Microphysics of power: Michel Foucault and bio-politics


The analyses on Power, in modern thought, have drawn very important lines and led to formulations of undoubted value. Some of these analyses were developed by the philosopher Michel Foucault. In his last writings he defined the "Microphysical" Power and elaborated the theory of Bio-politics. These analyses are intertwined with those of Pier Paolo Pasolini on the same topic: social homogenization, anthropological degradation, which culminate in the film "Salò or the 120 days of Sodom" and in the "Lutheran Letters", a posthumous collection of journalistic articles. Power, from being paranoid and repressive, becomes pervasive, perverse and hedonistic. The two authors underline that where this power has no influence the Elsewhere are being reduced, and a modification on the bio-physical level of the citizens' personality is taking place

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