57 research outputs found

    Assessment of correlation between knee notch width index and the three-dimensional notch volume

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    This study was done to determine whether there is a correlation between the notch volume and the notch width index (NWI) as measured on the three most frequently used radiographic views: the Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, and Rosenberg view. The notch volume of 20 cadaveric knees was measured using Computed Tomography (CT). The Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, and Rosenberg notch view radiographs were digitally re-created from the CT scans for each specimen, and the NWI was measured by two observers. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the NWI and notch volume was calculated, as well as between the three views. An independent t test was performed to determine the difference in NWI and notch volume between male and female specimens. The reliability for each view was also determined. There was no correlation between the NWI as measured on the Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, or Rosenberg view and the notch volume. All three radiographic views proved reliable, but showed only a moderate correlation with each other. Men had larger notch volumes than women, but there was no difference in NWI. A knee with a small intercondylar notch is often considered an increased risk for ACL rupture. The NWI is a frequently used two-dimensional method to determine notch size. However, in the present study, this index was not positively correlated with the overall volume of the notch. Based on the results of the current study, the authors would advice to use caution when using notch view radiographs in a clinical setting to predict risk of ACL rupture

    Massive rotator cuff tears: functional outcome after debridement or arthroscopic partial repair

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    Background The surgical treatment of massive rotator cuff tears (RCT) is still controversial and can be based on a variety of different surgical repair methods. This study investigated the effectiveness of arthroscopic debridement or arthroscopic partial repair in patients with massive RCT. Materials and methods This prospective, randomized study involved forty-two patients with massive RCT (fatty infiltration stage 3 or 4) treated with either arthroscopic partial repair or arthroscopic debridement were selected to detect possible differences in functional outcome. Both groups were matched according to age and gender. Patients were examined before, and 16 ± 3 and 24 ± 2 months after surgery. The status of the rotator cuff repair was determined using ultrasonographic evaluation. Results Regardless of the treatment group, postoperative results demonstrated highly significant improvements compared with preoperative values in most parameters. The overall Constant score in the partial repair group was superior to the outcome in the debridement group (P \ 0.01, F = 8.561), according to better results in abductio

    At the bottom of the differential diagnosis list: unusual causes of pediatric hypertension

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    Hypertension affects 1–5% of children and adolescents, and the incidence has been increasing in association with obesity. However, secondary causes of hypertension such as renal parenchymal diseases, congenital abnormalities and renovascular disorders still remain the leading cause of pediatric hypertension, particularly in children under 12 years old. Other less common causes of hypertension in children and adolescents, including immobilization, burns, illicit and prescription drugs, dietary supplements, genetic disorders, and tumors will be addressed in this review

    Description of the attachment geometry of the anteromedial and posterolateral bundles of the ACL from arthroscopic perspective for anatomical tunnel placement

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    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) consists of an anteromedial bundle (AMB) and a posterolateral bundle (PLB). A reconstruction restoring the functional two-bundled nature should be able to approximate normal ACL function better than the most commonly used single-bundle reconstructions. Accurate tunnel positioning is important, but difficult. The purpose of this study was to provide a geometric description of the centre of the attachments relative to arthroscopically visible landmarks. The AMB and PLB attachment sites in 35 dissected cadaver knees were measured with a 3D system, as were anatomical landmarks of femur and tibia. At the femur, the mean ACL centre is positioned 7.9 ± 1.4 mm (mean ± 1 SD) shallow, along the notch roof, from the most lateral over-the-top position at the posterior edge of the intercondylar notch and from that point 4.0 ± 1.3 mm from the notch roof, low on the surface of the lateral condyle wall. The mean AMB centre is at 7.2 ± 1.8 and 1.4 ± 1.7 mm, and the mean PLB centre at 8.8 ± 1.6 and 6.7 ± 2.0 mm. At the tibia, the mean ACL centre is positioned 5.1 ± 1.7 mm lateral of the medial tibial spine and from that point 9.8 ± 2.1 mm anterior. The mean AMB centre is at 3.0 ± 1.6 and 9.4 ± 2.2 mm, and the mean PLB centre at 7.2 ± 1.8 and 10.1 ± 2.1 mm. The ACL attachment geometry is well defined relative to arthroscopically visible landmarks with respect to the AMB and PLB. With simple guidelines for the surgeon, the attachments centres can be found during arthroscopic single-bundle or double-bundle reconstructions

    Listeria monocytogenes in Milk Products

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    peer-reviewedMilk and milk products are frequently identified as vectors for transmission of Listeria monocytogenes. Milk can be contaminated at farm level either by indirect external contamination from the farm environment or less frequently by direct contamination of the milk from infection in the animal. Pasteurisation of milk will kill L. monocytogenes, but post-pasteurisation contamination, consumption of unpasteurised milk and manufacture of unpasteurised milk products can lead to milk being the cause of outbreaks of listeriosis. Therefore, there is a concern that L. monocytogenes in milk could lead to a public health risk. To protect against this risk, there is a need for awareness surrounding the issues, hygienic practices to reduce the risk and adequate sampling and analysis to verify that the risk is controlled. This review will highlight the issues surrounding L. monocytogenes in milk and milk products, including possible control measures. It will therefore create awareness about L. monocytogenes, contributing to protection of public health

    Clinical features of congenital myasthenic syndrome due to mutations in DPAGT1

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    Background A newly defined congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) caused by DPAGT1 mutations has recently been reported. While many other CMSassociated proteins have discrete roles localised to the neuromuscular junction, DPAGT1 is ubiquitously expressed, modifying many proteins, and as such is an unexpected cause of isolated neuromuscular involvement. Methods We present detailed clinical characteristics of five patients with CMS caused by DPAGT1 mutations. Results Patients have prominent limb girdle weakness and minimal craniobulbar symptoms. Tubular aggregates on muscle biopsy are characteristic but may not be apparent on early biopsies. Typical myasthenic features such as pyridostigmine and 3, 4- diaminopyridine responsiveness, and decrement on repetitive nerve stimulation are present. Conclusions These patients mimic myopathic disorders and are likely to be under-diagnosed. The descriptions here should facilitate recognition of this disorder. In particular minimal craniobulbar involvement and tubular aggregates on muscle biopsy help to distinguish DPAGT1 CMS from the majority of other forms of CMS. Patients with DPAGT1 CMS share similar clinical features with patients who have CMS caused by mutations in GFPT1, another recently identified CMS subtype