288 research outputs found

    From Sigmund Freud to Michel Foucault: a study on sexuality

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    The studies on sexuality have been numerous over time, from the first analysis of the nineteenth century psychiatry to the accurate remarks of Michel Foucault. Psychoanalysis has taken much interest on sexuality, above all has tried to detect all forms of repression of libido society wielded on the individual since his early life. Following a period of repression of sexuality and of highly restrictive rules of conduct, according to many analysts including Herbert Marcuse, the Society has changed position on this topic adopting a whole new attitude, after 1968, more permissive and tolerant about the sexual practices of individuals. The scholar Michel Foucault has identified in the dichotomy between ‘alliance device’ and ‘sexuality device’ the evolution of the relationship of the social fabric with the sexuality. A relationship that form being highly prescriptive and limiting was becoming encouraging of the practices and of the general decriminalization, favoring a pervasive, imperceptible and invasive sexualization, for a hedonistic transformation of the existence based on consumption

    The practice of Coaching: origin and development

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    Coaching is a modern technique for managing and enhancing the individual's internal resources. Through the research of Tart, Csíkszentmihályi, Assagioli and others, Coaching assumes critical depth and finds in Humanistic Psychology the appropriate critical implications. These implications are the foundation of a discipline that brings tradition to compete modernity. Based on moral suasion and the non-verbal communication, Coaching promotes the explosion of individual and spiritual creativity, useful for exceeding goals and achieving success; it also leads to inner invention by discovering new work management method

    Microphysics of power: Michel Foucault and bio-politics

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    The analyses on Power, in modern thought, have drawn very important lines and led to formulations of undoubted value. Some of these analyses were developed by the philosopher Michel Foucault. In his last writings he defined the "Microphysical" Power and elaborated the theory of Bio-politics. These analyses are intertwined with those of Pier Paolo Pasolini on the same topic: social homogenization, anthropological degradation, which culminate in the film "Salò or the 120 days of Sodom" and in the "Lutheran Letters", a posthumous collection of journalistic articles. Power, from being paranoid and repressive, becomes pervasive, perverse and hedonistic. The two authors underline that where this power has no influence the Elsewhere are being reduced, and a modification on the bio-physical level of the citizens' personality is taking place

    Deviancy as social problem: the answers of psychology [La devianza come problema sociale: le risposte della psicologia]

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    Scopo: Il comportamento deviante è tale in quanto infrange una serie di norme sociali più o meno consapevolmente riconosciute dai più. Scopo dello studio è descrivere e analizzare le caratteristiche di tale comportamento. Materiali e metodi: Si è tentato di individuare le cause della devianza in un rapporto complesso con le figure genitoriali, con l’Autorità generalmente intesa, con i Gruppi sociali che detengono il Potere ecc. valutando teorie a partire dalla psicoanalisi fino alla più recente sociologia. Risultati e conclusioni: Pur ammettendo la possibile presenza di un certo tipo di disturbi di personalità nella struttura psichica del deviante, non si può non puntare l’attenzione sulle metodiche che le varie società utilizzano per l’integrazione dei cittadini, soprattutto nelle agenzie fondamentali preposte all’educazione del minore: famiglia e scuola. Metodi didattici all’avanguardia, che senz’altro forniscano al discente griglie comportamentali e regole di condotta, che però al tempo stesso non dimentichino la dimensione fondamentale del gioco, dello svago e della ricerca personale, sono da incentivare fortemente. Con la consapevolezza che, nel bambino e nell’adolescente, “trasgredire” determinate regole con coscienza critica e capacità di discernimento, aiuta a formare un cittadino consapevole, responsabile e rivolto all’innovazione di paradigmi comportamentali spesso datati e inadeguati, anche se comunemente accettati con passività dai più.Scope: Deviant behaviour is the one that breaks those rules most people regard as social. The study describes and analyzes the characteristics of this behavior. Materials and Methods: Psychology and also the latest Sociological Theories have tried to find the causes of deviance in the complex and difficult relationship with parental figures, with Authority in general, with the Part of society that holds Power etc. Results and Conclusions: While admitting the possible presence of some kinds of personality disorders in the deviant’s psychic structure we cannot avoid focusing on the methodologies used for the integration of citizen above all in those fundamental units in charge of minors’ education: Family and School. Advanced teaching methods which can provide behavioural models and rules are to be strongly encouraged, without forgetting the essential dimension of playing, of research and also of individual personal growth. Nevertheless we must be aware that ‘breaking’ the rules with a sense of responsibility and discernment helps a young man to grow informed and responsible, able to renew his behavioural patterns often dated and deficient albeit mainly passively accepted

    Post vaccinal temporary sensorineural hearing loss

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    In our systematic research we identified four studies concerning the onset of neurological adverse events following vaccination and two excluding this association. A 33-year-old Italian man, belonging to the Italian Army was hospitalized because he suffered from vertigo, nausea and sudden right hearing loss not classified (NDD), that set in 24 h after the administration of tetanus-diphtheria and meningococcal vaccines. Some neurological events arising after vaccination are very difficult to treat. In our case, the functional recovery on low and medium frequencies was possible about 6 months after the morbid event

    Benzene and lipid asset

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    Background: In relation to the medico-social and medico-legal aspects of urban pollution we studied the effects of benzene present in urban pollution on outdoor workers exposed to physical, chemical, and psychosocial stressors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possible correlation between the levels of benzene and its urinary metabolites in the blood (Trans muconic acid and S-phenylmecapturic acid) and the parameters of the lipid structure: Total cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides and blood sugar. Materials and methods: From an initial group 1,500 we selected a group of 199 subjects. A blood sample was taken for each worker to assess blood benzene levels and urinalysis to determine the levels of trans, trans-muconic acid and S-phenyl mercapturic acid. We compared the mean and standard deviation of the following lipid parameters: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and glycemia with benzene and urinary metabolites; we excluded the workers with confounding factors and performed the Pearson’s correlation between lipid parameters and urinary metabolites in the total sample and also among age, seniority, sex and BMI; multiple linear regression was performed for the evaluation of the main confounding factors. Results: We did not find a statistically significant alteration between the values of the lipid structure between the two groups of workers and the parameters of benzene. Triglycerides and HDL are statistically significantly influenced by sex (p=0.001) and (p=0.00) and BMI (p=0.00) and (p=0.001) as well as total cholesterol is influenced in a statistically significant way from age (p=0.003) and blood glucose from BMI (p=0.002) A statistically significant difference was found among the averages of phenylmercapturic S acid values of traffic policeman and police drivers (p<0.05), where higher values were among drivers. Conclusions: The results suggest that occupational exposure to levels of benzene, present in urban pollution, would appear not to influence the values of the lipid parameters in traffic policeman

    Work-related stress in three groups with specific homogeneous tasks

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    In relation to the medico-social and medico-legal aspects of stress we have studied the effects of stress on different working populations. Background: Stress is the second most common work-related health problem, affecting about 22% of workers in the EU. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2000) defines work-related stress as a condition that "occurs when the demands of the work environment exceed the ability of workers to cope with it". In the evaluation of this work-related stress it is of fundamental importance to identify the factors capable of generating and increasing it in order to identify categories of subjects particularly at risk and plan interventions for the prevention, elimination or reduction of risk. Material and methods: Tasks analysed: -Administrative (n.519) -Drivers/porters/doormen/workers (n.103) -Social workers/educators/teachers (n. 31) Subjective: Stress was first assessed in the three groups, and then stratification by sex was carried out, assessing stress in the male-female subgroups. Results: The new and original results allow the correction of situations defined as critical, through original and new, preventive, never applied, protocols, which are at the forefront of the preventive technological procedures already known. Conclusions: Our research showed that for most of the tasks analysed, in the various and specific tasks in comparison with each other, never studied before and compared with each other, the level of stress for some areas was found in comparison to be much higher in some tasks

    Psicologia della comunicazione e del lavoro

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