14 research outputs found

    The neurotoxic effect of chemical sympathectomy in the rat

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    Amaç: Guanethidine bir antihipertansif ilaç olup, beyin damarlarında yapısal değişikliklere neden olabilen yan etkileri vardır. Deneysel çalışmalarda kimyasal simpatektomi yapmak için kullanılmaktadır. Her iki durumda da özellikle etki alanları dışında nörotoksik etkisi ile ilgili bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle nörotoksik etkiye en duyarlı beyin bölgelerinde, histolojik yöntemle guanethidine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Erişkin sıçanlarda intraperitoneal olarak 10 mg/kg guanethidine ve kontrol grubunda aynı volümde serum fizyolojik (SF) 30 gün süre île tek doz uygulandı. Süre sonunda anestezi ile dekapite edilen denekler, kardiyak perfüzyon sonrasında beyinleri çıkartılarak parafine gömüldü. Histolojik kesitler ışık mikroskobu ile incelendi. Bulgular: SF verilen grupta toksik etkiye duyarlı truncus cerebri, cerebellum, cortex cerebri ve hippocampus alanlarında hiçbir patolojik değişikliğe rastlanmazken, Guanethidine uygulanan grupta bazı alanlarda hücre çevresindeki boşlukların arttığı, nükleusların kondanse olduğu, piknosize benzer yapının oluştuğu gözlendi. Sonuç: Guanethidine yan etkileri nedeniyle dikkatle kullanılması gereken bir ajan olarak klinikte ve olası nörotoksik etkisi nedeniyle de deneysel çalışmalarda sonuçların yorumlanmasında sorun oluşturabilecek potansiyele sahip gözükmektedir. Etki alanları dışında daha önce nörotoksik etkisi araştırılmamış bu maddenin, toksisitesi ile ilgili daha detaylı çalışmaların yapılması yararlı olacaktır.Objective: Guanethidine is an antihypertensive drug which can produce structural alterations on the vessels of the brain. It has also been used for the purpose of chemical sympathectomy in experimental studies. However there is little, if any, information on the neurotoxic effects of the drug except the regions where they exert their primary effects. Therefore we have conducted this study to histologically investigate the effects of guanethidine in regions most susceptible to neurotoxicity. Material and Methods: Desympathization was induced in mature rats by daily single intraperitoneal injection of 10 mg/kg of guanethidine for 30 days. Same volume of saline was injected the same way to control animals. Rats were euthanized with cardiac perfusion and brains were removed to be fixed in formaline and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were stained with H&E and examined under light microscope. Cell density was measured from selected vulnarable regions of the brain by morphometric methods. Findings: We fo an increase in pericytoplasmic area, nuclear condensation and picnosis-like changes in guanethidine group. There w no clear pathologic alterations in the brain stem, cerebellum, cerebral cortex and hippocampus in the control grc Results and Conclusion: Guanethidine needs to be used with caution clinically due to its side effects and experiment due to its possible neurotoxic effects which may confound interpretation of the findings. Further studies are requirei uncover the neurotoxic effects of the drug

    Sıçanlarada kimyasal simpatektominin nörotoksik etkisi

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    Objective: Guanethidine is an antihypertensive drug which can produce structural alterations on the vessels of the brain. It has also been used for the purpose of chemical sympathectomy in experimental studies. However there is little, if any, information on the neurotoxic effects of the drug except the regions where they exert their primary effects. Therefore we have conducted this study to histologically investigate the effects of guanethidine in regions most susceptible to neurotoxicity. Material and Methods: Desympathization was induced in mature rats by daily single intraperitoneal injection of 10 mg/kg of guanethidine for 30 days. Same volume of saline was injected the same way to control animals. Rats were euthanized with cardiac perfusion and brains were removed to be fixed in formaline and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were stained with H;E and examined under light microscope. Cell density was measured from selected vulnarable regions of the brain by morphometric methods. Findings: We fo an increase in pericytoplasmic area, nuclear condensation and picnosis-like changes in guanethidine group. There w no clear pathologic alterations in the brain stem, cerebellum, cerebral cortex and hippocampus in the control grc Results and Conclusion: Guanethidine needs to be used with caution clinically due to its side effects and experiment due to its possible neurotoxic effects which may confound interpretation of the findings. Further studies are requirei uncover the neurotoxic effects of the drug.Amaç: Guanethidine bir antihipertansif ilaç olup, beyin damarlarında yapısal değişikliklere neden olabilen yan etkileri vardır. Deneysel çalışmalarda kimyasal simpatektomi yapmak için kullanılmaktadır. Her iki durumda da özellikle etki alanları dışında nörotoksik etkisi ile ilgili bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle nörotoksik etkiye en duyarlı beyin bölgelerinde, histolojik yöntemle guanethidine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Erişkin sıçanlarda intraperitoneal olarak 10 mg/kg guanethidine ve kontrol grubunda aynı volümde serum fizyolojik (SF) 30 gün süre île tek doz uygulandı. Süre sonunda anestezi ile dekapite edilen denekler, kardiyak perfüzyon sonrasında beyinleri çıkartılarak parafine gömüldü. Histolojik kesitler ışık mikroskobu ile incelendi. Bulgular: SF verilen grupta toksik etkiye duyarlı truncus cerebri, cerebellum, cortex cerebri ve hippocampus alanlarında hiçbir patolojik değişikliğe rastlanmazken, Guanethidine uygulanan grupta bazı alanlarda hücre çevresindeki boşlukların arttığı, nükleusların kondanse olduğu, piknosize benzer yapının oluştuğu gözlendi. Sonuç: Guanethidine yan etkileri nedeniyle dikkatle kullanılması gereken bir ajan olarak klinikte ve olası nörotoksik etkisi nedeniyle de deneysel çalışmalarda sonuçların yorumlanmasında sorun oluşturabilecek potansiyele sahip gözükmektedir. Etki alanları dışında daha önce nörotoksik etkisi araştırılmamış bu maddenin, toksisitesi ile ilgili daha detaylı çalışmaların yapılması yararlı olacaktır

    Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Accelerates Cutaneous Wound Healing and Inhibits Pro-inflammatory Cytokines

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and other common treatment methods used in the process of wound healing in terms of the expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In the study, 24 female and 24 male adult Wistar-Albino rats were divided into five groups: (1) the non-wounded group having no incision wounds, (2) the control group having incision wounds, (3) the TENS (2 Hz, 15 min) group, (4) the physiological saline (PS) group and (5) the povidone iodine (PI) group. In the skin sections, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were assessed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemical methods. In the non-wounded group, the expression of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha signaling molecules was weaker in the whole tissue; however, in the control group, significant inflammatory response occurred, and strong cytokine expression was observed in the dermis, granulation tissue, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands (P < 0.05). In the TENS group, the decrease in TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 immunoreaction in the skin was significant compared to the other forms of treatment (P < 0.05). Distinctive decreases of pro-inflammatory cytokines observed in the dermis in the TENS group suggest that TENS shortened the healing process by inhibating the inflammation phase

    Immunohistochemical Changes after Metoclopramide Administration in Rat Brain Cells

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    Metoclopramide, used as an anti-emetic drug in clinical practice, has recently also begun being used to establish hyperprolactinemic effects in the breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential side-effects of metoclopramide applied in the lactation period in the central nervous system of infant rats. 18 female albino Wistar rats that had just given birth were divided into 3 groups together with their pups: Healthy controls, low-dose metoclopramide (10 mg/kg, twice per day i.p.) and a high-dose metoclopramide group (45 mg/kg, twice per day i.p.). Brain tissues from 6 pups from each mother were harvested at the end of the 21st day. Immunohistochemical technique was performed using dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neural growth factor (NGF), markers of extrapyramidal reaction in the brain, as signal molecules. Based on immunohistochemical results, DRD2 expression decreased only in the external pyramidal layer neurons in the high-dose infant group. Strong BDNF reaction was determined in pyramidal neurons in all layers in the control infant group, and decreased reaction was observed in the high- and low-dose groups. No significant difference was observed in NGF expression between the three groups. Since high-dose metoclopramide caused a decrease in DRD2 expression in the external pyramidal layer in the prefrontal cortex, and since both high and low doses reduced BDNF expression, care needs to be taken with the use of metoclopramide in the lactation period due to the possibility of extrapyramidal reactions in infants