14 research outputs found

    Heterodimers of photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR/NR2E3) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARγ) are disrupted by retinal disease-associated mutations

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    Photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR/NR2E3) and Tailless homolog (TLX/NR2E1) are human orthologs of the NR2E group, a subgroup of phylogenetically related members of the Nuclear Receptor (NR) superfamily of transcription factors. We assessed the ability of these NRs to form heterodimers with other members of the human NRs representing all major subgroups. The TLX ligand binding domain (LBD) did not appear to form homodimers or interact directly with any other NR tested. The PNR LBD was able to form homodimers, but also exhibited robust interactions with the LBDs of PPARγ/NR1C3 and TRβ/NR1A2. The binding of PNR to PPARγ was specific for this paralog, as no interaction was observed with the LBDs of PPARαNR1C1 or PPARδNR1C2. In support of these findings, PPARγ and PNR were found to be co-expressed in human retinal tissue extracts and could be co-immunoprecipitated as a native complex. Selected sequence variants in the PNR LBD associated with human retinopathies, or a mutation in the dimerization region of PPARγ LBD associated with familial partial lipodystrophy type 3, were found to disrupt PNR/PPARγ complex formation. Wild type PNR, but not a PNR309G mutant, was able to repress PPARγ-mediated transcription in reporter assays. In summary our results reveal novel heterodimer interactions in the NR superfamily, suggesting previously unknown functional interactions of PNR with PPARγ and TRβ that have potential importance in retinal development and disease

    RXRs: collegial partners.

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    Retinoid X Receptors (RXR) were initially identified as nuclear receptors binding with stereo-selectivity the vitamin A derivative 9-cis retinoic acid, although the relevance of this molecule as endogenous activator of RXRs is still elusive. Importantly, within the nuclear receptor superfamily, RXRs occupy a peculiar place, as they are obligatory partners for a number of other nuclear receptors, thus integrating the corresponding signaling pathways. In this chapter, we describe the structural features allowing RXR to form homo- and heterodimers, and the functional consequences of this unique ability. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of studying RXR activity at a genome-wide level in order to comprehensively address the biological implications of their action that is fundamental to understand to what extent RXRs could be exploited as new therapeutic targets