18 research outputs found

    Coconut Shells As Filling Material For Anaerobic Filters

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    In rural areas of developing countries, there is a lack of sanitation services and the installation of such infrastructure is hampered by the high investment costs for initial implementation and by the limited availability of qualified personnel. An alternative to traditional sanitation services include an anaerobic filter, but the high cost of appropriate filling material can be an obstacle to its wide-spread implementation. To decrease this construction cost, the objective of this work was to study the use of coconut shells as filling material for anaerobic filters. Anaerobic filters were built and filled with the studied material and operated with up flow and hydraulic retention time of 9 hours. The reactors provided a removal of 79 ± 16% in BOD terms, indicating that the coconut shell filling had efficiency consistent with the literature data. In addition, the husks were found to retain their tensile strength following use in the reactors. Coconut husks have more empty bed volume than other low cost materials, such as crushed stone, nearing properties of traditional materials. The results of this study indicate that coconut husks may prove to be a low cost alternative to traditional fillers for anaerobic treatment in rural communities. © 2013 Cruz et al.; licensee Springer.2116Alexiou, G.E., Mara, D.D., Anaerobic waste stabilization ponds (2003) Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 109, pp. 241-252Baek, S.H., Pagilla, K.R., Kim, H., Lab-scale study of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) for dilute municipal wastewater treatment (2010) Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng, 15, pp. 704-708Barros, A.R., Adorno, M.A.T., Sakamoto, I.K., Maintinguer, S.I., Varesche, M.B.A., Silva, E.S., Performance evaluation and phylogenetic characterization of anaerobic fluidized bed reactors using ground tire and pet as support materials for biohydrogen production (2011) Bioresour Technol, 102, pp. 3840-3847Camargo, S.A.R., Nour, E.A.A., Bamboo as an anaerobic medium: Effect of filter column height (2001) Water Sci Technol, 44, pp. 63-70Chernicharo, C.A.L., Post-treatment options for the anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater (2006) Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 5, pp. 73-92Chernicharo, C., (2007) Reatores Anaeróbios, p. 379. , 1st edn. UFMG, Belo Horizonte(2008) Deliberação Normativa no 1, , COPAM-Conselho Estadual De Política Ambiental, Diário do Executivo de Minas Gerais, Minas GeraisCruz, L.M.O., Tonetti, A.L., Coraucci Filho, B., Tonon, D., Stefanutti, R., Remoção da matéria orgânica de efluente doméstico por reator anaeróbio preenchido com coco verde (2010) Revista DAE, 184, pp. 11-16(2011) Evolução da produção de coco no Brasil e o comércio internacional, , EMBRAPA Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiro, AracajuForesti, E., Anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage: Established technologies and perspectives (2002) Water Sci Technol, 45 (10), pp. 181-186Frankin, R.J., Full-scale experiences with anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater (2001) Water Sci Technol, 44, pp. 1-6Hedberg, T., Attitudes to traditional and alternative sustainable sanitary systems (1999) Water Sci Technol, 39, pp. 9-16Henley, E.J., Seader, J.D., (2005) Separation Process Principles, p. 700. , 2nd edn. John Wiley&Sons, Inc, New York (USA)(2010) Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico, , IBGE-Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Ministério do Planejamento e Orçamento, Rio de JaneiroKang, H., Moon, S., Shin, K., Park, S., Pretreatment of swine wastewater using anaerobic filter (2003) Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 109, pp. 117-126Massoud, M.A., Tarhini, B.A., Nasr, J.A., Decentralized approaches to wastewater treatment and management: Applicability in developing countries (2009) J Environ Manag, 90, pp. 652-659Mergaert, K., Vanderhaegen, B., Verstraete, W., Applicability and trends of anaerobic pre-treatment of municipal wastewater (1992) Water Res, 26 (8), pp. 1025-1033Metcalf, L., Eddy, H.P., (2003) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse, p. 1848. , 4th edn. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc, New York (USA)(2006) Agregados-Determinação da massa unitária e do volume de vazios, , NBR NM45, ABNT, São PauloOhmiya, K., Sakka, K., Kimura, T., Anaerobic bacterial degradation for the effective utilization of biomass (2005) Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng, 10, pp. 482-493Paraskevas, P.A., Giokas, D.L., Lekkas, T.D., Wastewater management in coastal urban areas: The case of Greece (2002) Water Sci Technol, 46, pp. 177-186Pinto, J.D.S., (1995) Tratamento de esgotos sanitários em filtros anaeróbios utilizando escória de alto forno como meio suporte, , Dissertation in Sanitary Engineering. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, BrazilRosa, A.P., Lobato, L.C.S., Chernicharo, C.A.L., Martins, D.C.R.B., Maciel, F.M., Borges, J.M., Improving performance and operational control of UASB reactors via proper sludge and scum discharge routines (2012) Water Pract Tech, 7 (3), pp. 1-11Show, K.Y., Tay, J.H., Influence of support media on biomass growth and retention in anaerobic filters (1999) Water Res, 33 (6), pp. 1471-1481(2012) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, , 22nd edn American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, Washington DC, USATonetti, A.L., Coraucci Filho, B., Guimarães, J.R., Cruz, M.O.C., Nakamura, M.S., Avaliação da partida e operação de filtros anaeróbios tendo bambu como material de recheio (2011) Revista Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, 16 (1), pp. 11-16Tonetti, A.L., Coraucci Filho, B., Nicolau, C.E., Barbosa, M., Tonon, D., Tratamento de esgoto e produção de água de reúso com o emprego de filtros de areia (2012) Revista Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, 17 (1), pp. 287-294Van Haandel, A., Kato, M.T., Cavalcanti, P.F.F., Florencio, L., Anaerobic reactor design concepts for thetreatment of domestic wastewater (2006) Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 5, pp. 21-38Wilderer, P.A., Schreff, D., Decentralized and centralized wastewater management: A challenge for technology developers (2000) Water Sci Technol, 41 (1), pp. 1-8Yang, Y., Tada, C., Miah, M.S., Tsukahara, K., Yagishita, T., Sawayama, S., Influence of bed materials on methanogenic characteristics and immobilized microbes in anaerobic digester (2004) Mater Sci Eng, 24, pp. 413-41

    NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics

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    Xenarthrans – anteaters, sloths, and armadillos – have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with 24 domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across their full distribution ranges. The Neotropics harbor 21 species of armadillos, ten anteaters, and six sloths. Our dataset includes the families Chlamyphoridae (13), Dasypodidae (7), Myrmecophagidae (3), Bradypodidae (4), and Megalonychidae (2). We have no occurrence data on Dasypus pilosus (Dasypodidae). Regarding Cyclopedidae, until recently, only one species was recognized, but new genetic studies have revealed that the group is represented by seven species. In this data-paper, we compiled a total of 42,528 records of 31 species, represented by occurrence and quantitative data, totaling 24,847 unique georeferenced records. The geographic range is from the south of the USA, Mexico, and Caribbean countries at the northern portion of the Neotropics, to its austral distribution in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. Regarding anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla has the most records (n=5,941), and Cyclopes sp. has the fewest (n=240). The armadillo species with the most data is Dasypus novemcinctus (n=11,588), and the least recorded for Calyptophractus retusus (n=33). With regards to sloth species, Bradypus variegatus has the most records (n=962), and Bradypus pygmaeus has the fewest (n=12). Our main objective with Neotropical Xenarthrans is to make occurrence and quantitative data available to facilitate more ecological research, particularly if we integrate the xenarthran data with other datasets of Neotropical Series which will become available very soon (i.e. Neotropical Carnivores, Neotropical Invasive Mammals, and Neotropical Hunters and Dogs). Therefore, studies on trophic cascades, hunting pressure, habitat loss, fragmentation effects, species invasion, and climate change effects will be possible with the Neotropical Xenarthrans dataset

    Post-treatment Of Anaerobic Filters Operated With Low Hydraulic Detention Time Through Overland Flow System [pós-tratamento De Efluente De Filtros Anaeróbios Operados Com Baixo Tempo De Detenção Hidráulica Por Escoamento Superficial No Solo]

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    In this investigation the post-treatment of anaerobic filters operated with low hydraulic retention time (HRT) through overland flow system was studied. For that, it was built four reactors whose volume was 500 L, filled up with bamboos rings and a ramp with 40.0 m of length and inclination of 3.5%, covering with Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp) grass. It was evaluated the wastewater treatment from Limeira city (SP), operating anaerobic filters with 3 hour HRT and the effluent application in superficial drain of 0.10; 0.20; 0.30 e 0.40 m3.h-1.m-1 rates. In these operational conditions, the effluent was suitable to be discharged into receiving waters until the rate application of 0.20 m3.h-1.m-1. Over this value, there was a worse final quality in DBO and phosphorus concentration.171712(2005) Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, p. 1268. , APHAAWWAWEF, 19th ed. New York: American Public Health AssociationAraújo, G.C., (1998) Avaliação Do Pós-tratamento De Efluentes De Reatores UASB Através De Um Sistema De Aplicação Superficial De Esgotos, p. 213. , Dissertação (Mestrado). Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisCamargo, S.A.R., Nour, E.A.A., Bamboo as ananaerobic medium: Effect of filter column height (2001) Water Science and Technology, 44 (4), pp. 63-70Chernicharo, C., Cota, R.S., Zerbini, A.M., Sperling, M., Brito, L.H., Post-treatment of anaerobic effluents in an overland flow system (2001) Water Science and Technology, 44 (4), pp. 229-236Chernicharo, C., (2007) Reatores Anaeróbios, p. 379. , Belo Horizonte: UFMGCirne, A.R.C., Andrade, N.C.O., Melo, H.N.S., Araújo, A.L.C., Avaliação comparativa de filtros anaeróbios contendo diferentes materiais de enchimento (2007) 24°Congresso Brasileiro De Engenharia Sanitária E AmbientalConselho Estadual Do Meio Ambiente - CONSEMA, , RIO GRANDE DO SUL (Estado), Resolução n° 128 de 24 de novembro de 2006. Dispõe sobre a fixação de padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos para fontes de emissão que lancem seus efluentes em águas superficiais no Estado do Rio Grande do SulCoraucci, F.B., Nour, E.A.A., Figueiredo, R.F., Stefanutti, R., Klüsener, F.L.C., Broleze, S.T., Estudo do póstratamento de efluente com aplicação do método do escoamento superficial no solo: Polimento de efluentes de filtros anaeróbios (2000) Coletânea De Trabalhos Técnicos, 1, p. 219. , CHERNICHARO, C.A.L. (coord), Belo Horizonte: ABESCouto, L.C.C., Figueiredo, R.F., Filtro anaeróbio com bambu para tratamento de esgotos domésticos (1992) Congreso Interamericano De Ingenieria Sanitaria Y Ambiental, pp. 329-340. , Cuba: La HabanaCruz, L.M.O., (2009) Tratamento De Esgoto Sanitário Em Reator Anaeróbio Preenchido Por Casca De Coco Verde (Cocos Nucifera) Combinado Com Filtro De Areia, p. 163. , Dissertação (Mestrado). Campinas: Universidade Estadual de CampinasSÃO PAULO (Estado)., Decreto no 8.468 de 08 de setembro 1976. Aprova o regulamento da Lei no 997, de 31 de maio de 1976, que dispõe sobre a prevenção e o controle da poluição do meio ambiente(1993) Projeto, Construção E Operação De Tanques Sépticos, , ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS E TÉCNICAS - ABNT. NBR 7.229, São Paulo: ABNTPaganini, W.S., (1997) Disposição De Esgoto No Solo, Através De Escoamento À Superfície, Com Utilização De Gramíneas: Avaliação Do Processo Quanto Aos Aspectos Sanitários, Operacionais, Construtivos E De Manutenção, p. 197. , Dissertação (Mestrado). São Paulo: Universidade de São PauloPinto, J.D.S., (1995) Tratamento De Esgotos Sanitários Em Filtros Anaeróbios Utilizando Escória De Alto Forno Como Meio Suporte, p. 180. , Dissertação (Mestrado). Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisSurampalli, R.Y., Fellow, P.E., Chou, S.C., Banerji, S.K., Performance evaluation of overland flow wastewater treatment systemunder winter and summer conditions (1996) Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 10, pp. 163-177Taebi, A., Droste, R.L., Performance of an overland flow system for advanced treatment of wastewater plant effluent (2008) Journal of Environmental Management, 88, pp. 688-696Tonetti, A.L., Coraucci, F.B., Guimarães, J.R., Cruz, L.M.O., Nakamura, M.S., Avaliação da partida e operação de filtros anaeróbios tendo bambu como material de recheio (2011) Revista Engenharia Sanitária E Ambiental, 16, pp. 11-16Tonetti, A.L., Coraucci, F.B., Bertoncini, E.I., Oliveira, R.A., Stefanutti, R., Avaliação de um sistema simplificado de tratamento de esgotos visando a utilização em áreas rurais (2010) Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agrícola E Ambiental, 14 (2), pp. 227-234Tyrrel, S.F., Leeds-Harrison, P.B., Harrison, K.S., Removal of ammonical nitrogen from landfill leachate by irrigation onto vegetated treatment plane (2002) Water Research, 36 (1), pp. 291-299van Haandel, A.C., Lettinga, G., (1994) Tratamento Anaeróbio De Esgotos: Um Manual Para Regiões De Clima Quente, , Campina Grande: UFPAvon Sperling, M., (2005) Princípios Básicos Do Tratamento De Esgotos, p. 452. , Belo Horizonte: UFMGWen, C.G., Chen, T.H., Hsu, F.H., Lu, C.H., Lin, J.B., Chang, C.H., Chang, S.P., Lee, C.S., A high loading overland flow system: Impacts on soil, characteristics, grass constituents, yields and nutrient removal (2007) Chemosphere, 67, pp. 1588-1600Zirschky, J., Crawford, D., Norton, L., Richards, S., Deemer, S., Ammonia removal using overland flow (1989) Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation, 61 (7), pp. 1225-123

    Association of septic tank and sand filter for wastewater treatment: full-scale feasibility for decentralized sanitation

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    Worldwide, 70% of the individuals who do not have access to sanitation facilities live in rural areas. A solution for these areas is the use of decentralized systems for wastewater treatment. However, most of the studies about this topic are performed in a laboratory or in pilot scale. This work investigated a full-scale decentralized system. The association of septic tank and sand filter was installed in a rural area in Brazil. Its feasibility, maintenance, and operational conditions were appraised. The septic tank was built with precast concrete rings (inner diameter: 1.90 m; total depth: 2.34 m; useful volume: 4.30 m3). The sand filter was also constructed with precast concrete rings (internal diameter: 1.90 m; surface area: 2.84 m2) and effluent application was intermittent. The hydraulic loading rate of the sand filter was 253 Lm−2day−1. The quality of the effluent met the legal aspects and the system proved to be effective for decentralized sanitation. The final effluent may be reused in agricultural activities; however, the frequency of maintenance of this system should be taken into account82268277CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP471833/2011-82017/07490-4Villa Stone Campina

    Application Of Reclaimed Wastewater In The Irrigation Of Rosebushes

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    The use of reclaimed wastewater in agriculture can be a solution for regions with water shortages or low rainfall periods; besides fulfilling the crop's water needs, it would also promote the recycle of nutrients. However, care should be taken regarding soil salinization, especially in closed environments such as greenhouses for the cultivation of ornamental plants. The domestic effluents are rich in sodium which can accumulate on soil and cause soil sealing. This study evaluated the use of effluents from anaerobic filters and intermittent sand filters in the production of rosebushes (Rosa hybrida "Ambiance"). The crop yield of the rosebushes irrigated with reclaimed wastewater exceeded the one obtained with traditional cultivation, reaching a value 31.8 % higher when employing nitrified effluent originated from intermittent sand filters, with no difference in the product quality. The salinity levels are below the critical limits found in the literature; however, there was a significant increase compared to the irrigation with drinking water. © 2013 The Author(s).2249Al-Lahham, O., El Assi, N.M., Fayyad, M., Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on quality attributes and contamination of tomato fruit (2003) Agricultural Water Management Journal, 61 (1), pp. 51-62. , 10.1016/S0378-3774(02)00173-7(2005) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, , APHA, AWWA, WEF 21th ed. Washington DC, USAAyres, R.S., Westcot, D.W., (2008) Water Quality for Agriculture, , FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No 29 FAO, Rome, ItalyCasarini, E., (2000) Manejo da Irrigação Na Cultura da Roseira Cultivada em Ambiente Protegido. Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, , Univ. São Paulo Piracicaba, SPCasarini, E., (2004) Doses de N e K Aplicados Via Fertirrigação Na Cultura da Roseira (Rosa Sp.) em Ambiente Protegido, , Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Univ. São Paulo Piracicaba, SPCabrera, R.I., Effect of NaCl salinity and nitrogen fertilizer formulation on yield and nutrient status of roses (2001) Acta Horticulturae, 547, pp. 255-260. , 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD3MXltFShs7o%3DCararo, D.C., Botrel, T.A., Hills, D.J., Leverenz, H.L., Analysis of clogging in drip emitters during wastewater irrigation (2006) Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 22, pp. 251-257Carr, R.M., Blumenthal, U.J., Mara, D.D., Health guidelines for the use of wastewater in agriculture: Developing realistic guidelines (2004) Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental RealitiesChow, A., Chau, A., Heinz, K.M., Reducing fertilization for cut roses: Effect on crop productivity and twospotted spider mite abundance, distribution, and management (2009) Journal of Economic Entomology, 102 (5), pp. 1896-1907. , 10.1603/029.102.0521 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD1MXhtlCns73NCoppola, A., Santini, A., Botti, P., Vacca, S., Comegna, V., Severino, G., Methodological approach for evaluating the response of soil hydrological behavior to irrigation with treated municipal wastewater (2004) Journal of Hydrology, 292 (1-4), pp. 114-134. , 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.12.028 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD2cXjs1CmsLw%3DCrook, J., Quality criteria for reclaimed water (1991) Water Science and Technology, 24 (9), pp. 109-121. , 1:CAS:528:DyaK3MXms1aqurs%3DDe Paula, A.M., Da Fonseca, A.F., Cardoso, E., Melfi, A.J., Microbial metabolic potential affected by surplus wastewater irrigation in tropical soil cultivated with Tifton 85 Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon Pers. 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    Use Of Stabilization Pond Sludge In Cultivation Of Roses [uso De Lodo De Lagoa De Estabilização No Cultivo De Roseira]

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    One option for the increasing production of sewage sludge (SS) is its agricultural use in crops with high nutritional demand, such as the rose. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the application of SS from primary stabilization pond in roses of the variety 'Carola'. For the experiment, the roses were planted in 20 L recipients using increasing doses of sludge (T2 - 12 Mg ha-1, T3 - 24 Mg ha-1 and T4 - 36 Mg ha-1), mineral fertilizer (T5) and control treatment (T1, without N) in a randomized block design. The evaluated parameters were: roots dry mass, aerial dry mass, total biomass, leaflets area and nitrogen concentration in the leaf. The SS application resulted in better development of the rose, increasing the roots and the aerial biomasses, the leaflets area, and nitrogen content in the leaves compared to the control (T1). There was no statistical difference between the use of mineral fertilizer (T5), and the SS under the highest dose (T4). With these benefits, the use in agriculture of sewage sludge derived from stabilization ponds proved to be an adequate option for its disposal.1818589Ahmad, I., Dole, J.M., Nelson, P., Nitrogen application rate, leaf position and age affect leaf nutrient status of five specialty cut flowers (2012) Scientia Horticulturae, 142, pp. 14-22Antolín, M.C., Muro, I., Sánchez-Días, M., Applications of sewage sludge improves growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant activities of nodulated alfalfa plants under drought conditions (2010) Environmental and Experimental Botany, 68, pp. 75-82Barbieri, R.L., Stumpf, E.R.T., Origem, evolução e história das rosas cultivadas (2005) Revista Brasileira Agrociência, 11, pp. 267-271Bezerra, L.J.D., Lima, V.L.A., Andrade, A.R.S., Alves, V.W., Azevedo, C.A.V., Guerra, H.O.C., Analise de crescimento do algodão colorido sob efeitos da aplicação de água residuária e biossólido (2005) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 9 (SUPPL.), pp. 333-338Boeira, R.C., Lixiviação de nitrogênio em Latossolo incubado com lodo de esgoto (2009) Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 33, pp. 947-958Boen, A., Haraldsen, T.K., Fertilizer effects of increasing loads of composts and biosolids in urban greening (2011) Urban forestry & Urban Greening, 10, pp. 231-238Cabrera, R.I., Evaluating yield and quality of roses with respect to nitrogen fertilization and leaf nitrogen status (2000) Acta Horticulturae, 511, pp. 133-142Cabrera, R.I., Evans, R.Y., Paul, J.L., Nitrogen partitioning in rose plants over a flowering cycle (1995) Scientia Horticulturae, 63, pp. 67-76Casarini, E., (2004) Doses de N e K aplicados via fertirrigação na cultura da roseira (Rosa sp.) em ambiente protegido, p. 102. , Piracicaba: USP, Tese DoutoradoCasarini, E., Folegatti, V., Aspectos importantes na nutrição mineral de rosas (2006) Avances sobre fertirriego em la floricultura colombiana, pp. 163-178. , In: Flórez R., V. 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    Simultaneous degradation of ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin, sulfathiazole and sulfamethazine, and disinfection of hospital effluent after biological treatment via photo-Fenton process under ultraviolet germicidal irradiation

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    A UVC-assisted photo-Fenton process was applied to hospital wastewater that had been submitted to anaerobic treatment. Low iron (10 μM; 0.56 mg L−1) and H2O2 (500 μM; 17 mg L−1) concentrations were used at the natural pH of the effluent (pH ≈ 7.4). Citric acid was employed as a complexation agent, at a 1:1 ratio, in order to maintain Fe3+ soluble at this pH, avoiding extra procedures and costs associated with acidification/basification of the final effluent. The anaerobic process quantitatively reduced the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC), with low removal of antibiotics present in the wastewater. Degradation of the antibiotics ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin, sulfathiazole, and sulfamethazine was studied by spiking the anaerobic effluent at initial concentrations of 200 μg L−1. The antibiotics were efficiently degraded (80–95%) using UVC radiation alone, although under this condition, no DOC removal was observed after 90 min. Further additions of H2O2 and iron citrate increased the degradation rate constant (kobs), and 8% of DOC was removed. A lower pH resulted in higher kobs, although this was not essential for application of the photo-Fenton process. Irradiation with a germicidal lamp resulted in greater degradation of the antibiotics, compared to use of a black light lamp or sunlight, since the overall degradation was influenced by photolysis of the antibiotics, photolysis of H2O2, and the Fenton reaction. The photo-Fenton treatment could also be applied directly to the raw hospital wastewater, since no significant difference in degradation of the antibiotics was observed, compared to the anaerobic effluent. The photo-Fenton process under UVA and solar radiation reduced total coliforms and E. coli after 90 min. However, quantitative disinfection of these bacteria present in the Hospital effluent was only accomplished under UVC radiation224761771CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP151022/2014-3; 308649/2015-02015/21732-

    Wastewater Treatment And Reuse Water Production Using Sand Filters [tratamento De Esgoto E Produção De água De Reúso Com O Emprego De Filtros De Areia]

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    In this research it was studied a system composed by the anaerobic filter combined with a sand filter for the wastewater treatment. For this, three anaerobic filters were operated with hydraulic detention time of nine hours which had the effluent disposed over four sand filters in different frequencies of application. On the first sand filter, 50 L.m-2 were applied once a day. On the second, the third and the fourth filters, the same load was disposed in twice, three and four times a day, distributed between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. The system presented a final effluent suitable for the COD and BOD legislation maximum limit to be discharged into water body (Decreto Paulista n° 8,468/1976), showing the viability of dispose a higher quantity of effluent then the one suggested by NBR 13969/1997, which guides the constructive aspects for this kind of treatment.173287294(2005) Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, , AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATIONAMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATIONWATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION (APHAAWWAWEF), 19th ed. New York: American Public Health Association(1995) NBR 6502: Rochas E Solos: Análise Granulométrica Conjunta, , ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS, São PauloNBR 13969: Tanques sépticos: Unidades de tratamento complementar e disposição final dos efluentes líquidos (1997) Projeto, Construção E Operação, , ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS, São PauloAusland, G., Stevik, T.K., Hanssen, J.F., Kohler, J.C., Jenssen, P.D., Intermittent filtration of wastewater - removal of fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci (2002) Water Research, 36 (14), pp. 3507-3516Camargo, S.A.R., Nour, E.A.A., Bamboo as an anaerobic medium: Effect of filter column height (2001) Water Science and Technology, 44 (4), pp. 63-70Capra, A., Scicolone, B., Water quality and distribution uniformity in drip/trickle irrigation systems (1998) Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 70 (4), pp. 355-365Chernicharo, C., (2008) Reatores Anaeróbios, , Belo Horizonte: UFMG(1986) Diário Do Executivo De Minas Gerais De 10 De Janeiro De 1987, , http://www.siam.mg.gov.br/sla/download.pdf?idNorma=91, CONSELHO ESTADUAL DE POLÍTICA AMBIENTAL (COPAM), Deliberação Normativa n° 10 de 16 de dezembro de 1986.Estabelece normas e padrões para qualidade das águas, lançamento de efluentes nas coleções de águas, e dá outras providências, Disponível, em, Acesso em: 28 nov. 2012Dispõe sobre a classificação dos corpos de água e diretrizes ambientais para o seu enquadramento, bem como estabelece as condições e padrões de lançamento de efluentes, e dá outras providências (2005) Diário Oficial Da União, 53, pp. 58-63. , http://www.mma.gov.br/port/conama/processos/61AA3835/LivroConama.pdf, CONSELHO NACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE (CONAMA), Resolução n° 357 de 17 de março de 2005, de 18 de março de, Disponível em, Acesso em: 28 nov. 2012Couto, L.C.C., Figueiredo, R.F., Filtro anaeróbio com bambu para tratamento de esgotos domésticos (1992) Congreso Interamericano De Ingenieria Sanitaria Y Ambiental, pp. 329-340. , AIDIS, La Habana, Cuba(2008) Pesquisa Nacional De Saneamento Básico, , http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/populacao/condicaodevida/pnsb2008/PNSB_2008.pdf, INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA (IBGE), Rio de Janeiro: IBGE. Disponível em, Acesso em: 28 nov. 2012Jordão, E.P., Pessoa, C.A., (2005) Tratamento De Esgotos Domésticos, , 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro: ABES(2003) Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, , METCALFEDDY, 4th ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, International EditionsGuidelines for the microbiological quality of treated wastewater used in agriculture: Recommendations for revising WHO guidelines (2000) Bulletin of World Health Organization, 78 (9). , ORGANIZAÇÃO MUNDIAL DA SAÚDE (OMS)GenebraTonetti, A.L., Coraucci, F.B., Bertoncini, E.I., Oliveira, R.A., Stefanutti, R., Avaliação de um sistema simplificado de tratamento de esgotos visando a utilização em áreas rurais (2010) Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agrícola E Ambiental, 14 (2), pp. 227-234Tonetti, A.L., Coraucci, F.B., Guimarães, J.R., Cruz, L.M.O., Nakamura, M.S., Avaliação da partida e operação de filtros anaeróbios tendo bambu como material de recheio (2011) Revista Engenharia Sanitária E Ambiental, 16 (1), pp. 11-16von Sperling, M., (2009) Introdução a Qualidade Das Águas E Ao Tratamento De Esgotos, p. 452. , 2a ed. Belo Horizonte: UFM