33 research outputs found

    Dynamics of rheumatoid joint

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    In the present communication the recent works done by the Rheumatism Research Group of Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Okayama University, are described. The principal findings may briefly be summarized as follows. 1. Pathohistological pictures of the synovial membrane are classified into six types. Among them, Fibrinoid type and Follicular-Fibrosis type are the representative ones of chronic rheumatoid arthritis. 2. For the evaluation of the systemic as well as the local activities in rheumatoid arthritis and for judging the therapeutic effect, some indices have been established. 3. Injection of steroid hormones into the local joints fails to give satisfactory results in advanced, chronic rheumatoid arthritis. In such instances the flushing of the joint with physiological saline solution is effective. 4. In the case of chronic rheumatoid arthritis where the inflammation of hand and phalangeal joints is marked, RA-test gives rapid and more intense reaction, and most of such cases are of Follicular-Fibrosis type. 5. When lymph follicles appearing in the synovial membrane are stained when methyl green pyronine, the arrangement of lymphoid cells and plasma cells becomes distinctly clear. By micro-autoradiographic observations it can be seen that ³H-thymindine injected into the joint cavity is mostly ingested by the lymphoid cells in lymph follicles. 6. In the observation by the fluorescent antibody method multinuclear leucocytes found in the joint fluid and in the peripheral blood react with 19S and 7S-gamma-globulins. 7. When the serum and the joint fluid of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis are fractionated, they separate into three peaks at 19S, 7S, and 4S. Both S. S. C. A.-test and L. F. T. tests reveal the peak at 19S. The serum of chronic hepatitis positive to RA-test and the serum of rheumatoid arthritis are found to react immunologically the same to anti-&#946;2 M globulin sheep serum. 8. When the reticulo-endothelial system of rat is blocked by 900,000 molecules of poly-vinyl-pyrroridon, the ability of antibody production is diminished. 9. Chemical synovectomy of injecting osmic acid is effective to FibrinoidCoating type. Its action mechanism lies in the complete cleaning of the surface of synovial membrane. 10. By radiating synovectomy with 193Au a fairly good result can be expected. 198Au is ingested by those cells in the surface layer of the synovial membrane and also by histiocytes in the synovial membrane. When 5 mc of 198Au are injected into the knee joint, a marked necrosis of the synovial membrane occurs. When 198Au is added to the ascites cells of rabbit during the tissue culture, in the concentration of over 14 &#956;C degeneration of these cells can be recognized. 11. From the examination results of prognosis on those 25 cases with 41 rheumatoid knee joints after surgical synovectomy, it is considered that this method is indicated for Follicular-Fibrosis type. Ones with rheumatoid knee joint of Fibrinoid-Coating type gold sol treatment should be resorted to. In the cases of hand joints, surgical synovectemy is to be recommended at a relatively early stage.</p

    Identification of targetable kinases in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background Tyrosine kinase activation plays an important role in the progression of pulmonary fibrosis. In this study, we analyzed the expression of 612 kinase-coding and cancer-related genes using next-generation sequencing to identify potential therapeutic targets for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Methods Thirteen samples from five patients with IPF (Cases 1-5) and eight samples from four patients without IPF (control) were included in this study. Six of the thirteen samples were obtained from different lung segments of a single patient who underwent bilateral pneumonectomy. Gene expression analysis of IPF lung tissue samples (n = 13) and control samples (n = 8) was performed using SureSelect RNA Human Kinome Kit. The expression of the selected genes was further confirmed at the protein level by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Results Gene expression analysis revealed a correlation between the gene expression signatures and the degree of fibrosis, as assessed by Ashcroft score. In addition, the expression analysis indicated a stronger heterogeneity among the IPF lung samples than among the control lung samples. In the integrated analysis of the 21 samples, DCLK1 and STK33 were found to be upregulated in IPF lung samples compared to control lung samples. However, the top most upregulated genes were distinct in individual cases. DCLK1, PDK4, and ERBB4 were upregulated in IPF case 1, whereas STK33, PIM2, and SYK were upregulated in IPF case 2. IHC revealed that these proteins were expressed in the epithelial layer of the fibrotic lesions. Conclusions We performed a comprehensive kinase expression analysis to explore the potential therapeutic targets for IPF. We found that DCLK1 and STK33 may serve as potential candidate targets for molecular targeted therapy of IPF. In addition, PDK4, ERBB4, PIM2, and SYK might also serve as personalized therapeutic targets of IPF. Additional large-scale studies are warranted to develop personalized therapies for patients with IPF

    Detection of epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in exhaled breath condensate using droplet digital polymerase chain reaction

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    The detection of certain oncogenic driver mutations, including those of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is essential for determining treatment strategies for advanced non‑small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The current study assessed the feasibility of testing exhaled breath condensate (EBC) for EGFR mutations by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). Samples were collected from 12 patients with NSCLC harboring EGFR mutations that were admitted to Okayama University Hospital between June 1, 2014 and December 31, 2017. A total of 21 EBC samples were collected using the RTube™ method and EGFR mutations (L858R, exon 19 deletions or T790M) were assessed through ddPCR analysis (EBC‑ddPCR). A total of 3 healthy volunteer samples were also tested to determine a threshold value for each mutation. Various patient characteristics were determined, including sex (3 males and 9 females), age (range 54‑81 years; median, 66 years), smoking history (10 had never smoked; 2 were former smokers), histology (12 patients exhibited adenocarcinoma), clinical stage (9 patients were stage IV; 3 exhibited post‑operative recurrence) and EGFR mutation type (4 had L858R; 8 had exon 19 deletions; 8 had T790M). EBC‑ddPCR demonstrated positive droplets in 8 of the 12 patients. The sensitivity and specificity of each mutation was as follows: 27.3 and 80.0% for EGFR L858R, 30.0 and 90.9% for EGFR Ex19del, and 22.2 and 100% for EGFR T790M. EBC‑ddPCR analysis of EGFR mutations exhibited modest sensitivity and acceptable specificity. EBC‑ddPCR is a minimally invasive and replicable procedure and may be a complementary method for EGFR testing in patients where blood or tissue sampling proves difficult


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    ブナ林の生長法則解明の一還として極盛相にある白山ブナ林の構造を調査した。その結果つぎの諸点が明らかになった。1)白山ブナ林の構造について平均的モデルを示すと 本数 : 230本/ha, 蓄積 : 250m^3/ha, 直径範囲 : 6&acd;100cm (38cm)樹高範囲 : 6&acd;26m (18m), ブナの材積占有率 : 70%, ただし( )は平均値2)ブナ林の年令構成については, 尾上郷川流域部で最高360年, 平均220年, 大白川の方では最高319年, 平均190年であった。樹令と根元直径とは相関があり, 2次曲線式であらわすことができた。3)胸高直径および樹高の分布型は2峰型や分散型など不規則であるが, 径級配分はいずれの林分も中・大径木で約90%を占めた。4)ブナ林における林木の形質について林分間の比較を試みた結果, 相対材積θ_は尾上郷川流域部の方が大きかった。これは逆に大白川の形状比τが大きいことを反映したものと思われる。As a part of study for the growth model, the author researched the stand structures of Beech (Fagus crenata Bl.) in Mt. Hakusan of Gifu Prefecture. Results of some measurements on Beech stands were as follows : 1) A stand model was proposed for the Beech stand in Mt. Hakusan. That was as follows : Number of trees : 230/ha, Stand volume : 250m^3/ha, Range of height : 6-26 (18m), Range of D. b. h : 6-100cm (38cm), Possesive rate of Beech in volume : 70%. 2) Concerning tree age of Beech, most old tree in each districts of Ogamigougawa and Ooshirokawa was 360 and 319 years, and average value in each stands was 220 and 190 years. Relations between them were expressed by a quadratic equation because of correlation between tree age and stump diameter was recognized. 3) Every frequency distributions of height and diameter was not regular through each populations had been partial to large classes. 4) In comparison between the two districts for stem form, the relative volume in Ogamigougawa district was larger than the one of Ooshirokawa in the cause of the different form each other by stands


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    本研究は森林の林相区分を目的として, 航空機によるMSSデータのデジイタル解析を試みたものである。フィールドには京都上賀茂周辺の森林を選び, 解析システムには京大大型計算機のPARS (Package Program for the Remote Sensing Data Analysis)を利用した。トレーニング・エリアとして5個の森林タイプと草地, 住宅地, 田畑の計8個を選び出し, これを教師として分析地区全域の識別図を作成した。この判別分類法にはユークリッド距離法と線形判別分類法を用いた。判別結果は森林と森林以外の事物の誤判別はほとんどなかったが, 林相区分についての判別率は40&acd;50%と低かった。これは教師として指定したトレーニング・エリアの切り出しに混交林が多かったことと, 地形による日蔭部が含まれていたことなどに原因があると思われ, 撮影条件の良いデータで再検討する必要があろう。In this paper deals with the digital analysis of aerial multispectral scanner (MSS) data, as the basic research for the classification of forest types. The data processing was based on the package program for the remote sensing analysis with Facom M-190 computor at Kyoto Univ. Data Processing Center. The procedural outline in this case are as follows : Step A : Check of data quality, Gray-scale map, Study area selection. Step B : Statistical data of cover type or class. Step C : Classification; Euclidean distance analysis. Linear discriminant analysis. Maximum likelihood analysis. Performance of test area. Printout of classification result. Step D : Affine transformation, Combination of file, Color display. The study area chosen was KAMIGAMO district in Kyoto city. MSS data taken at 900m altitude on December 21,1976,was used. The ground truth data were gathered from the reconnaissance and the airo-colorphotographies through stereo-vision. The discriminant maps of the study area shown in Figure 7 were produced by the supervised approaches. Successful mapping of grass land at this case made it possible to precisely locate. Confusion of discriminance occurred where the nearly mixed plant community and shady parts. It was apparent that the supervised discriminant procedure was not suitable for areas of mixed plant community

    アカマツ林の重量生長に関する基礎的研究 (I)(林学部門)

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    本研究は林木の生長論的立場からアカマツ林の重量およびセルロース生産量の経時変化の過程を明らかにしようとしたものである。これは森林経営の基礎としての林木の生長法則を解明するための一環として, 林分の重量生産量ならびにセルロース生産量の査定とその経時変化としての生長過程の共通的法則性を見出すことに主たる目的がある。この研究での重量による生長過程の解明には総乾物量と樹体の形成に直接的に関与する細胞膜の骨格特質であるセルロースを採りあげた。すなわち, 容積密度数の樹幹内変動の基礎的バターンやその生長過程に影響をもつ抽出成分およびリグニン等を除去したホロセルロースならびにαセルロースを総乾物量と対比させて追跡することによって, いわば材質の総合的な指標としての容積密度数と樹木の純然たる生長の度合を示す単位容積当りのセルロース含有量の経時的変化のパターンから重量生長の過程を解明しようとしたものである。さらに林分の生長過程を考える場合, 林分を構成する各個樹の経時的変化量を考えるだけでなく構成メンバーの変化もとらえなければならない。このような林分構成の変化の過程を正しくとらえるために, 材積の場合と同様に重量によるそれぞれの収穫表を調製し, これらの収穫表に基づいて生長過程の解明を行なった。したがって, この方法によって研究を進めるためには木材の材質特性や林木の成熟現象あるいは単木ないしは林木についての重量測定および生長過程の推定等の前提課題の解明が必要であった。とくに測定方法んんらびに現存量の推定等に関する技術的諸問題は本研究の主目的達成に至る基礎的課題として重要視した。The purpose of this investigation was to find out the general principles of incremental process in dry weight and cellulose productivities of AKAMATSU (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) stand, in the case of making use of wood components as the raw materials. The mentioned subject must be investigated as the fundamental studies for the forest management. The solution of the weight incremental process used in this investigation was carried out by the weight yield tables, prepared with each productivity of wood components. Therefore, if we had taken the above method, it was necessary to estimate the standerd values of bulk density (based on ovendry weight and green volume), the standard contents of hollocellulose and α-celulose with the stand age. Thus, it bacame a premise problem of research in due order, for instance, establishment of measuring the bulk density and cellulose contents of a standing tree, decision of representative position in the stem and so on. The important items among the results of studies on the weight increment in this paper were as follows : I) Throughtout each age-class tress which was taken from the natural forest stand of AKAMATSU in Kyoto district, it was recognized that the variation coefficient of bulk density and of cellulose contents at every position in stem was less than 10%, except the part of pith in basal stem. Furthermore, there was a pattern that bulk density, hollocellulose and α-cellulose contents decreased gradually with the height of cross section and it increased from the pith to the bark. The pattern of the variation was so called the pinus type. II) The amount of hollocellulose and α-cellulose contents could not be estimated by the ratio estimate to the bulk density, because the variance of ratio of celluloses contents to the bulk density was significant by the position in stem. In the other way, the correlation of hollocellulose and α-cellulose contents with the deresinous bulk density of wood which extracted with alcohol-benzene solution were highly recognized. Therefore, the amount of cellulose contents could be estimated by the regression estimate based on the above correlation. III) Every development process of the standard bulk density and the standard contents of celluloses in single tree increased at a high pace during 10 &acd; 25 years, and its increasing pace gradually slowed down after the thrifty period, finally, which kept constant. It could be expressed by means of the growthcurve equation for the described above the time series variation. So, examination was carried out on the applicability of growth-curves which became the object of this investigation such as Mitscherich\u27s Gompertz\u27s, Logistic\u27s and Corrected exponential curve. As a result, Gompertz\u27s equation was most appropriate for the above growth-curve. Y=Ka^b^t where Y=Standard contents per unit volume. K=Final reache value of standard contents. t=Age of tree. a, b=Constant (0 < a< 1,0 < b < 1) IV) The position of representative wood quality in the stem was found. It was very simialr to the standerd value of bulk density and cellulose contents. Vertically, the position located at 10% of the tree height above ground, horizontally, it occupied the part of sapwood inner about 10 annual rings from the bark in 10% section above ground. V) It was recognized that the applicability of nondestructive testing technique with Soft-X-Ray and Densitometer to estimate the bulk density of standing tree through increment core was highly available. It might be one of the most important method to survey the productivity of forest stand, because it made us measure efficiently the standard bulk density of forest stand by random sampling method based on the above technique

    アカマツ バヤシ ノ ジュウリョウ セイチョウ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ 2 リンガク ブモン

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    前章までに重量生長過程解明の前提課題とされるものはほとんど解決出来た。そこで, ここではそれらの成果を根拠として, 本研究の主課題ともいえる林分における重量生長過程の解明を行った。その方法には重量による林分収穫表の調製を行い, これを利用した。その結果の中で, とくに材積生長経過と比較して注目すべきことが明らかとなった。すなわち, 主林木, 主副林木合計および総収穫の連年生長量ならびに平均生長量のいずれにおいても重量生長の最大となる年齢が材積生長のそれよりも5&acd;15年遅れることであった。これについては理論的な裏付けを得るために数学的証明を行って検討した。最後に重量による現存量の推定方法について総合的な検討を行った。The important items among the results of studies on the weight increment in this chapter were as follows : I) Relationships between the stand age and the standard bulk density or the standard contents of celluloses of the stand were expressed by Gompertz\u27s equation. In any case, i.e. the time series variation of the standard value increased at a high pace during its first 25 years, which beyond that maintained to constant. Above relationship of the stand was agreed well with the time series variation of the standard value of single tree. II) Every total productivity curves of dry weight, hollocellulose and α-cellulose in the stand was agreed well with the stand volume curve which showed a sigmoid curve. III) Every current annual increment curves of dry weight, hollocellulose and α-cellulose productivities of the stand increased highly with age, and reached its peak at the point during 20-30 years, which after the point decreased gradually. Every mean increment curves of main and entire tree-crop increased slower than the increasing pace of the annual increment curve. It reached its peak at the point during 35-45 years where it cut the curve for current annual increment, and decreased gradually after the cut point. When the current annual increment of hollocellulose and α-cellulose culminated that it was 5 years latter than the point of dry weight\u27s peak. Furthermore, when the mean annual inc rement reached its highest value became in the order, dry weight, hollocellulose, α-cellulose at 5 years interval thus the age of 35,40 and 45 years. IV) It was clarified even in the actual and theoretical proof that the age of both the current annual and mean annual increment of weight productivities reached their highest value which were 5-15 years latter than their\u27s of the volume increment, on every crops of main, entire and total yield. V) Development process of the standard bulk density and the standard contents of celluloses of the stand which showed the time series variation of the relation between oven dry weight and green volume. These make it possible also to showed widely development process of wood quality. As the concluding remark since above mentioned, the standard value of the stand which gived it us the most important information to solve the incremental process in weight productivities

    大気の汚染が林木に及ぼす影響について (I)(林学部門)

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    大気汚染が林木(スギ)に及ぼす影響について, 樹葉の分光反射特性を利用した赤外カラー画像のバイバンド比(R/G)を総合的な活力指標として, これに影響を及ぼすと考えられる元素含有量とその分布状態および生長をとりあげて検討した。その結果の概要は次のとおりである。(1)大気汚染度とバイバンド比には相関関係があり, 汚染地区の活力低下が認められた。(2)樹葉に含まれる全硫黄量は汚染度の高い林分ほど多い傾向を示した。(3)重金属(Pb・Cd・Zn)は汚染林分の外皮において高い含有量を示した。これは大部分浮遊ばい塵に含まれた重金属類が付着したものと考えられる。(4)汚染地区林木の内皮におけるカリウム含有量は, 対照地区との比較において著しく低い値を示した。As the synthetical index of the tree vitality, we investigated the infrared bi-band ratio (R/G) of the leave of SUGI (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don), which based on the characteristics of the spectral reflectances, so as to clarify the influence of air pollution on the forest trees. Moreover, we examined some factors, those were supposed to concern the vitality, volume increments, chemical elements, and their distribution. Results were as follows; 1. The bi-band ratio had a positive corelationship between air pollution, and the trees, in the polluted areas, showed the vital decay. 2. Total sulfer contents in the leave also had a positive correlationship between air pollution. 3. High contents of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn) were found at the outer bark of the trees, in the polluted areas. It was assumed that this was caused by the catchement of the floating dust. 4. Potassium contents of the inner bark, in the polluted areas, were lower than the control

    京都における大気汚染と樹木の活力度との関係 (IV) (林学部門)

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    本報告は大気汚染と樹木の活力度との関係について, サクラの葉を供試材料として実施した京都府南部地域における調査研究の成果の概要である。活力度評価の指標とした葉のバイバンド比(R/B)とその要因としてとりあげた大気の汚染度(SO_3,NO_2), 葉面付着汚染物質量, 葉中全硫黄含有量とはいずれも正の相関関係が認められた。各要因がバイバンド比に及ぼす影響度の順位とその妥当性を回帰分析によって検討した結果, 各要因の基準変量への寄与率の順位は, 葉面付着汚染物質量78.4%, SO_3 11.7%, NO_2 1.4%, 葉中全硫黄含有量0.2%で, これらの寄与率合計91.7%となった。したがって, ここで用いた要因で指標に対する影響力のほぼ全体の大きさとその順序を知ることができた。したがって今回の実験では, 用いた光学的手法の有効性を再確認することになった。This paper presents a part of investigation on quantifying the vital decay of trees by air pollution through the optical analysis. In this paper, we have examined using the leaves of SAKURA (Prunus yedoensis Matsum.) in southern district of Kyoto prefecture. Results were as follows : As a synthetical index of tree vitality, the bi-band ratio (R/B) has showed positive correlationships between some factors such as air pollution (SO_3,NO_2), amount of dust on leaf surface, total sulfer contents in the leaves. We have done the multiple regression analysis so as to clarify the effectiveness of each factors against the bi-band ratio. The ranking of proportion of each factors against the bi-band ratio was as follows; 1. dust on leaf surface 78.4% 2. SO_3 11.7% 3. NO_2 1.4% 4. total sulfer contents 0.2%-total proportion 91.7%. In consequence, we got to infer the loading of each factors to the vital decay. This analysis brought the reaffirmation of applicability of the optical analysis

    天の橋立公園のマツ並木の環境調査 (1) : 土壌および地下水について(林学部門)

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    天の橋立のマツ並木は近年環境の悪化にともなって樹勢が衰え, 今後の対策が憂慮されている。そこで現況を十分把握したうえで, 保護対策をたてなければならない。本報告は生立基盤である土壌と地下水について調査を行った。その結果を要約すれば次のとおりである。(1)土壌は砂土が大部分を占め, その粒子間に構造は認められず, 粘性も弱く, 土壌化は殆ど進んでいないIm-s型土壌である。(2)土壌の三相組成では固相が50%以上も占め, 液相や気相の割合が非常に少ない。そして, 容積重は100g/100cc以上で非常に重く, 孔隙率は40&acd;50%と少ない値を示す。また, 最大容水量や最小容気量も著しく小さい値で理学的性質は極めて悪い。(3)炭素, 窒素などの養分要素の含有率も非常に少なく化学的性質からみても瘠悪な土壌である。(4)地下水位は非常に高く60&acd;120cmであって, すべての地点で塩分濃度は低く真水同様の値であることが注目される。According to the deterioration of environmental conditions, recently the vitality of MATSU trees, stand AMANO-HASHIDATE, is going to weaken. So we must grasp the present conditions fully, and need to consider the preservation treatments. We investigated the soil and the ground water as the foundation of growth. The results obtained are summarized below. 1. The soil is almost occupied by fine-grained sand and has no structures between particles, and weak cohesion. So we classify it as Im-s type soil, which the formation of soil doesn\u27t progress. 2. Concerning about the relative contents of solid, water, air, solid occupies more than 50%, and the percents of water and air are very small. So the bulk density is very high (more than 100g/100cc) and the percents of porosity is low (40-50%). Maximum water capacity and minimum air capacity also show so small. Therefore the physical properties of the soil are supposed very bad. 3. Nutrients, such as carbon, nitrogen and other elements, aren\u27t almost contained in the soil, so the chemical properties of the soil are also bad. 4. Ground water level is remarkably high (60-120cm under surface). Characteristically, the ground water shows low salinity, almost fresh water, every sampling points