38 research outputs found

    Physical and Mental Stress in Work Activities

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    Assessment of Employees Physical Stress in the Repair and Cleaning of Metal Components

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    Každá pracovná činnosť viac alebo menej spôsobuje zaťaženie organizmu človeka. Fyzická záťaž je súčasťou pracovnej záťaže a spolu so záťažou psychickou a senzorickou sa podieľajú na celkovom zaťažení ľudského organizmu pri vykonávaní pracovnej činnosti. Pri fyzickej záťaži hodnotíme celkovú fyzickú záťaž, ktorá predstavuje zaťaženie svalstva horných aj dolných končatín, veľkých svalových skupín a lokálnu svalovú záťaž, teda zaťažovanie malých svalových skupín, napr. svalov predlaktia a ruky. K častým pracovným činnostiam patrí práca s predmetmi (bremenami). Cieľom tohto príspevku je posúdenie fyzickej záťaže zamestnancov pracujúcich s bremenami a navrhnúť vhodné ergonomické a organizačné opatrenia.Each working activity more or less causes the load of human organism. Physical stress is part of the workload and, together with sensory and mental load is involved in the total human body in performing the work. During physical activity we take measure total physical load representing the upper and lower limbs, large muscle groups and local muscular load. This is representing a loading of small muscle groups, for example muscles of the forearm and hand the common work activities include work with objects (loads). The aim of this paper is to assess physical stress of employees working with several loads and suggest ergonomic and organizational measures

    Quality Assessment of the University Classroom Lighting - A Case Study

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    The purpose of this study is to prove that the quality of the school environment significantly influences students’ academic performance. The factors affecting the work environment are accurate lighting which plays an important role in visual tasks, resulting in either visual comfort or visual fatigue. This study presents the results of lighting objectification of a selected university classroom. Specifically, it focuses on detection of the daylight factor, which is a significant criterion for the amount of daylight in the classroom. Its value is a relative magnitude and depends on the correct spatial layout of the classroom. The results of the study indicate the insufficient values of this indicator. At the end, with a software, the solution for replacing the artificial lighting in the classroom is designed, which is a possible alternative for improving the visual comfort of the classroom

    Štúdium iniciačných zdrojov drevných prachov

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    Education of employees and preparation safety standards for operating equipment

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    Oblasť bezpečnosti stroja postihuje celý životný cyklu stroj, od projektovania, návrhu, výroby, inštalácii, nastavovania, prevádzky, údržby až po likvidáciu. V článku je pojednané na konkrétnom prípade spôsob spracovania bezpečnostného štandardu pre drevoobrábací stroj. Cieľom bolo, aby inštrukcie dané obsluhujúcemu zamestnancovi boli prehľadné, jednoznačné, zrozumiteľné a dostatočnéSecurity machinery area affects the entire life cycle of the machine, the design, the design, manufacture, installation, adjustment, operation, maintenance and disposal. This paper is described in a particular case, the method of processing safety standard for woodworking machines. The aim was to make the servicing staff instructions were clear, unambiguous, clear and sufficien

    Využitie nových metód pri hodnotení ergonomických rizík

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    Application of New Methods in the Evaluation of Ergonomic Risk

    Evaluation of Physical and Chemical Factors of Wood Dust

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    V drevospracujúcom priemysle významné postavenie majú drevné prachy, ktoré možno hodnotiť podľa nebezpečných vlastností z rôznych hľadísk. Prvým je nebezpečnosť charakterizovaná požiarno-technickými vlastnosťami a k druhým patria hygienicko-zdravotné hľadiská. Hoci každé z nich predstavuje osobitnú sféru záujmu, spoločným rysom na takýchto pracoviskách je zabezpečiť také pracovné prostredie, ktoré zodpovedá požiadavkám zdravotnej bezpečnosti a technickej bezpečnosti pri práci.In wood-processing industry important position belongs to the wood dusts. They can be evalu-ated according hazardous properties, physical and chemical, of two ways. The first is characterized as a fire-technical properties and the second way includes the health aspects. Although each of which represents a particular sphere of interest, a common feature in such works is to ensure a working environment that meets the requirements of public health and technical safety

    Study of thermal stability of PVC cable

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    Polyméry patria k najrozšírenejším organickým horľavým látkám. S ich využitím sú spojené takmer všetky oblasti ľudskej činnosti, preto štúdium ich vlastností, vrátane ich teplotnej degradácie, je dôležitým predmetom výskumu. K tomu slúžia mnohé metódy ako termogravimetria (TG) a diferenčná snímacia kalometria (DSC). Tieto termoanalytické metódy boli použité na štúdium termickej stability komerčného PVC kábla.The polymers are the most extensive organic combustible materials. There are connected all areas of human activity with them used, so the study of their properties is the important point of research, including the thermal degradation, too. With their are used many testing methods so Thermogravimetrics (TG) and Diferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). These methods were applied to study of thermal stability of commercial PVC cable

    Impact of liquid level of flammable liquid on the burning rate

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    Rýchlosť odhorievania horľavých látok je jedným zo základných hodnotiacich parametrov horľavých látok. Je dôležitou veličinou aj pri matematických výpočtoch na odhad správania sa látok pri horení. Horenie horľavých kvapalín, charakterizované rýchlosťou odhorievania, je ovplyvňovaný množstvom faktorov. Sú to geometria nádoby, fyzikálne a chemické vlastnosti kvapaliny, odvetranie, povaha hraničiacich materiálov a ďalšie. Štúdium rýchlosti odhorievania kvapaliny (v našom prípade etanolu) a jej závislosť od výšky hladiny je predmetom predkladaného príspevku.The Burning rate of flammable substances is one of the basic evaluative parameters of flammable substances. It is also important variable in the mathematical calculations to estimate the behavior of substances during combustion. Combustion of fl ammable liquids, characterized by burning rate is influenced by many factors. Those are the geometry of the container, the physical and chemical properties of liquid, ventilation, nature of border materials and more. Investigation of burning speed of liquid (in our case ethanol) and its dependence on liquid level is the subject of the submitted post

    Ignition of Deposited Wood Dust Layer by Selected Sources

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    The main waste of wood sanding technology is wood dust. The formation of wood dust affects its behaviour. Wood dust can be in a turbulent form and behaves explosively or in a settled form where it becomes flammable. Dust particles are barely detectable by the naked eye, wood dust still presents substantial health, safety, fire and explosion risks to employees. This article deals with the evaluation of ignition temperature and surface temperature of deposited wood dust samples by selected ignition sources. The influence of selected physical properties of wood dust, the size of the contact area between the ignition source and the combustible material, the spatial arrangement during the ignition and the application time of the ignition source are analysed. The paper describes the behaviour of a 15 mm deposited layer of wood dust of spruce (Picea abies L.), beech (Fagus silvatica L.). oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) caused by three potential ignition sources—a hot surface, an electric coil and a smouldering cigarette. Prior to the experimental determination of the ignition temperature, dust moisture content which did not significantly affect the ignition phase of the samples, as well as sieve analysis of tested samples were determined. The lowest minimum ignition temperature on the hot plate, as an important property of any fuel, because the combustion reaction of the fuel becomes self-sustaining only above this temperature, was reached by the oak dust sample (280 °C), the highest by the spruce dust sample (300 °C). The ignition process of wood dust was comparable in all samples, differing in the ignition time and the area of the thermally degraded layer. The least effective ignition source was a smouldering cigarette