74 research outputs found

    Retromer and Its Role in Regulating Signaling at Endosomes.

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    The retromer complex is a key element of the endosomal protein sorting machinery being involved in trafficking of proteins from endosomes to the Golgi and also endosomes to the cell surface. There is now accumulating evidence that retromer also has a prominent role in regulating the activity of many diverse signaling proteins that traffic through endosomes and this activity has profound implications for the functioning of many different cell and tissue types from neuronal cells to cells of the immune system to specialized polarized epithelial cells of the retina. In this review, the protein composition of the retromer complex will be described along with many of the accessory factors that facilitate retromer-mediated endosomal protein sorting to detail how retromer activity contributes to the regulation of several distinct signaling pathways

    Fatigue and physical disability in patients with multiple sclerosis: a structural equation modeling approach

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    Although fatigue is one of the most common and disabling symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), its pathogenesis is still poorly understood and it is difficult to treat. The aim of the current study was to test the assumptions of a cognitive-behavioral model that explains fatigue and physical disability in MS patients, by comparing this approach with a more traditional biomedical approach. Structural equation modeling was applied to a sample of 262 MS patients. Neither the cognitive-behavioral, nor the biomedical model showed an adequate fit of our data. The modification indices supported an integration of both models, which showed a better fit than those of the separate models. This final model, is notable for at least three features: (1) fatigue is associated with depression and physical disability, (2) physical disability is associated with disease severity and fatigue-related fear and avoidance behavior, and (3) catastrophic interpretations about fatigue, fueled by depression, mediated the relationship between fatigue and fatigue-related fear and avoidance behavior. Our results suggest that an integrated approach, including the modification of catastrophic thoughts about fatigue, would be beneficial in the treatment of fatigue in MS patients

    Microbiomes of ant castes implicate new microbial roles in the fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis

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    Fungus-growing ants employ several defenses against diseases, including disease-suppressing microbial biofilms on their integument and in fungal gardens. Here, we compare the phenology of microbiomes in natural nests of the temperate fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis using culture-dependent isolations and culture-independent 16S-amplicon 454-sequencing. 454-sequencing revealed diverse actinobacteria associated with ants, including most prominently Solirubrobacter (12.2–30.9% of sequence reads), Pseudonocardia (3.5–42.0%), and Microlunatus (0.4–10.8%). Bacterial abundances remained relatively constant in monthly surveys throughout the annual active period (late winter to late summer), except Pseudonocardia abundance declined in females during the reproductive phase. Pseudonocardia species found on ants are phylogenetically different from those in gardens and soil, indicating ecological separation of these Pseudonocardia types. Because the pathogen Escovopsis is not known to infect gardens of T. septentrionalis, the ant-associated microbes do not seem to function in Escovopsis suppression, but could protect against ant diseases, help in nest sanitation, or serve unknown functions

    Pilot parallel randomised controlled trial of protective socks against usual care to reduce skin tears in high risk people: 'STOPCUTS'.

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    Skin tears are common in older adults and those taking steroids and warfarin. They are traumatic, often blunt injuries caused by oblique knocks to the extremities. The epidermis may separate from the dermis or both layers from underlying tissues leaving a skin flap or total loss of tissue, which is painful and prone to infection. 'Dermatuff™' knee-length socks containing Kevlar fibres (used in stab-proof vests and motorcyclists' clothing) aim to prevent skin tears. The acceptability of the socks and the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) had not been explored.Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation TrustThis article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text via the publisher's site.NIHR Research for Patient BenefitEDGE Project ID: 1854