15 research outputs found

    Spatial Pattern of Standing Timber Value across the Brazilian Amazon

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    The Amazon is a globally important system, providing a host of ecosystem services from climate regulation to food sources. It is also home to a quarter of all global diversity. Large swathes of forest are removed each year, and many models have attempted to predict the spatial patterns of this forest loss. The spatial patterns of deforestation are determined largely by the patterns of roads that open access to frontier areas and expansion of the road network in the Amazon is largely determined by profit seeking logging activities. Here we present predictions for the spatial distribution of standing value of timber across the Amazon. We show that the patterns of timber value reflect large-scale ecological gradients, determining the spatial distribution of functional traits of trees which are, in turn, correlated with timber values. We expect that understanding the spatial patterns of timber value across the Amazon will aid predictions of logging movements and thus predictions of potential future road developments. These predictions in turn will be of great use in estimating the spatial patterns of deforestation in this globally important biome

    Omics-based molecular techniques in oral pathology centred cancer: Prospect and challenges in Africa

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    : The completion of the human genome project and the accomplished milestones in the human proteome project; as well as the progress made so far in computational bioinformatics and “big data” processing have contributed immensely to individualized/personalized medicine in the developed world.At the dawn of precision medicine, various omics-based therapies and bioengineering can now be applied accurately for the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and risk stratifcation of cancer in a manner that was hitherto not thought possible. The widespread introduction of genomics and other omics-based approaches into the postgraduate training curriculum of diverse medical and dental specialties, including pathology has improved the profciency of practitioners in the use of novel molecular signatures in patient management. In addition, intricate details about disease disparity among diferent human populations are beginning to emerge. This would facilitate the use of tailor-made novel theranostic methods based on emerging molecular evidences

    A peregrinação das gestantes no Município do Rio de Janeiro: perfil de óbitos e nascimentos La peregrinación de las gestantes en lo municipio del rio de janeiro: perfil de obitos y nacimiento The peregrination of the pregnants in rio de janeiro city: deaths and births profile

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    Trata-se de um estudo ecológico. Objetivou-se analisar as trajetórias dos nascimentos no município do Rio de Janeiro e identificar a relação entre oferta de serviços de saúde e fluxo de gestantes entre local de residência e a maternidade. Foram utilizados dados dos Sistemas de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) de 2004. O processamento e mapeamento dos dados foram feitos através do programa TabWin. O SINASC processou 99.042 declarações de nascidos vivos e o SIM processou 1.318 declarações de óbitos em menores de um ano no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Concluiu-se que a possibilidade de intervenção no perfil da mortalidade infantil e materna desloca-se cada vez mais para a esfera dos serviços de saúde, e o acesso à assistência de qualidade tem papel fundamental na determinação da mortalidade. Deve-se investigar a existência de desigualdades no acesso a tais serviços.<br>Tratase de un estudio ecológico que tiene como objetivo analizar las trayectorias de los nacimientos en lo Municipio del Rio de Janeiro y identificar la relación entre oferta de servicios de la salud y del flujo de gestantes entre el lugar de la residencia y la maternidad. Fueron utilizados los datos de los Sistemas de la Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM) y Nacidos Vivos (SINASC) de 2004. El proceso y el mapeamento de los datos fueron hechos a través del programa TabWin. El SINASC procesó 99.042 declaraciones de nacidos vivos y el SIM procesó 1.318 declaraciones de óbitos en menores de un año en lo Municipio del Rio de Janeiro. Concluyese que la posibilidad de intervención en el perfil de la mortalidad infantil y materna dislocase cada vez más para la esfera de los servicios de la salud, y el acceso a la asistencia de calidad tiene papel fundamental en la determinación de la mortalidad, débese, investigar la existencia de desigualdades en el acceso a tales servicios.<br>This ecological study presented analyze of the birth pathways in the Rio de Janeiro City and identification of the relationship between the health services offer and pregnant flow between their households and the maternity. It was used the data available in the Mortality Information System (MIS) and Live Birth Information System (LBIS) in 2004. The TabWin program processed the data and drew the maps. The LBIS processed 99,042 declarations of live birth and MIS processed 1,318 declarations of deaths in less than one year old in the Rio Janeiro City. The conclusion was that the possibility of intervention in the infantile and maternal mortality profile has happened at the health services, and the access to the quality assistance has fundamental hole in the mortality determination. The existence of access inequalities to the services must be investigated