15 research outputs found

    A Psychological Confrontation of Adolescents on Mass Media and Religious Practices, in Tamil Nadu, South India

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    India is an ancient, multi-cultural-religious country. The younger generations are much influenced by Mass Media in their expression of freedom, morality and religious practices, posing a challenge to combat. The question is: whether mass media always takes the Adolescents away from religious practices or does it contribute for its betterment? Hence, we intend to verify “the Psychological confrontation of the Adolescents of Tamil Nadu on mass media and religious practices” From the results of the data analysis we are given to know that the Adolescents in Tamil Nadu counterpoise European and American Experiments in the use of Mass Media

    Adolescent Sexual and Emotional Development: The Role of Romantic Relationships

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    The physiological processes occurring during adolescence, often so abrupt, threaten the permanence of the previously constructed sense of identity, questioning the patterns and representations that had governed the relations of the teenager with his body and with his relational systems. Although puberty is not only reduced to sexual transformations, definitions centered mainly on this aspect can be found in the literature. In fact, pubertal development is the acquisition disclosure index of adult reproductive capacity

    L’esperienza della maternità in adolescenza e le azioni di supporto al benessere psicologico e sociale

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    Lo scopo del presente lavoro è analizzare l’adattamento alla gravidanza e al ruolo genitoriale in adolescenza, presentando una panoramica delle recenti ricerche che ne hanno approfondito le conseguenze sullo sviluppo di madre e bambino. Muovendo dal rilievo dei costi psicosociali della genitorialità precoce, sono descritti, inoltre, i programmi di prevenzione che possono ridurre l’iniziazione ai comportamenti sessuali, aumentare l’uso dei contraccettivi e diminuire le gravidanze precoci nelle adolescenti e alcune strategie di intervento a sostegno della genitorialità, finalizzate a rafforzare la rete di protezione nei confronti delle giovani mamme

    The Psychological Dynamics Of Effective Teaching

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    In every professional field there are techniques and skills constantly developing day by day. Teaching is not merely a profession but also a passion for many as it is a sharing of the precious gift of one’s knowledge and ideas and one’s own self. ... “his heart lies in being an educator and doing something worthwhile” (Beetlestone 1998, p.IX). Hence there evolves a psychological dynamics of developing the entire person, the result of which is effective teaching. In this article we enumerate the qualities of teachers as educators, progressively making an educational presence in the lives of the students


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    Introduction The frequency-volume chart or micturition diary records a patient\u2019s voiding pattern during normal daily activities. In some women it may be therapeutic as it provides them with insight into their bladder behaviour. Since there is no a standardized voiding diary, this deficiency also embraces the pelvic dysfunctions that, especially in the female gender, are often associated with lower urinary tract symptom, such as pelvic abnormalities, urogenital pain syndromes, changes in bowel habit, and genital dysfunctions. The aim of this study was to formulate a comprehensive pelvic diary testing it on a selected population of healthy young female athletes in order to discover possible hidden pelvic dysfunctions. Matherials and methods The pelvic diary was designed after a structured literature review carried out from 1966 to December 2010 using MEDLINE via PubMed. In order to test this 7-day pelvic diary in a healthy control group a pilot observational prospective cohort study was planned, involving healthy young female athletes. Moreover all participants had to fill out the following validated symptom and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) questionnaires: ICI-Q SF, OAB-q Short Form, P-QOL, Wexner score. Continuous variables were reported as the mean value and standard deviation (SD). Results From January 2012 to March 2012 a 7-day pelvic diary and the validated questionnaires were mailed to 422 female athletes by post. Replies were received from 284 of them. The mean age was 24.9 years with a mean body mass index of 20.9. Most of them were either volleyball (60.4%) or basketball (26.4%) players. Mean urinary frequency was 5.4 \ub1 1.7. Mean compiled days were 6.4 \ub1 1.5 days. Mean daily urine volume was 1119 \ub1 600.9. Overall 46 subjects reported urinary incontinence episodes and 66 urgency. Moreover 12 athletes reported voiding problems. Concerning bowel symptom, 18 had faecal incontinence (77.8% gas incontinence) and 6 complained of pain during defecation. Regarding sexual and genital problems, 6 complained of dyspareunia and 10 had a \u201cfeeling of heaviness in the vaginal area\u201d. The mean Wexner score was 6.01; the mean OAB-q SF score was 6.2. Concerning P-OQL domains we recorded the following mean score values: general health 30.1 \ub1 10.18; prolapse impact 15.8 \ub1 12.4; role limitation 15.2 \ub1 13.0; physical limitation 14.9 \ub1 12.8; personal relationships 6.5 \ub1 11.2; emotions 15.4 \ub1 14.3; sleep/energy 14.5 \ub1 12.6; severity measures 15.6 \ub1 14. Discussion In the literature at least three different forms of diary were described, namely the \u201cmicturition time chart\u201d, \u201cthe frequency volume chart\u201d, and \u201cthe bladder diary. Increasing either the complexity of the diary or duration of recording is associated with poorer compliance. Despite the responsiveness of our study population was only 58.7%, most of the women who replied have completed all seven days of our pelvic diary. The low responsiveness could be due to the large amount of questionnaires to be filled out. Our diary allowed us to discover hidden pelvic dysfunctions that would otherwise have remained unrecognized, because of their low HR-QoL impact. Conclusion Our comprehensive pelvic diary allowed us to detect hidden pelvic dysfunctions in young healthy women like validated symptom questionnaries. Because a validated urinary diary does not currently exist in order to corroborate our preliminary results future steps will be to compare our pelvic questionnaire against an adequate gold standard such as the above mentioned validated symptom questionnaires

    Prevenzione degli incidenti aerei. La nuova normativa internazionale e dell'unione europea

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    La necessità di migliorare i livelli di sicurezza del volo nell’ambito dell’aviazione civile attraverso una sempre più efficace azione di prevenzione a tutto campo continua ad essere al centro dell’attenzione del legislatore internazionale (identificabile essenzialmente nell’ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization) e di quello dell’Unione europea. In tale contesto si collocano alcune recenti iniziative normative finalizzate, da un lato, a rendere più incisive le inchieste di sicurezza, dall’altro, a gettare le premesse per la creazione, a livello di istituzioni e di operatori del settore, di sistemi di prevenzione pro-attiva diffusi ed efficaci. In particolare, per quanto concerne le inchieste di sicurezza in campo aeronautico (quelle cioè che hanno esclusivamente finalità di prevenzione e non di accertamento di eventuali responsabilità), le novità più significative provengono dal regolamento UE n. 996/2010 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, che ha abrogato la direttiva 94/56/CE. Nel predetto regolamento, tra l’altro, si afferma il principio secondo cui il giusto equilibrio tra le esigenze della prevenzione e quelle di giustizia è fondamentale per garantire l’interesse pubblico generale. Coerentemente con tale affermazione e con il fine di evitare penalizzazioni al regolare svolgimento delle inchieste di sicurezza sono state emanate alcune disposizioni, che finiscono per interferire con le norme di procedura penale dei singoli Stati membri (Italia compresa), imponendo così a tutti gli operatori del diritto (magistrati in primis) di adeguarsi alle novità introdotte dal legislatore dell’Unione europea. Relativamente invece alle iniziative finalizzate a rendere più incisiva l’attività di prevenzione pro-attiva, le novità più importanti a livello normativo sono rappresentate dall’Allegato 19 “Safety Management” alla Convenzione relativa all’aviazione civile internazionale e dal regolamento UE n. 376/2014 concernente la segnalazione di taluni eventi nel settore dell’aviazione civile (occurrence reporting), che ha abrogato la direttiva 2003/42/CE. Il volume, attraverso i contributi di insigni giuristi e di operatori del diritto e del settore aeronautico, si prefigge l’obiettivo di approfondire le novità più importanti introdotte o in via di introduzione da parte delle predette fonti normative