş, edebiyatımızda şiir, hikaye, tiyatro ve romanlara da konu olmuştur. Mehmet Niyazi'nin Çanakkale Mahşeri ve Buket Uzuner'in Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu romanları da Çanakkale Savaşları'nı konu alırlar. Bu romanlarda gönüllü aydınlar dikkat çeker. Mehmet Niyazi'nin Çanakkale Mahşeri'nde tıbbiyeli ve medreseli gönüllüler; Buket Uzuner'in Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu'sunda hukukçular öne çıkarlar. Her iki romanda da gönüllü aydınlar, farklı eğitim aldıkları halde savaşta diğer askerler gibi canla başla çarpışırlar. Çanakkale Battles occupy an İnıportant place in Near Age Turkish History. During these Battles, thousands of people and soldiers lost their lifers, considerable members of w hi ch were intellectuals. The battles have been handled in many stories, novels, poems and plays. Mehmet Niyazi in his Çanakkale Mahşeri and Buket Uzuner in her Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu treat the same subject. The focus in both novels is on the intellectual fıgures who joins the army voluntarily. In Çanakkale Mahşeri the intellectuals are mostly doctors and teachers and in Uzun Beyaz Bulut-Gelibolu they are lawyers. Although with no military background, they fıght as brave and skillfully as the other soldiers