29 research outputs found

    Symbol calculus and zeta--function regularized determinants

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    In this work, we use semigroup integral to evaluate zeta-function regularized determinants. This is especially powerful for non--positive operators such as the Dirac operator. In order to understand fully the quantum effective action one should know not only the potential term but also the leading kinetic term. In this purpose we use the Weyl type of symbol calculus to evaluate the determinant as a derivative expansion. The technique is applied both to a spin--0 bosonic operator and to the Dirac operator coupled to a scalar field.Comment: Added references, some typos corrected, published versio

    A Klein Gordon Particle Captured by Embedded Curves

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    In the present work, a Klein Gordon particle with singular interactions supported on embedded curves on Riemannian manifolds is discussed from a more direct and physical perspective, via the heat kernel approach. It is shown that the renormalized problem is well-defined, and the ground state energy is unique and finite. The renormalization group invariance of the model is discussed, and it is observed that the model is asymptotically free.Comment: Published version, 13 pages, no figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1202.356

    Relativistic Lee Model on Riemannian Manifolds

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    We study the relativistic Lee model on static Riemannian manifolds. The model is constructed nonperturbatively through its resolvent, which is based on the so-called principal operator and the heat kernel techniques. It is shown that making the principal operator well-defined dictates how to renormalize the parameters of the model. The renormalization of the parameters are the same in the light front coordinates as in the instant form. Moreover, the renormalization of the model on Riemannian manifolds agrees with the flat case. The asymptotic behavior of the renormalized principal operator in the large number of bosons limit implies that the ground state energy is positive. In 2+1 dimensions, the model requires only a mass renormalization. We obtain rigorous bounds on the ground state energy for the n-particle sector of 2+1 dimensional model.Comment: 23 pages, added a new section, corrected typos and slightly different titl

    A Study On Water Safety Educatıon For Chıldren For Drownıng Preventıon

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    Bu çalışma suda boğulma riskine karşı çocuklara karada su güvenliği eğitimi verilmesinin çocukların su güvenliği bilgilerinde anlamlı bir artış ve güvenli cankurtarma uygulamalarından olan halat fırlatma becerilerinde anlamlı bir gelişme yaratıp yaratmadığının incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya Ankara ilinden Polatlı ilçesi Tarım İşletmesi ve Atatürk Ortaokullarında 2013-2014 eğitim-öğretim yılında eğitim gören 56 sı erkek, 67 si kız, toplam 123 öğrenci ve Antalya ili Aksu ilçesi Çalkaya 75. Yıl Cumhuriyet Ortaokulunda eğitim gören 182 si erkek, 171 i kız, toplam 353 öğrenci ve genel toplamda 238 i erkek ve 238 i kız, toplam 476 öğrenci dâhil edilmiştir. Su güvenliği eğitim programı öncesinde öğrencilerin su güvenliği bilgileri ve halat fırlatma becerileri ön testler ile ölçülmüştür. Araştırmacı, öğrencilere su güvenliği konusunda yedi başlık altında ve doğru halat fırlatma tekniği hakkında beş hafta süren bir eğitim vermiştir. Verilen eğitimin ardından öğrencilere su güvenliği konusunda başlangıçta uygulanan ön testler ve halat fırlatma testi tekrarlatılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda eğitim verilen teorik konuların tamamında ve halat fırlatma becerisinde son testlerin lehine istatistiki olarak anlamlı farklar bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Teorik konuların son test ve ön test puanlarının fark analizi sonuçlarına göre şehir değişkeninde Antalya ilinden öğrencilerin lehine istatistiki olarak fark bulunurken, cinsiyet, yaş ve sınıf değişkenlerinde istatistiki olarak fark bulunmamıştır (p<0,05). Çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre teorik konularda öğrencilerin son testlerden aldıkları puanlar ön test puanlarına göre %23,6 ile %48,1 arasında artmıştır. Bu fark teorik konulara ait test puanlarının toplamında %32,0 dir. Halat fırlatma becerisinde son ve ön test puanlarının fark analizinde şehir değişkeninde Antalya ilinden, cinsiyet değişkeninde ise erkek öğrenciler lehine istatistiki olarak fark bulunurken, sınıf ve yaş değişkenlerinde istatistiki olarak bir fark bulunmamıştır (p<0,05). Doktora tez çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre araştırma için hazırlanan ve karada uygulanan su güvenliği eğitim paketi ile çocukların yaşadıkları şehir, cinsiyet ve okudukları sınıf değişkenleri fark etmeksizin çocukların su güvenliğine dair bilgilerinde ve halat fırlatma becerilerinde istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir artış sağlamak mümkündür.This study was conducted to examine whether a land based water safety education program can significantly increase the knowledge levels of students about the risk of drowning and the lifeline throwing skills of children which is a safe approach to help drowning victims. 123 students, 56 of these male and 67 female, from Tarim İsletmesi and Atatürk Secondary Schools in Polatli (Ankara), and 353 students from Calkaya 75. Yıl Cumhuriyet Secondary School in Aksu (Antalya), 182 male and 171 female ones, took part in this study. Altogether the study is then based on 476 students of which 238 were males and 238 females. Water safety knowledge levels and lifeline throwing skills of students were measured with pretests prior to the water safety education program. The researcher trained the students about water safety under seven subtitles during a five weeks program which included lifeline throwing training, too. Following the water safety education program, the levels of water safety knowledge and lifeline throwing skills of students were measured with the same tests which were applied prior to the research. According to the results of statistical analysis, there were significant differences to be found between the results of post and pretests in all subtitles of the theoretical water safety education program and also in the lifeline throwing test. Analysis showed that on the one hand there were significant differences in relation to the variable city in favor of the students from Antalya. On the other hand, no differences were found in relation to the variables gender , age / year of birth , and grade (p<0,05). Points in posttest increased in a range of between 23.6% and 48.1% compared to the points of pretests. The average increase was measured at 32 %. For lifeline throwing there were significant differences in relation to the variables city and gender , in favor of students from Antalya and male students, respectively, but no differences were found in relation to the variables age / year of birth , and grade (p<0,05). According to the results of this dissertation, it is possible to increase the level of knowledge about water safety and lifeline throwing skills of children with a land based water safety education program without significant differences between variable groups such as city , gender , age / year of birth , and grade


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    Aim of this study is to define the general profile of enterprises in water based recreation branch in Antalya. A total of 340 water based recreation enterprises which serve on water (286), under water (130), in rafting (36) and in canoe (2)branches as data of Antalya Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism is the population of this study. Sampling group of this study is formed by using simple random sampling method. 122 volunteer enterprises which are serving in water based recreation in different places of Antalya were included. As data collecting tool for this descriptive study, a questionnaire form which was developed by researchers was applied by using the interview technique. The survey included totally nine questions to find out the field of activity, cost of investment, place and age of enterprises, problems they meet, approach to customer satisfaction supervision, and characteristics of human resources. Data which was collected from survey was analyzed byusing descriptive analyses such as frequency (f), percentage (%), mean, and standard deviation (SS). As a result of this study; it was found that most of enterprises are in the business for over 11 years; most of them are renters of state or in hotels; entrepreneurs meet some bureaucratic and financial difficulties in the process of foundation and business; most of entrepreneurs expect recession in the next future; customer satisfaction is measured mostly by observation of managers or chiefs, and interview with costumers

    Determining the profile of recreational fishers and hunters: Comparison of these person’s fishing/hunting consciousness with respect to some demographics variableRekreatif olarak balıkçılık ve kara avcılığı ile uğraşanların profilleri: Bu bireylerin avlanma bilinç düzeylerinin çeşitli demografik değişkenlere göre karşılaştırılması

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    The aim of this study is to determine the profile of Recreational Fishers (RBL) and Hunters (RAV); to compare their consciousness which can be affective on environment in relation to hunting / fishing and demographic variables.The research consists of RBL and RAV. An electronic survey form which was prepared and sent to all members of groups and clubs of fishing/hunting by using social media. Female participants were excluded in statistical analyses process because of lacking participation. According to the results, it can be claimed that both RBL and RAV are aware of what fishing/hunting is and its sustainability and its effect on environment. Married participants compared to singles, young participants compared to older participants and participants who live in rural compared to participants who live in urban are more sensitive and aware of the effect of fishing/hunting on environment. Participants in both education groups have enough awareness of the effect of fishing/hunting. Furthermore,  as history (years) and the frequency of fishing/hunting increase, the awareness and sensitivity of participants on the effect of fishing/hunting on environment increases. ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı rekreatif balıkçılar (RBL) ve rekreatif kara avcılarının (RAV) profillerinin belirlenmesi; avcıların avlanmanın ekolojik yapı üzerine olabilecek etkilerine yönelik bilinçlerinin avlanma türü ve demografik özelliklerine göre karşılaştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışmanın evreni Türkiye’de sayıları kesin olarak belirlenemeyen balıkçılık ve avcılık ile rekreatif olarak uğraşan bireylerden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma tanımlayıcı bir çalışma olup, veri toplama aracı olarak dijital bir anket formu kullanılmış ve anket sosyal medyada yer alan balıkçı/avcı kulüp ve gruplarına gönderilmiştir. Geri dönen tüm anketler değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Çalışmaya yeterli düzeyde bayan katılmadığı için cevap veren bayan katılımcılar istatistiki analizlerde kapsam dışında tutulmuştur.  Çalışmada RAV ve RBL’lerin yeterli düzeyde avlanma bilincine sahip oldukları, bireyin eğitim düzeyinin artmasıyla bu bilincin arttığı, medeni durumun bilinç konusunda anlamlı bir farklılık yaratmadığı fakat evlilerin daha duyarlı oldukları, kentte yaşama, yaş, avlanma süresi ve sıklığı arttıkça avlanma bilincinin de arttığı sonucuna varılmıştır