34 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to discover the main activities and actual observed responsesof children based on the childcare goals implemented by current childcare professionals andto obtain basic resources that can contribute to better guidance in training schools such as themanner of talking to young children. Results of written questionnaires revealed that currentchildcare professionals establish goals that suit the development of the children, choosevarious main activities, and then conduct them. Moreover, during this process both aspects canbe seen such as whether the children are behaving in the desired manner or whether assistancefrom the caregiver is needed

    保育・教育課程における領域「健康」の指導展開 ― 園外活動場面の保育に着目して ―

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    本研究は、保育士が園外活動場面において保育内容「健康」のねらいをどのように達成しようとしているのか、事例の記述内容から明らかにすることを目的としている。調査の結果、保育士は保育内容「健康」の指導展開にあたり、子どもの複雑な感情を適切に捉え、目の前の子どもにとって価値ある行動・場面へと促している。また、言葉がけや自分自身の行動により、あたかも自然に子ども本人の自主性を尊重して促している。その際、あらゆる危険因子を捉え、不安なく活動に入り込めるよう配慮していることが明らかとなった。This study utilizes written descriptions from example cases to reveal how childcare providers seek to fulfill the aims of the MEXT course of study category “Content of Childcare Health in extracurricular activities. Survey results indicate that in their teaching methodology for” Content of Childcare Health, the childcare providers appropriately capture the complex emotions of children, and encourage valuable behavior and scenarios for the children with whom they are engaged. Moreover, through their choice of words and actions the providers respect and encourage each child’s independence in an entirely natural manner. These findings show that during this process the childcare providers consider various risk factors and shape the environment to enable children to articipate in activities without anxiety

    領域「健康」と「健康及び安全」に関する研究 ―新旧保育所保育指針の比較を中心として―

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    This study aims to compare the newly - revised and previous versions of ChildcareGuidelines for Daycare Facilities to investigate “Health” section and “Health and Safety”based on what can be read from the new guidelines to gain fundamental data that willcontribute to future childcare at daycare facilities.Influenced by diversification of how time is spent at such facilities and an increased numberof facilities that provide infant - care and child - care services, many notations have been addedto the “health” section. Since “health and safety,” issues can directly affect accidents thatmay prove life - threatening, it is particularly imperative that such matters are specified inthe childcare center guidelines to assure childcare quality is maintained. Comparison of therevised and older guidelines suggest that the value of childcare’s responsibilities in maintainingsafety to ensure child health is becoming ever more highly recognized

    保育内容「人間関係」の指導法に関する一考察 ― 幼児期の人間関係の形成に着目した事例の検討を通して ―

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    本稿は、幼児の年齢別における入園から卒園までの人間関係の形成過程を幼児の人間関係の視点、対人関係で育つもの、保育者のかかわりの視点から、効果的な指導法のあり方について事例を基に検討した。結果、①他者の存在に気付く②友達の存在を知る③自己主張が先行する④自己主張が通らないことがあり、葛藤する⑤集団で過ごす充実感を感じる⑥友達を思いやる、相手の気持ちに立てるようになるという過程が示された。また、保育者のかかわりとして、支持的風土の雰囲気を創ることが幼児の豊かな人間関係の形成につながることが示唆された。The study explored the processes of development of human relationship among young children from their entry period to graduation time at kindergarten. We, the researchers of the study, employed the case studies to depict and analyzed the ways of the children to develop their human relationship, and pedagogy of teachers. In terms of interpretation of the children’s actions, we focused them from three perspectives; 1) peer relationship emerged among the children, 2) characteristics of development of human relationship, and 3) interactions between the children and their teachers. The study revealed that the processes of development of human relationship were identified as follows; 1) being aware of others, 2) acknowledging the others as friends, 3) expressing one’s perspectives to others, 4) experiencing conflict, 5) feeling of sense of belongings, and 6) caring and empathizing others. In terms of pedagogy of teachers for promoting the children’s human relationship, creating an environment with supportive atmosphere was considered as important

    保育内容「人間関係」の指導法の意識に関する一考察 ―保育者の経験年数に着目した質問紙調査の結果から―

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    The study we conducted a questionnaire survey to examine consciousness of pedagogyof “human relationships” by chidcare teachers years of experience. The target of thequestionnaire is kindergarten teachers and nursery teachers (N=70). Experienced childcareteachers evaluated the learning of the college of early childhood education and showed thatthey are taking childcare taking “acceptance and sympathy” into consideration. The novicechildcare teachers were dissatisfied with the learning of the college of early childhoodeducation and showed confidence and response in the leadership skill of pedagogy of “humanrelationships”. It was suggested that it is important for novice childcare teachers to reflectionon their childcare

    A Study of responsive teaching of Communication Ability of Young Children - A Text Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Questions of Parents and Nursery School Teachers -

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    本稿は、認定こども園の1 ~ 5 歳児の園児の保護者63名と、保育者24名を対象に、保護者と保育者の自由記述を基にしたテキストマイニングによる分析を行い、保護者と保育者の幼児のコミュニケーション能力に関する意識の比較を通して、幼児のコミュニケーション能力に関する指導法についての知見を得ることを目的として行った。その結果、保護者と保育者が共通して幼児のコミュニケーション能力が育っている場面としてとらえていたのは、「友達」と「遊ぶ」場面や、「伝える」場面であった。保護者も言葉の重要性を感じていたが、保育者は、「自分」の「気持ち」を「言葉」で伝える場面を大切にしていた。また、「言葉」で「伝える」ことがうまくいかず「泣く」「姿」のような葛藤する場面、「子ども」「同士」の「貸し借り」をする「姿」、相互交渉する場面も保育者は幼児のコミュニケーション能力が育っている場面ととらえていたことが明らかになった。保育者は保護者に対して、「言葉」で伝える際に、上手くいかない際にもその葛藤を支え、子どもの思いを代弁しながら支持していくかかわりが求められることが示唆された。departmental bulletin pape

    Evaluation Tendency of Experienced Child Care Providers on the Appropriateness of Manner of Speaking by Current Child Care Providers and Students to 3-Year-Old Children —Focusing on Reflection, Evaluation, Interpretation, and Meaning Making—

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the evaluation tendency of experienced caregivers on the appropriateness of manner of speaking by current caregivers and students, who were interacting with 3 -year-old children with "desirable attitude" and "attitude needs consideration". We analyzed evaluations by a former public kindergarten director who had worked for 36 years and a child care provider who had worked at a private kindergarten for 15 years and had no experience in a supervisory position. In both evaluations, a similar trend was found for the "attitude needs consideration". However, there was a discrepancy between the two in terms of the “desirable attitude”. This result suggests that reflection, evaluation criteria, interpretation, and meaning making based on childcare experience are more important in capturing "manner of speaking" for "attitude needs consideration”.departmental bulletin pape

    男性保育者の必要性と理想的な保育者の男女比に関する意識調査 ― 保育者志望学生と女性保育士を中心として ―

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    本研究は、幼稚園や保育所における男性保育者の必要性及び理想的な保育者の男女比に関する意識調査を実施し、保育者養成に寄与するための基礎的資料を得ることを目的とした。質問紙調査の結果、全体的に約60%の割合で男性保育者が「いることが望ましい」との必要性が示された。また、理想的な保育者の男女比は主に「男性2割+ 女性8 割」や「男性3 割+ 女性7 割」のように低いことが認められた。さらに、男性保育者に対するイメージについて因子分析を行った結果、「活動性」「気配り」「繊細」の3 因子が認められた。そして、この男女比の意識の割合には男性保育者及び男子学生との直接的なかかわりの有無が影響していることを示唆している。In the present study, we conducted an opinion poll regarding the requirement for malenursery school staff and the ideal male-to-female ratio among nursery school staff. The aimnursery school staff and the ideal male-to-female ratio among nursery school staff. The aimwas to obtain basic materials to contribute to the education of nursery school staff. Results of the questionnaire showed that on the whole, there was a requirement for male nursery school staff, with approximately 63% of respondents stating that “it would be nice if they were here”. In addition, the ideal nursery school staff male-to-female ratio was low; the main responses were “20% men, 80% women” and “30% men and 70% women”. Furthermore, a factor analysis was performed regarding the image of male nursery school staff. The three factors observed were activity, consideration and licate. This also suggests the fact that the presence of a direct connection to male nursery school staff and male students affects the proportion of awareness of the male-to-female ratio