63 research outputs found

    Nosocomial Infection Prevention Through Universal Precaution in YOGYAKARTA Muhammadiyah Hospital

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    Prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals can be done through the implementation of universal precaution program or action asepsis and antisepsis tapping. These actions undertaken by health workers, both nurses and physicians, universal precaution measures include: hand washing, use of gloves, use aseptic liquid, processing of used equipment and waste disposal. The purpose of this study to determine the prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals through universal precautions in hospitals Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta area. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative case study approach. Collecting data used techniques focus group discussions. Data analyzed using content analysis. The application of universal precautions in hospitals throughout Yogyakarta PKU show that health workers have attempted to implement universal precautions including hand washing action on the water flow, perform hand hygiene, and always tries to wear personal protective equipment. Nurses knowledge about nosocomial infections has been well and for prevention need to implement universal precautions. The attitude of nurses in implementing universal precautions have been good, to the extent responsible. Most hospitals have had the availability of facilities and support the implementation of universal precaution well, and partly still exist limitations in the availability of facilities and support the implementation of universal precaution

    Kedudukan Perempuan Bali yang Tercermin dalam Novel Tarian Bumi dan Tempurung Karya Oka Rusmini: sebuah Kritik Feminis

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    The aim of this research are to describe notch of Bali's woman in sociality, sexuality, and economy from the novel and how the implementation of Learning in university. The method used is a descriptive with qualitative form. The research approach is feminist literary criticism. The source of data in this research are Tarian Bumi and Tempurung Novel. The woman notch in sociality on the two of novel show the woman notch to be subordinated, exploited, and dominated. The woman notch in sexuality show a exploited to woman body. The woman notch in economy show the woman has dominated of family economy woman haven't rights of family inheritance. Based on the implementation of learning, the result of woman notch on novel can be learning material on the Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literary, on third semester, Courses of Literary Criticism with Feminist Literary Criticism

    Pengaruh Kekeringan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Tanaman Nyamplung (Callophylum Inophyllum L.) Dan Johar (Cassia Florida Vahl.) Dari Provenan Yang Berbeda

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    Nyamplung (Callophylum inophyllum L.) and johar (Cassia florida Vahl.) are alternative plants that are resistant to drought. Global warming that occurred in the last few years caused extreme climate change, one of which is drought. The purpose of this research were to examine and determine the growth and development of plants and the response of morphology, physiology, and anatomy of these plants to drought condition, and adaptive species to drought. This research used drought stress treatment for 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, and 40 days, while control plants were watered every 2 days. Each treatment used 3 replications. Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, proline levels, plant water content, total dry weight, root dry weight, stomata index, root anatomy, anatomy of stem, and leaf anatomy. Physiological data obtained were analyzed using T-test. The results showed that plants responded to drought stress by decreasing plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, root dry weight, total dry weight, water content of plants, transpiration rate, stomata lindex, root cortex thickness, leaf mesophyll thickness, leaf phloem thickness, other wise occurred increasing level of proline, root epidermis thickness, stem xylem diameter, stem cortical thickness and leaf xylem thickness. Johar plant was more adaptive plant to drought stress than nyamplung plant

    Struktur Komunitas Laba-laba Di Ekosistem Padi Ratun: Pengaruh Aplikasi Beauveria Bassiana (Balsamo)

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    Spiders are the main predators in paddy ecosystem. Application of entomopathogenic fungus, such as Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) is not expected to have any negative effect on spiders in the paddy field. This research was aimed to compare species composition, abundance, and species richness of spiders in ratoon paddy. The research was done on three hectares of rice fields that were treated with the following treatment, (i) 2 L/ha/application of liquid B. bassiana, (ii) 2 L/ha/application compost extract (without liquid B. bassiana), and (iii) a combination of liquid B. bassiana and compost extract with each using the same 2L/ha/application dose. The result of this research showed that B. bassiana bioinsecticide application did not affect the abundance and species richness of spiders in ratoon paddy. The treatments did not significantly affect species richness and abundance of the canopy-inhabiting spiders. The species richness and abundance of the soil-dwelling spiders on the paddy field applied by the bioinsecticide was not different from those without the bioinsecticide. The treatments did not effect species composition of the canopy-inhabiting and the soil-dwelling spiders. Application of B. bassiana bioinsecticide was not harmful for the spiders in the rice field

    Karakteristik Pemisahan Radiolutesium-177/177mlu dan Radioiterbium-169/175yb pada Kolom Resin Ln-eichrom

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    KARAKTERISTIK PEMISAHAN RADIOLUTESIUM- 177/177mLu DAN RADIOITERBIUM-169/175Yb PADA KOLOM RESIN LN-EICHROM. Radiolutesium-177Lu keradioaktifan jenis tinggi merupakan salah satu radiolantanida yang banyak digunakan untuk menangani berbagai kasus kanker, namun di Indonesia penggunaan radiofarmaka bertanda 177Lu belum dapat dijanjikan karena teknik produksi radioisotop primernya belum dikuasai. Prospek produksi 177Lu melalui reaksi inti 176Yb (n,g) 177Yb* à 177Lu* + β– dipelajari melalui metode pemisahan matrik 177/177mLu-169/175Yb/176Yb dalam sistem kromatografi kolom resin LN-Eichrom. Profil fraksinasi dan karakteristik pemisahan dipelajari dengan pemeriksaan keradioaktifan dan analisis spektro-metri-g terhadap hasil elusi larutan sasaran pasca iradiasi. Bahan sasaran digunakan 176Yb2O3 alam dan 176Lu2O3 diperkaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa radiolutesium-177/177mLu dapat dipisahkan dari matrik radioiterbium-169/175Yb/natYb melalui sistem kromatografi kolom dengan fase diam resin LN-Eichrom dan fase gerak larutan HNO3, dengan konsentrasi antara 1,5 – 4 M untuk mendapatkan pemisahan yang efektif, selektif dan kuantitatif. Reaksi inti 176Yb(n,g) 177Yb* à 177Lu + β– merupakan model reaksi inti yang perlu dipertimbangkan walau-pun harus melibatkan tahapan pemisahan produk 177Lu dari matrik sasaran Yb pasca iradiasi. Prosedur pemisahan yang dilakukan masih perlu diperbaiki melalui pemilihan jenis dan konsentrasi fase gerak pengelusi yang lebih tepat

    Bioesai Bioinsektisida Beauveria Bassiana Dari Sumatera Selatan Terhadap Kutu Putih Pepaya, Paracoccus Marginatus Williams & Granara De Willink (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)

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    In fresh swamp areas of South Sumatra, papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) could cause severe damage to young papaya trees and decreased the fruit quality. The objective of this research was to bioassay test of the bioinsecticide Beauveria bassiana againts nymphs of P. marginatus. B. bassiana was conducted on rice medium. The bioinsecticide was formulated using dried compost, compost gram, paddy ash, paddy bran, woody powder, paddy bran mixed with woody powder, compost enriched with Trichoderma virens. Controls used were sterile water (control 1) and isolate of B. bassiana (control 2). Results showed that conidial viability of B. bassiana on control 2 was the highest (46.33%). The viability of control 2 was not significantly different from the formulations with carrier of the paddy bran, the paddy bran mixed with woody powder, and the compost enriched with T. virens. The highest nymph mortality (82.86%) was found on formulation of compost enriched with T. virens and was significantly different from other treatments. The lowest visibly (73.48%) occured on formulation of paddy ash, and was significantly different from other treatments. Mortality on control 1 on average was 29.52%, whereas control 2 averaged of 75.71%. The shortest median lethal time (LT50) (3.55 days) was found on formulation of compost enriched with T. virens but the longest one (3.73 days) occured on the formulation of paddy ash. Overall, the most effective bioinsecticide was the formulation of compost enriched with T. virens

    Spesies Parasitoid Lipaphis Erysimi Asal Sumatera Selatan Dan Variasi Parasitisasinya Pada Tumbuhan Inang Yang Berbeda

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    Lipaphis erysimi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is one of the main insect pests on brassicaceous crops. Aphids attack crops by sucking sap from its hosts. Densed population in the initial phase of crop growth could inhibit growing, loss in yield up to 100%. Experiments were aimed to explore and identify species of L. erysimi parasitoid in highland areas of South Sumatra, and to determine potency of the parasitoids to parasitize L. erysimi in laboratory. The highest parasitism level of L. erysimi (72.40%) was found on 200 aphids which reared on B. juncea. While, the second highest parasitism level (65.67%) was found on N. indicum. The number of mummies found on N. indicum was less than on B. juncea. Of all observations, every treatment on every tested plant showed that female D. rapae emerged more than male D. rapae (female bias). The two parasitoids species that parasitized L. erysimi were Diaeretiella rapae and Aphidius sp. Parasitisation at several location in South Sumatera was highly diverse. D. rapae was the most abundant parasitoid species on several high lands at South Sumatera

    Protein oxidative damage in UV-related skin cancer and dysplastic lesions contributes to neoplastic promotion and progression

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    The ultraviolet (UV) component of solar radiation is the major driving force of skin carcinogenesis. Most of studies on UV carcinogenesis actually focus on DNA damage while their proteome-damaging ability and its contribution to skin carcinogenesis have remained largely underexplored. A redox proteomic analysis of oxidized proteins in solar-induced neoplastic skin lesion and perilesional areas has been conducted showing that the protein oxidative burden mostly concerns a selected number of proteins participating to a defined set of functions, namely: chaperoning and stress response; protein folding/refolding and protein quality control; proteasomal function; DNA damage repair; protein-and vesicle-trafficking; cell architecture, adhesion/extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction; proliferation/oncosuppression; apoptosis/survival, all of them ultimately concurring either to structural damage repair or to damage detoxication and stress response. In peri-neoplastic areas the oxidative alterations are conducive to the persistence of genetic alterations, dysfunctional apoptosis surveillance, and a disrupted extracellular environment, thus creating the condition for transformant clones to establish, expand and progress. A comparatively lower burden of oxidative damage is observed in neoplastic areas. Such a finding can reflect an adaptive selection of best fitting clones to the sharply pro-oxidant neoplastic environment. In this context the DNA damage response appears severely perturbed, thus sustaining an increased genomic instability and an accelerated rate of neoplastic evolution. In conclusion UV radiation, in addition to being a cancer-initiating agent, can act, through protein oxidation, as a cancer-promoting agent and as an inducer of genomic instability concurring with the neoplastic progression of established lesions

    Measurement of the evolving galaxy luminosity and mass function using clustering-based redshift inference

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    We develop a framework for using clustering-based redshift inference (cluster-z ) to measure the evolving galaxy luminosity function (GLF) and galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) using Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer W1 (3.4 ÎĽm) mid-infrared photometry and positions. We use multiple reference sets from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey, Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. Combining the resulting cluster-z s allows us to enlarge the study area, and by accounting for the specific properties of each reference set, making best use of each reference set to produce the best overall result
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