30 research outputs found

    Prepulse inhibition predicts spatial working memory performance in the inbred Roman high- and low-avoidance rats and in genetically heterogeneous NIH-HS rats: relevance for studying pre-attentive and cognitive anomalies in schizophrenia

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    Animal models of schizophrenia-relevant symptoms are increasingly important for progress in our understanding of the neurobiological basis of the disorder and for discovering novel and more specific treatments. Prepulse inhibition (PPI) and working memory, which are impaired in schizophrenic patients, are among the symptoms/processes modeled in those animal analogues. We have evaluated whether a genetically-selected rat model, the Roman high-avoidance inbred strain (RHA-I), displays PPI deficits as compared with its Roman low-avoidance (RLA-I) counterpart and the genetically heterogeneous NIH-HS rat stock. We have investigated whether PPI deficits predict spatial working memory impairments (in the Morris water maze; MWM) in these three rat types (Experiment 1), as well as in a separate sample of NIH-HS rats stratified according to their extreme (High, Medium, Low) PPI scores (Experiment 2). The results from Exp. 1 show that RHA-I rats display PPI and spatial working memory deficits compared to both RLA-I and NIH-HS rats. Likewise, in Exp. 2, “Low-PPI” NIH-HS rats present significantly impaired working memory with respect to “Medium-PPI” and “High-PPI” NIH-HS subgroups. Further support to these results comes from correlational, factorial and multiple regression analyses, which reveal that PPI is positively associated with spatial working memory performance. Conversely, cued learning in the MWM was not associated with PPI.Thus, using genetically-selected and genetically heterogeneous rats, the present study shows, for the first time, that PPI is a positive predictor of performance in a spatial working memory task. These results may have translational value for schizophrenia symptom research in humans, as they suggest that either by psychogenetic selection or by focusing on extreme PPI scores from a genetically heterogeneous rat stock, it is possible to detect a useful (perhaps “at risk”) phenotype to study cognitive anomalies linked to schizophrenia

    Decreased social interaction in the RHA rat model of schizophrenia-relevant features: Modulation by neonatal handling

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    The Roman-Low (RLA) and High-Avoidance (RHA) rat strains have been bidirectionally selected and bred, respectively, for extremely poor vs. rapid acquisition of the two-way active avoidance task. Over 50 years of selective breeding have led to two strains displaying many differential specific phenotypes. While RLAs display anxious-related behaviours, RHA rats show impulsivity, and schizophrenia-like positive and cognitive symptoms or phenotypes. Neonatal handling (NH) is an environmental treatment with long-lasting anxiolytic-like and anti-stress effects. NH also reduces symptoms related to schizophrenia, such as pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) impairment and latent inhibition (LI) deficits, and improves spatial working memory and cognitive flexibility. The present work was aimed at exploring whether RHAs also display negative schizophrenia-like symptoms (or phenotypes), such as lowered preference for social interaction (i.e. asociality), and whether NH would reduce these deficits. To this aim, we evaluated naïve inbred RHA and RLA rats in a social interaction (SI) test after either long- or short-term habituation to the testing set up (studies 1–2). In Study 3 we tested untreated and NH-treated RHA and RLA rats in novel object exploration (NOE) and SI tests. Compared with RHAs, RLA rats displayed increased anxiety-related behaviours in the NOE (i.e. higher behavioural inhibition, lesser exploration of the novel object) and SI (i.e. higher levels of self-grooming) tests which were dramatically reduced by NH treatment, thus supporting the long-lasting anxiolytic-like effect of NH. Remarkably, RHA rats showed decreased social preference in the SI test compared with RLAs, evidencing that RHAs would present a relative asociality, which is thought to model some negative symptomatology (i.e. social withdrawal) of schizophrenia. NH increased absolute levels of social behaviour in both strains, but with a more marked effect in RHA rats, especially in the first 5 min of the SI test. Thus, it is hypothesized that, apart from its effects on anxiety-related behaviours, NH might have long-lasting positive effects on behavioural and neurobiological processes that are impaired in schizophrenia