2,887 research outputs found

    The impact of excess rainfall on the maximum flow rate in the upper and middle basin of Prahova River

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    The present paper analyzes the impact of excess rainfall on the maximum flow rate in the upper and middle basin of Prahova River. In the last centuries, the upper and middle basin of the Prahova River has been increasingly affected by floods, which have had importand social and economic consequences, for this reason, this study is focused on the impact of the excess rainfall over the maximum flow rate and also the spatial and temporal variability of it, centered in the 1993-2013 period. The monthly and annual maximum flow data series from Bușteni and Câmpina hydrometic stations were capitalized through statistical analyzes. Maximum flows were reported at the tresholds values according to DEFENCE LEVELS. The purpose of the paper is to highlight how the maximum flow varies during the analysed period, to mark the floods that have taken place in this area, their impact on society and the environmnet, and also methods to combat negative effects

    Preliminary study of kaonic deuterium X-rays by the SIDDHARTA experiment at DAFNE

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    The study of the KbarN system at very low energies plays a key role for the understanding of the strong interaction between hadrons in the strangeness sector. At the DAFNE electron-positron collider of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati we studied kaonic atoms with Z=1 and Z=2, taking advantage of the low-energy charged kaons from Phi-mesons decaying nearly at rest. The SIDDHARTA experiment used X-ray spectroscopy of the kaonic atoms to determine the transition yields and the strong interaction induced shift and width of the lowest experimentally accessible level (1s for H and D and 2p for He). Shift and width are connected to the real and imaginary part of the scattering length. To disentangle the isospin dependent scattering lengths of the antikaon-nucleon interaction, measurements of Kp and of Kd are needed. We report here on an exploratory deuterium measurement, from which a limit for the yield of the K-series transitions was derived: Y(K_tot)<0.0143 and Y(K_alpha)<0.0039 (CL 90%). Also, the upcoming SIDDHARTA-2 kaonic deuterium experiment is introduced.Comment: Accepted by Nuclear Physics


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    Observations were made in 2016 in apple tree plantations, corn crops and cabbage crops belonging to the Vasile Adamachi farm, Iasi, Iasi County. The purpose of the paper was to compare the entomofauna by a number of 3 different crops as well as agroecosystem technology and conditions. The material was harvested using Barber soil traps from June until September inclusive. The collected material was cleaned of vegetal remains and was then prepared for identification at insect level. The analysis of the collected material shows that the specimens collected belong to the Hexapoda Class, with several orders of insects and the Arachnida Class, the Aranea order. Most of them belong to the Insecta class. The orders to which the species are collected are: Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, all of the Hexapoda class. Regarding the abundance of entomofauna on crops, it is found that most of the cabbage crops were collected (126) followed by apple crops (123) and then corn cultures (107).Â

    X-ray transition yields of low-Z kaonic atoms produced in Kapton

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    The X-ray transition yields of kaonic atoms produced in Kapton polyimide (C22H10N2O5) were measured for the first time in the SIDDHARTA experiment. X-ray yields of the kaonic atoms with low atomic numbers (Z = 6, 7, and 8) and transitions with high principal quantum numbers (n = 5-8) were determined. The relative yield ratios of the successive transitions and those of carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) and carbon-to-oxygen (C:O) were also determined. These X-ray yields provide important information for understanding the capture ratios and cascade mechanisms of kaonic atoms produced in a compound material, such as Kapton.Comment: Accepted in Nucl. Phys. A (2013

    First measurement of kaonic helium-3 X-rays

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    The first observation of the kaonic 3He 3d - 2p transition was made using slow K- mesons stopped in a gaseous 3He target. The kaonic atom X-rays were detected with large-area silicon drift detectors using the timing information of the K+K- pairs of phi-meson decays produced by the DAFNE e+e- collider. The strong interaction shift of the kaonic 3He 2p state was determined to be -2+-2 (stat)+-4 (syst) eV.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.


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    The remarks were made in 2016 in the fruit tree, pear, peach, vine plantations, corn crops and cabbage crops, in two stations, stationary Vasile Adamachi, Iasi Iasi county and Ezereni farm in the Miroslava, Iasi County. The purpose of the paper was to compare the entomofauna by a number of different agricultural and field cultures, different as well as agroecosystem technology and conditions.The material was collected using the entomological filet, from June until September inclusive.The collected material was cleaned of vegetal remains and was then prepared for identification at species level. The analysis of the collected material shows that the samples collected belong to the Hexapoda Class, with several insect orders and the Arachnida Class, the Aranea order and the Acari order. Most of them belong to the Insecta class. The orders to which the species are collected are: Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, all of the Hexapoda class. As regards the abundance entomofauna, cultures, it is found that the wheat had been collected the multiple copies (69) followed by the growing of maize (39) and then planting vine (29) and plantations apple (24)

    A New Measurement of Kaonic Hydrogen X rays

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    The KˉN\bar{K}N system at threshold is a sensitive testing ground for low energy QCD, especially for the explicit chiral symmetry breaking. Therefore, we have measured the KK-series x rays of kaonic hydrogen atoms at the DAΦ\PhiNE electron-positron collider of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, and have determined the most precise values of the strong-interaction energy-level shift and width of the 1s1s atomic state. As x-ray detectors, we used large-area silicon drift detectors having excellent energy and timing resolution, which were developed especially for the SIDDHARTA experiment. The shift and width were determined to be ϵ1s=283±36±6(syst)\epsilon_{1s} = -283 \pm 36 \pm 6 {(syst)} eV and Γ1s=541±89(stat)±22(syst)\Gamma_{1s} = 541 \pm 89 {(stat)} \pm 22 {(syst)} eV, respectively. The new values will provide vital constraints on the theoretical description of the low-energy KˉN\bar{K}N interaction.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Cercetări privind entomofauna de coleoptere (coleoptera) din unele culturi agricole din N-E Moldovei

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    The purpose of these research is to identify the useful entomofauna from the agricultural crops which have been taken for the study: maize and cabbage. The researches were carried out in the Adamachi station which belongs to “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Iasi, Romania. The biological material was sampled by means of the Barber soil traps from 3rd of June until 13th of September 2016. In total, 15 samples were made for every crop. The traps were placed every five in a row. To prevent the maceration of insects, a conservative liquid was used (water+ washing powder) in proportion of 16%. After finishing the experiments, the insects were bringing to the laboratory of Entomology in order to be counted and determined. From the Coleoptera order, the most dominant species are:-within the crop of maize: Amara aenea (Carabidae)-5 samples; Coccinella septempunctata (Coccinellidae)-15 samples;-within the crop of cabbage:Brachinus crepitans(Carabidae)-9 samples

    Fabrication and characterization of Ru-doped LiCuFe2O4 nanoparticles and their capacitive and resistive humidity sensor applications

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    Polycrystalline ruthenium-doped lithium-copper-ferrite ( Ru-LiCuFe2O4) nanoparticles (NPs) are synthesized using a simple and cost-effective chemical co-precipitation method and annealed at different temperatures for increasing the crystallinity. The transmission and scanning electron microscopy images have confirmed the presence of soft agglomerations and cuboids for the samples annealed at 1100 °C. X-ray photoelectron results along with Raman spectra have collectively demonstrated the presence of Ru in the structure of Ru-LiCuFe2O4 NPs. The dielectric properties of as-synthesized Ru-LiCuFe2O4 NPs are investigated using LCR meter where the smaller NPs demonstrates a higher dielectric constant. Also, the results of magnetic measurements of annealed Ru-LiCuFe2O4 NPs have corroborated a soft magnetic nature due to the pinning sites that endow lower coercivity, remanence and saturation magnetization than that of the pristine one. The variation of permittivity and electrical resistivity with respect to frequency under humidity conditions suggested that this material has a potential to use as capacitive and resistive humidity sensor. The results of this study open the doors for utilization of metal-doped magnetic ferrites for humidity sensing application

    Probing magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using polarization data from MIGHTEE

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    The detection and study of magnetic fields surrounding galaxies is important to understand galaxy evolution since magnetic fields are tracers for dynamical processes in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and can have a significant impact on the evolution of the CGM. The Faraday rotation measure (RM) of the polarized light of background radio sources passing through the magnetized CGM of intervening galaxies can be used as a tracer for the strength and extent of magnetic fields around galaxies. We use rotation measures observed by the MIGHTEE-POL (MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration POLarisation) survey by MeerKAT in the XMM-LSS and COSMOS fields to investigate the RM around foreground star-forming galaxies. We use spectroscopic catalogs of star-forming and blue cloud galaxies to measure the RM of MIGHTEE-POL sources as a function of the impact parameter from the intervening galaxy. We then repeat this procedure using a deeper galaxy catalog with photometric redshifts. For the spectroscopic star-forming sample we find a redshift-corrected |RM| excess of 5.6 +/- 2.3 rad m-2 which corresponds to a 2.5 sigma significance around galaxies with a median redshift of z = 0.46 for impact parameters below 130 kpc only selecting the intervenor with the smallest impact parameter. Making use of a photometric galaxy catalog and taking into account all intervenors with Mg < -13.6 mag, the signal disappears. We find no indication for a correlation between redshift and RM, nor do we find a connection between the total number of intervenors to the total |RM| . We have presented tentative evidence that the CGM of star-forming galaxies is permeated by coherent magnetic fields within the virial radius. We conclude that mostly bright, star-forming galaxies with impact parameters less than 130 kpc significantly contribute to the RM of the background radio source.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&