114 research outputs found

    The Individual, Community and Society: Rights and Responsibilities from an Anthropological Perspective

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    Regulation of Carotenoid Composition and Shoot Branching in Arabidopsis by a Chromatin Modifying Histone Methyltransferase, SDG8

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    Carotenoid pigments are critical for plant survival, and carotenoid composition is tuned to the developmental stage, tissue, and to environmental stimuli. We report the cloning of the CAROTENOID CHLOROPLAST REGULATORY1 (CCR1) gene. The ccr1 mutant has increased shoot branching and altered carotenoid composition, namely, reduced lutein in leaves and accumulation of cis-carotenes in dark-grown seedlings. The CCR1 gene was previously isolated as EARLY FLOWERING IN SHORT DAYS and encodes a histone methyltransferase (SET DOMAIN GROUP 8) that methylates histone H3 on Lys 4 and/or 36 (H3K4 and H3K36). ccr1 plants show reduced trimethyl-H3K4 and increased dimethyl-H3K4 surrounding the CAROTENOID ISOMERASE (CRTISO) translation start site, which correlates with low levels of CRTISO mRNA. Microarrays of ccr1 revealed the downregulation of 85 genes, including CRTISO and genes associated with signaling and development, and upregulation of just 28 genes. The reduction in CRTISO transcript abundance explains the altered carotenoid profile. The changes in shoot branching are additive with more axillary branching mutants, but the altered carotenoid profile may partially affect shoot branching, potentially by perturbed biosynthesis of the carotenoid substrates of strigolactones. These results are consistent with SDG8 regulating shoot meristem activity and carotenoid biosynthesis by modifying the chromatin surrounding key genes, including CRTISO. Thus, the level of lutein, the most abundant carotenoid in higher plants that is critical for photosynthesis and photoprotection, appears to be regulated by a chromatin modifying enzyme in Arabidopsis thaliana

    Transcriptome and phytohormone changes associated with ethylene-induced onion bulb dormancy

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    Control of dormancy and sprouting in onion bulbs is commercially important for postharvest management. Although ethylene application is sometimes used to extend dormancy, the underlying mechanisms regulating dormancy transition remain unclear. Since the sprout leaves emerge from the bulb baseplate, we used this tissue to assess the impact of ethylene treatment and storage time on the hormone profile and the transcriptome. Reads from 30 libraries were assembled and annotated, with 94,840 unigenes retained after filtering. The de novo transcriptome assembly was of high quality and continuity (N50: 1809 bp, GC content: 36.21 %), and was used to analyse differential expression and Gene Onotologies. Across two years, applied ethylene resulted in delayed dormancy break and reduced post-dormancy sprout vigour. Ethylene supplementation enhanced endogenous ethylene production and caused a transient climacteric-like increase in respiration. Significant changes in hormone and associated transcript profiles occurred through storage and in response to ethylene. In particular, abscisic acid (ABA) and its metabolite phaseic acid (PA) increased under ethylene during the longer dormancy period; however, cytokinin increases observed during storage appeared largely independent of ethylene treatment. Several hormone-related transcripts showed differential expression over time and/or in response to ethylene. Expression of ethylene biosynthesis (ACO), receptor (EIN4) and transcription factor (EIL3) genes were modified by ethylene, as were ABA biosynthesis genes such NCED, and cytokinin biosynthesis genes such as LOG and CKX. We conclude that ethylene substantially modifies expression of genes in several phytohormone pathways, and some of these changes may underlie the dormancy-extending effects of exogenous ethylene

    A member of the TERMINAL FLOWER1/CENTRORADIALIS gene family controls sprout growth in potato tubers

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    Potato tuber bud dormancy break followed by premature sprouting is a major commercial problem which results in quality losses and decreased tuber marketability. An approach to controlling premature tuber sprouting is to develop potato cultivars with a longer dormancy period and/or reduced rate of sprout growth. Our recent studies using a potato diploid population have identified several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that are associated with tuber sprout growth. In the current study, we aim to characterize a candidate gene associated with one of the largest effect QTLs for rapid tuber sprout growth on potato chromosome 3. Underlying this QTL is a gene encoding a TERMINAL FLOWER 1/CENTRORADIALIS homologue (PGSC0003DMG400014322). Here, we use a transgenic approach to manipulate the expression level of the CEN family member in a potato tetraploid genotype (cv. Désirée). We demonstrate a clear effect of manipulation of StCEN expression, with decreased expression levels associated with an increased rate of sprout growth, and overexpressing lines showing a lower rate of sprout growth than controls. Associated with different levels of StCEN expression were different levels of abscisic acid and cytokinins, implying a role in controlling the levels of plant growth regulators in the apical meristem

    Nitrate modulates stem cell dynamics in Arabidopsis shoot meristems through cytokinins

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    The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is responsible for the generation of all the aerial parts of plants. Given its critical role, dynamical changes in SAM activity should play a central role in the adaptation of plant architecture to the environment. Using quantitative microscopy, grafting experiments, and genetic perturbations, we connect the plant environment to the SAM by describing the molecular mechanism by which cytokinins signal the level of nutrient availability to the SAM. We show that a systemic signal of cytokinin precursors mediates the adaptation of SAM size and organogenesis rate to the availability of mineral nutrients by modulating the expression of WUSCHEL, a key regulator of stem cell homeostasis. In time-lapse experiments, we further show that this mechanism allows meristems to adapt to rapid changes in nitrate concentration, and thereby modulate their rate of organ production to the availability of mineral nutrients within a few days. Our work sheds light on the role of the stem cell regulatory network by showing that it not only maintains meristem homeostasis but also allows plants to adapt to rapid changes in the environment

    2-Acetyl­pyridinium bromanilate

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    In the crystal of the title mol­ecular salt (systematic name: 2-acetyl­pyridinium 2,5-dibromo-4-hydr­oxy-3,6-dioxocyclo­hexa-1,4-dienolate), C7H8NO+·C6HBr2O4 −, centrosymmetric rings consisting of two cations and two anions are formed, with the components linked by alternating O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Short O⋯Br contacts [3.243 (2) and 3.359 (2) Å] may help to consolidate the packing

    Properties of local interactions and their potential value in complementing genome-wide association studies

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    Local interactions between neighbouring SNPs are hypothesized to be able to capture variants missing from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) via haplotype effects but have not been thoroughly explored. We have used a new high-throughput analysis tool to probe this underexplored area through full pair-wise genome scans and conventional GWAS in diastolic and systolic blood pressure and six metabolic traits in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966) and the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study cohort (ARIC). Genome-wide significant interactions were detected in ARIC for systolic blood pressure between PLEKHA7 (a known GWAS locus for blood pressure) and GPR180 (which plays a role in vascular remodelling), and also for triglycerides as local interactions within the 11q23.3 region (replicated significantly in NFBC1966), which notably harbours several loci (BUD13, ZNF259 and APOA5) contributing to triglyceride levels. Tests of the local interactions within the 11q23.3 region conditional on the top GWAS signal suggested the presence of two independent functional variants, each with supportive evidence for their roles in gene regulation. Local interactions captured 9 additional GWAS loci identified in this study (3 significantly replicated) and 73 from previous GWAS (24 in the eight traits and 49 in related traits). We conclude that the detection of local interactions requires adequate SNP coverage of the genome and that such interactions are only likely to be detectable between SNPs in low linkage disequilibrium. Analysing local interactions is a potentially valuable complement to GWAS and can provide new insights into the biology underlying variation in complex traits

    Dose-Dependent Effects of Endotoxin on Neurobehavioral Functions in Humans

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    Clinical and experimental evidence document that inflammation and increased peripheral cytokine levels are associated with depression-like symptoms and neuropsychological disturbances in humans. However, it remains unclear whether and to what extent cognitive functions like memory and attention are affected by and related to the dose of the inflammatory stimulus. Thus, in a cross-over, double-blind, experimental approach, healthy male volunteers were administered with either placebo or bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at doses of 0.4 (n = 18) or 0.8 ng/kg of body weight (n = 16). Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, norephinephrine and cortisol concentrations were analyzed before and 1, 1.75, 3, 4, 6, and 24 h after injection. In addition, changes in mood and anxiety levels were determined together with working memory (n-back task) and long term memory performance (recall of emotional and neutral pictures of the International Affective Picture System). Endotoxin administration caused a profound transient physiological response with dose-related elevations in body temperature and heart rate, increases in plasma interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), salivary and plasma cortisol, and plasma norepinephrine. These changes were accompanied by dose-related decreased mood and increased anxiety levels. LPS administration did not affect accuracy in working memory performance but improved reaction time in the high-dose LPS condition compared to the control conditon. In contrast, long-term memory performance was impaired selectively for emotional stimuli after administration of the lower but not of the higher dose of LPS. These data suggest the existence of at least two counter-acting mechanisms, one promoting and one inhibiting cognitive performance during acute systemic inflammation

    A somatic-mutational process recurrently duplicates germline susceptibility loci and tissue-specific super-enhancers in breast cancers

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    Somatic rearrangements contribute to the mutagenized landscape of cancer genomes. Here, we systematically interrogated rearrangements in 560 breast cancers by using a piecewise constant fitting approach. We identified 33 hotspots of large (>100 kb) tandem duplications, a mutational signature associated with homologous-recombination-repair deficiency. Notably, these tandem-duplication hotspots were enriched in breast cancer germline susceptibility loci (odds ratio (OR) = 4.28) and breast-specific 'super-enhancer' regulatory elements (OR = 3.54). These hotspots may be sites of selective susceptibility to double-strand-break damage due to high transcriptional activity or, through incrementally increasing copy number, may be sites of secondary selective pressure. The transcriptomic consequences ranged from strong individual oncogene effects to weak but quantifiable multigene expression effects. We thus present a somatic-rearrangement mutational process affecting coding sequences and noncoding regulatory elements and contributing a continuum of driver consequences, from modest to strong effects, thereby supporting a polygenic model of cancer development.DG is supported by the EU-FP7-SUPPRESSTEM project. SN-Z is funded by a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship (WT100183MA) and is a Wellcome Beit Fellow. For more information, please visit the publisher's website