1,025 research outputs found

    Devolved school-based financial management in New Zealand : observations on the conformity patterns of school organisations to change

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    This paper examines the intent and consequences of ‘new’ financial management (the ‘New Public Financial Management’) (NPFM) procedures invoked to facilitate a macro-micro interface within the context of the significant administrative reform of the New Zealand (NZ) state education system. The 1989 administrative reform of the NZ education system was predicated on a particular view of public sector management, which was characterised by the umbrella heading of ‘New Public Management’ (NPM). It was claimed that NPFM provided a link between the sets of values highlighted through the NPM reform process and the internal workings of various public sector organisations. The study provides case studies of the organisational financial management practices of four schools, some ten years after the reform. The observed practices are analysed and interpreted within a theoretical framework comprising two competing theories of change – NPM which provides the ‘normative’ intent for public sector organisational change, and institutional theory that offers an explanation of the ‘operational’ consequences of public sector organisational (i.e. schools) response to change. The findings suggest that accounting and management technologies have served a useful, political purpose, although not in the way espoused by NPM proponents

    Ultrasonic detection of flaws in fusion butt welds

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    Reliable and accurate Delta technique, a nondestructive ultrasonics method, uses redirection of energy to detect randomly oriented imperfections in fusion butt welds. Data on flaws can be read from either an oscilloscope or a printout

    Fatalism and Future Contingents

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    In this paper I address issues related to the problem of future contingents and the metaphysical doctrine of fatalism. Two classical responses to the problem of future contingents are the third truth value view and the all-false view. According to the former, future contingents take a third truth value which goes beyond truth and falsity. According to the latter, they are all false. I here illustrate and discuss two ways to respectively argue for those two views. Both ways are similar in spirit and intimately connected with fatalism, in the sense that they engage with the doctrine of fatalism and accept a large part of a standard fatalistic machinery

    Common Causes and The Direction of Causation

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    Is the common cause principle merely one of a set of useful heuristics for discovering causal relations, or is it rather a piece of heavy duty metaphysics, capable of grounding the direction of causation itself? Since the principle was introduced in Reichenbach’s groundbreaking work The Direction of Time (1956), there have been a series of attempts to pursue the latter program—to take the probabilistic relationships constitutive of the principle of the common cause and use them to ground the direction of causation. These attempts have not all explicitly appealed to the principle as originally formulated; it has also appeared in the guise of independence conditions, counterfactual overdetermination, and, in the causal modelling literature, as the causal markov condition. In this paper, I identify a set of difficulties for grounding the asymmetry of causation on the principle and its descendents. The first difficulty, concerning what I call the vertical placement of causation, consists of a tension between considerations that drive towards the macroscopic scale, and considerations that drive towards the microscopic scale—the worry is that these considerations cannot both be comfortably accommodated. The second difficulty consists of a novel potential counterexample to the principle based on the familiar Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) cases in quantum mechanics

    Preliminary Hydrologic Evaluation of the North Horn Mountain Coal-Resource Area, Utah

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    North Horn Mountain is part of a deeply dissected plateau in central Utah which is characterized by deep, arrow, steep-walled canyons with local relief of more that 1,000 feet. Geologic units exposed in the North Hort Mountain area range in age from Late Cretaceous to Holocene and contain two mineable seams of Cretaceous coal. The area is in the drainage basin of the San Rafael River, in the Colorado River Basin. Runoff from the mountain is ephemeral. This runoff to the San Rafael River sis by way of Cottonwood and Ferron Creeks and represents less than 10 percent of their average annual runoff. Probable peak discharges (100-year flood) for the ephemeral streams draining North Horn Mountain are estimated to range from 200 to 380 cubic feet per second. The chemical quality of surface water in the area is good. The water is generally of a calcium magnesium bicarbonate type with average dissolved solids less that 500 milligrams per liter. Annual sediment yield in most of the area ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 acre-foot per square mile but locally is as high as 1.0 acre-foot per square mile. Most of the sediment is eroded during cloudbursts. Most of the ground water above the coal on North Horn Mountain probably is in perched aquifers. These aquifers support the flow of small seeps and springs. In some areas, the regional water table appears to extend upward into the coal. The principal source of recharge is precipitation that probably moves to aquifers along faults, joints, or fractures. This movement is apparently quite rapid. The dissolved-solids concentrations of ground water in the North Horn Mountain area rage from less than 500 to about 1,000 milligrams per liter. Coal mining on North Horn Mountain should have minor effects on the quantity and quality of surface water. The maximum predicted decrease in the annual flow of Ferron and Cottonwood Creeks is less than 4 percent. The sediment loads of affected streams could be significantly increased if construction were to take place during the summer cloudburst season. Subsidence, which usually follows underground coal mining, could create rock fractures through which a perched aquifer might be drained, thus depleting the flow of seeps or springs fed by that aquifer. It is considered unlikely that the mining will adversely affect the chemical quality of the ground water


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    Forced air heating ard air corditioning duct systems in residential housing have been largely overlcoked in house diagnostics. Even the building is itself a part of the overall ir distribution system. When a duct system fails, it can have some serious effects on the home. Proper air flow within the corditioned space is as important as the air flow within the duct line. Failure of a duct system or even the closing of the interior dcors can create pressure differentials both within ard across the building envelope when the heating and air conditioning fan is in operation. These failures may cause increased energy usage, poor indoor air quality and even promote multiple moisture problems

    Interactive Effects of Drought and Fire on Co-Existing Woody and Herbaceous Communities in a Temperate Mesic Grassland

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    Increased drought and woody encroachment are likely to have substantial and interactive effects on grassland carbon and water cycling in the future. However, we currently lack necessary information to accurately predict grassland responses to drought-by-fire interactions in areas experiencing woody encroachment. A more thorough understanding of these interactive effects on grass-shrub physiology would improve the effectiveness of demographic vegetation models and refine predictions of future changes in grassland ecosystem function. To this end, we constructed passive rainout shelters over mature Cornus drummondii shrubs and co-existing grasses in two fire treatments (1-year and 4-year burn frequency) at the Konza Prairie Biological Station (north-eastern Kansas, USA) that reduced precipitation by 50%. Plant responses to drought and fire were monitored at the leaf-level (gas exchange, predawn and midday water potential, turgor loss point) and the whole-plant level (aboveground biomass). Here, we report results from the 2020 growing season, after three years of treatment. Photosynthetic rates of C. drummondii and Andropogon gerardii, a dominant C4 grass, were lower in drought treatments at the end of the growing season. A. gerardii also exhibited higher photosynthetic rates in the 4-year burn watershed, but C. drummondii rates were not impacted by burn frequency. Predawn and midday leaf water potential for both species, as well as turgor loss point for C. drummondii, were lower in the 4-year burn treatment, indicating increased water stress. This trend was more pronounced in drought shelters for C. drummondii. These results indicate that three years of 50% precipitation reduction has resulted in modest impacts on water stress and gas exchange in both species. Long-term studies of co-existing grasses and shrubs are useful for informing management of woody encroachment during drought and help to identify whether multiple external pressures (drought and fire) are needed to reverse grassland-to-shrubland transitions in temperate mesic grasslands

    Mechanical Air Distribution and Interacting Relationships

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    It has been determined from extensive testing conducted between May 1987 and May 1988, in the hot and humid climate of central Florida, that pressure differences within the envelope of residential housing exists. These can range from near neutral to pressures, either positive or negative, as great as 0.24" W.C. (60 pascals). Reasons sighted and discussed in this paper include duct system design, duct system failure, airtightness of the residence and human interactions. This testing further reveals that one of the largest driving forces in air change rates can be attributed to mechanically induced infiltration and exfiltration. Airtightness can also drastically affect this pressure difference within the envelope. In conclusion, the effects of these pressure differentials on energy consumption, indoor air quality, comfort, and degradation of building materials will be discussed. Possible solutions and practical field test protocol to correct these ill effects both in new and existing residential housing will be covered

    An inside story: tracking experiences, challenges and successes in a joint specialist performing arts college

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    In England the government’s specialist schools initiative is transforming the nature of secondary education. A three-year longitudinal case study tracked the effects of specialist performing arts college status on two schools. The sites were a mainstream school drawing pupils from an area of high social deprivation and disadvantage, and a special school catering for pupils with profound and \ud multiple learning difficulties, which were awarded joint performing arts college status. The government’s \ud preferred criterion for judging the success of specialist schools is improvement in whole-school examination results. The authors argue that this is a crude and inappropriate measure for these case study schools and probably others. Using questionnaires, interviews and documentation they tell an ‘inside story’ of experiences, challenges and achievements, from the perspectives of the schools’ mangers, staff and pupils. Alternative ‘value-added’ features emerged that were positive indicators of enrichment and success in both schools

    Hydraulic Responses of Shrubs and Grasses to Fire Frequency and Drought in a Tallgrass Prairie Experiencing Bush Encroachment

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    The increase in abundance and density of woody plants in herbaceous ecosystems (i.e. bush encroachment) is occurring globally and is driven by reduced fire frequency, climate change, and the utilization of deeper, more reliable soil water by woody plants. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the physiological processes through which woody and herbaceous plants use water will provide greater insight into the mechanisms of bush encroachment, as well as the trajectory of encroachment in a changing climate. Our objective was to assess how experimental changes in water availability and fire frequency impact belowground water-use traits in Cornus drummondii, the primary encroaching shrub within North American tallgrass prairies, and Andropogon gerardii, a dominant C4 grass. Shelters that reduced precipitation by 50% (drought) and 0% (control) were built over mature shrubs growing in sites that were burned at 1-year and 4-year frequencies. We assessed the water transport capability of shrubs and grasses growing in each treatment by measuring the maximum hydraulic conductance (Kmax) of entire root systems. We also assessed the vulnerability of shrub root segments to loss of hydraulic function by measuring the pressure at which 50% of the maximum hydraulic conductivity is lost (P50). Grass and shrub roots had opposite responses to drought and these patterns varied with fire treatment. Grasses growing in drought plots had lower root Kmax than control grasses. Conversely, root Kmax did not differ significantly between treatments in shrubs. However, drought shrub roots were less vulnerable to water stress than control roots (P50=-1.5 and -0.20 MPa, respectively). These results suggest that the ability of grass roots to use water declined with drought, while the ability of shrub roots to resist water stress increased with drought. Future work should investigate whether these drought responses are associated with altered root growth patterns
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