18 research outputs found

    Observations of magnetic reconnection in the transition region of quasi-parallel shocks

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    Using observations of Earth's bow shock by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, we show for the first time that active magnetic reconnection is occurring at current sheets embedded within the quasi-parallel shock's transition layer. We observe an electron jet and heating but no ion response, suggesting we have observed an electron-only mode. The lack of ion response is consistent with simulations showing reconnection onset on sub-ion time scales. We also discuss the impact of electron heating in shocks via reconnection.</p

    Bifurcated Current Sheet Observed on the Boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices

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    On May 5, 2017 MMS observed a bifurcated current sheet at the boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices (KHVs) developed on the dawnside tailward magnetopause. We use the event to enhance our understanding of the formation and structure of asymmetric current sheets in the presence of density asymmetry, flow shear, and guide field, which have been rarely studied. The entire current layer comprises three separate current sheets, each corresponding to magnetosphere-side sunward separatrix region, central near-X-line region, and magnetosheath-side tailward separatrix region. Two off-center structures are identified as slow-mode discontinuities. All three current sheets have a thickness of ∼0.2 ion inertial length, demonstrating the sub-ion-scale current layer, where electrons mainly carry the current. We find that both the diamagnetic and electron anisotropy currents substantially support the bifurcated currents in the presence of density asymmetry and weak velocity shear. The combined effects of strong guide field, low density asymmetry, and weak flow shear appear to lead to asymmetries in the streamlines and the current-layer structure of the quadrupolar reconnection geometry. We also investigate intense electrostatics waves observed on the magnetosheath side of the KHV boundary. These waves may pre-heat a magnetosheath population that is to participate into the reconnection process, leading to two-step energization of the magnetosheath plasma entering into the magnetosphere via KHV-driven reconnection

    Microscale processes determining macroscale evolution of magnetic flux tubes along Earth's magnetopause

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    An important process affecting solar wind-Earth's magnetosphere coupling is nonsteady dayside magnetic reconnection, observationally evidenced by a flux transfer event (FTE) that shows a bipolar variation of the magnetic field component normal to the magnetopause. FTEs often consist of two interlinked flux tubes, but, local kinetic processes between the flux tubes are not understood in the context of the FTE structuring, evolution, and impact. An FTE observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission on 2017 December 18 consisted of two flux tubes of different topology. One includes field lines with ends connected to the northern and southern hemispheres while the other includes field lines with both ends connected to the magnetosheath. Reconnection occurring at the flux-tube interface indicates how interacting flux tubes evolve into a flux rope with helical magnetic topology that is either closed or open. This study demonstrates a new aspect of how micro- to meso-scale dynamics occurring within FTEs determines their macroscale characteristics and evolution.</p

    Sequential observations of flux transfer events, poleward-moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches

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    We report the observation of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions using a series of flux transfer events (FTEs) observed by Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission located near the dayside magnetopause on 18 December 2017. The FTEs were observed to propagate duskward and either southward or slightly northward, as predicted under duskward and southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The Cooling model also predicted a significant dawnward propagation of northward-moving FTEs. Near the MMS footprint, a series of poleward-moving auroral forms (PMAFs) occurred almost simultaneously with those FTEs. They propagated poleward and westward, consistent with the modeled FTE propagation. The intervals between FTEs, relatively consistent with those between PMAFs, strongly suggest a one-to-one correspondence between the dayside transients and ionospheric responses. The FTEs embedded in continuous reconnection observed by MMS and corresponding PMAFs individually occurred during persistent auroral activity recorded by an all-sky imager strongly indicate that those FTEs/PMAFs resulted from the temporal modulation of the reconnection rate during continuous reconnection. With the decay of the PMAFs associated with the FTEs, patch-like plasma density enhancements were detected to form and propagate poleward and then dawnward. Propagation to the dawn was also suggested by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) convection and Global Positioning System (GPS) total electron content data. We relate the temporal variation of the driving solar-wind and magnetospheric mechanism to that of the high-latitude and polar ionospheric responses and estimate the response time.</p

    Magnetic reconnection inside a flux rope induced by Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices

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    On 5 May 2017, MMS observed a crater-type flux rope on the dawnside tailward magnetopause with fluctuations. The boundary-normal analysis shows that the fluctuations can be attributed to nonlinear Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) waves. Reconnection signatures such as flow reversals and Joule dissipation were identified at the leading and trailing edges of the flux rope. In particular, strong northward electron jets observed at the trailing edge indicated midlatitude reconnection associated with the 3-D structure of the KH vortex. The scale size of the flux rope, together with reconnection signatures, strongly supports the interpretation that the flux rope was generated locally by KH vortex-induced reconnection. The center of the flux rope also displayed signatures of guide-field reconnection (out-of-plane electron jets, parallel electron heating, and Joule dissipation). These signatures indicate that an interface between two interlinked flux tubes was undergoing interaction, causing a local magnetic depression, resulting in an M-shaped crater flux rope, as supported by reconstruction.</p