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前章までに重量生長過程解明の前提課題とされるものはほとんど解決出来た。そこで, ここではそれらの成果を根拠として, 本研究の主課題ともいえる林分における重量生長過程の解明を行った。その方法には重量による林分収穫表の調製を行い, これを利用した。その結果の中で, とくに材積生長経過と比較して注目すべきことが明らかとなった。すなわち, 主林木, 主副林木合計および総収穫の連年生長量ならびに平均生長量のいずれにおいても重量生長の最大となる年齢が材積生長のそれよりも5∿15年遅れることであった。これについては理論的な裏付けを得るために数学的証明を行って検討した。最後に重量による現存量の推定方法について総合的な検討を行った。The important items among the results of studies on the weight increment in this chapter were as follows : I) Relationships between the stand age and the standard bulk density or the standard contents of celluloses of the stand were expressed by Gompertz\u27s equation. In any case, i.e. the time series variation of the standard value increased at a high pace during its first 25 years, which beyond that maintained to constant. Above relationship of the stand was agreed well with the time series variation of the standard value of single tree. II) Every total productivity curves of dry weight, hollocellulose and α-cellulose in the stand was agreed well with the stand volume curve which showed a sigmoid curve. III) Every current annual increment curves of dry weight, hollocellulose and α-cellulose productivities of the stand increased highly with age, and reached its peak at the point during 20-30 years, which after the point decreased gradually. Every mean increment curves of main and entire tree-crop increased slower than the increasing pace of the annual increment curve. It reached its peak at the point during 35-45 years where it cut the curve for current annual increment, and decreased gradually after the cut point. When the current annual increment of hollocellulose and α-cellulose culminated that it was 5 years latter than the point of dry weight\u27s peak. Furthermore, when the mean annual inc rement reached its highest value became in the order, dry weight, hollocellulose, α-cellulose at 5 years interval thus the age of 35,40 and 45 years. IV) It was clarified even in the actual and theoretical proof that the age of both the current annual and mean annual increment of weight productivities reached their highest value which were 5-15 years latter than their\u27s of the volume increment, on every crops of main, entire and total yield. V) Development process of the standard bulk density and the standard contents of celluloses of the stand which showed the time series variation of the relation between oven dry weight and green volume. These make it possible also to showed widely development process of wood quality. As the concluding remark since above mentioned, the standard value of the stand which gived it us the most important information to solve the incremental process in weight productivities

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