73 research outputs found

    Développement d un outil intégré pour la Modélisation de Procédés et l Analyse de Cycle de Vie (Ecoconception d usines de procédés et application à la production d eau potable)

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    Des outils adaptés pour s attaquer aux problématiques environnementales sont nécessaires mais malheureusement absents de l industrie. En effet, l introduction de nouvelles pratiques d écoconception dans l industrie des procédés est entravée par le manque de réalisme et de flexibilité des outils associés. Les objectifs principaux de ce travail de recherche étaient le développement d un outil intégré pour la modélisation de procédés et l analyse de cycle de vie (PM-LCA), ainsi que la formulation d une approche méthodologique affiliée pour l écoconception de procédés. L outil logiciel et l approche méthodologique sont appliqués à la production d eau potable.La revue de la littérature scientifique a permis d appréhender les efforts de recherche nécessaires. Les principales lignes directrices sont établies en conséquence.L outil développé, nommé EVALEAU, consiste en une bibliothèque logicielle de modèles de procédés unitaires permettant le calcul d inventaire de données en fonction de paramètres de procédés. L outil est embarqué dans le logiciel ACV Umberto® en complément de la base de données Ecoinvent. Uneboîte à outils pour l analyse de sensibilité, basée sur la méthode de Morris, est implémentée pour l identification des paramètres de procédés ayant une influence majeure sur les résultats d impacts environnementaux.L outil EVALEAU est testé sur deux études de cas - deux usines de production d eau potable existantes. La fiabilité de l approche est démontrée à travers la comparaison des calculs de qualité de l eau, de consommations d énergie et de matériaux avec les données réelles recueillies sur site. Une procédure d écoconception est expérimentée sur une chaîne de traitement complexe démontrant ainsi la pertinence des résultats de simulations et l utilité de l analyse de sensibilité pour un choix optimal des paramètres opératoires. En conséquence, ce premier outil PM-LCA est censé promouvoir l introduction de pratiques d écoconception dans l industrie de l eauAdapted tools for tackling environmental issues are necessary but they are still missing in industry. Indeed, the introduction of ecodesign practices in the process industry is hindered by the lack of realism and flexibility of related tools.The main objectives of this research work were the development of a fully integrated tool for Process Modelling & Life Cycle Assessment (PM-LCA), and the formulation of an affiliated methodological approach for process ecodesign. The software tool and the methodological approach are meant to be applied to water treatment technologies.The literature review leads to a better comprehension of the required research efforts. The main guidelines for the development of the software tool are stated accordingly.The developed tool, named EVALEAU, consists in a library of unit process models allowing life cycleinventory calculation in function of process parameters. The tool is embedded in Umberto® LCA software and is complementary to Ecoinvent database. A sensitivity analysis toolbox, based on theMorris method, was included for the identification of the process parameters mainly affecting the lifecycle impact assessment results.EVALEAU tool was tested through two case studies - two existing drinking water plants. There liability of the modelling approach was demonstrated through water quality simulation, energy and materials inventory simulation, compared with site real data. An ecodesign procedure was experienced on a complex water treatment chain, demonstrating the relevance of simulation results and the usefulness of sensitivity analysis for an optimal choice of operation parameters.This first developed PM-LCA tool is dedicated to foster the introduction of ecodesign practices in the water industryTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Contribution à l'évaluation de l'impact environnemental des bâtiments (modélisation numérique des émissions dans l'eau des substances dangereuses)

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    Tous les produits de construction ou les ouvrages qui sont en contact avec l eau de pluie, sont susceptibles de relarguer des composants chimiques potentiellement dangereux pour la santé humaine et l environnement. Actuellement, le relargage des substances dangereuses dans l eau est évalué essentiellement par des méthodes expérimentales - généralement des essais de lixiviation réalisées à l échelle du laboratoire. Par ailleurs, les impacts environnementaux des produits de construction et des bâtiments sont évalués par l approche Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV), réalisées à partir de données propres aux fabricants et de données génériques existantes constituées en bases de données. Or, les émissions de polluants pendant la vie en oeuvre des produits de construction sont actuellement mal prises en compte dans ces mêmes bases de données existantes et dans les méthodes utilisées pour l évaluation des performances environnementales des produits et des bâtiments.Dans ce contexte, les objectifs de ces travaux ont été : (i) de développer une méthodologie pour l évaluation du comportement à la lixiviation de différentes matrices de produits de construction et (ii) d intégrer les données de lixiviation dans les méthodes ACV à l échelle du bâtiment. La méthodologie développée pour l évaluation du comportement à la lixiviation des produits de construction est basée sur : (1) des essais de caractérisation à la lixiviation, selon les méthodes standardisées d évaluation répondant au Règlement Produits de Construction (RPC), (2) la modélisation et la simulation des phénomènes couplés chimie-transport à l échelle laboratoire et vraie grandeur et (3) l intégration des données de lixiviation, obtenues par des simulations numériques en conditions d exposition naturelle des produits de construction, dans les méthodes ACV, aux échelles produit et bâtiment.La méthodologie proposée a été appliquée et validée sur trois produits de construction : le bois traité CBA (Cuivre - Bore - Azole), la plaque fibrociment et la membrane bitumineuse. Les comportements à la lixiviation du bois traité CBA et de la plaque fibrociment a été simulé pour des conditions naturelles d exposition à long terme, en utilisant le logiciel géochimique PHREEQC®. Les modèles chimiques développées permettent de considérer les matrices organiques et minérales et leurs interactions avec les polluants. Les phénomènes de transport des substances ont été également modélisés. Les modèles d émission développés (couplage chimie-transport) permettent de simuler la lixiviation dynamique des produits considérés, pour différentes conditions d exposition. Pour la membrane bitumineuse, seule la caractérisation expérimentale a été réalisée. Les données de lixiviation obtenues lors des simulations sur la durée de vie en oeuvre des produits ont été intégrées dans les inventaires respectifs du cycle de vie (ICV) des produits. Des méthodes d impact spécifiques ont été utilisées en association avec les inventaires enrichis pour évaluer les impacts pollution de l eau , toxicité humaine et écotoxicité des produits considérés. L ACV d une maison simplifiée a été réalisée en utilisant le logiciel ELODIE. La méthode d évaluation à l échelle bâtiment consiste à intégrer les nouvelles données construites sur la base de la méthodologie développée à l échelle produit aux autres données d ACV à l échelle bâtiment. La méthodologie développée au cours de ces travaux permet donc l intégration des données de lixiviation dans les outils ACV dédiés au bâtimentAny construction product and building undergoing contact with water during its life cycle can release chemical compounds potentially hazardous for the human health and the environment. The release of dangerous substances is presently investigated especially by experimental approaches commonly by laboratory leaching tests while the environmental impacts of construction products and buildings are evaluated by a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach. The dangerous substances release during use stage of construction products (leaching behaviour) is currently very poorly represented in the existing data bases and methods for environmental assessment of construction products and buildings.In this context, the main objectives of this study were: (i) to develop a methodology for the assessment of the leaching behaviour of various construction products and (ii) to integrate the leaching data in LCA approach at building scale. The methodology developed for the assessment of the leaching behaviour of construction products is based on: (1) characterisation leaching tests at lab scale, following the horizontal standardised assessment methods for harmonised approaches relating to dangerous substances under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), (2) modelling and simulation of coupled chemical and transport phenomena at lab and field scale, and (3) utilisation of simulated leaching data for the construction products exposed in natural condition with the LCA method for the characterization of the hazardous effect during the use stage. The proposed methodology was applied and validated on three different classical construction products i.e. CBA (Copper-Boron-Azole) treated wood, fibre-cement sheets and bitumen membranes. The leaching behaviour of CBA treated wood and fibre-cement sheets was simulated over several years under natural exposure conditions, using the geochemical software PHREEQC. The chemical models consider both the mineral and the organic matrixes and their interaction with treatmentcompounds. Mass transfer and transport phenomena were modelled. The developed coupled chemical-transport models are able to represent the dynamic leaching behaviour of the respective products in various leaching conditions. For bitumen membranes only experimental characterisation was possible. The leaching data obtained by simulation over the whole use stage of the products were integrated in the life cycle inventory (LCI) and the relevant life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods were applied with the enriched inventory. A simplified single-family house was modelled using a software designed to evaluate the intrinsic environmental performances of a building over its entire life cycle. ELODIE software was used in this work. The building scale assessment methodology is based on coupling the methodology developed for the product scale with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) at building scale. This methodology allows a proper integration of leaching data in LCA tools and answers several technical questions raised in the fieldTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modeling equations and dataset of model parameters for ultrafiltration membrane fabrication

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    In the related research article, entitled “A generic process modeling ‒ LCA approach for UF membrane fabrication: Application to cellulose acetate membranes” [1], a generic model is described and used to obtain the list of material and energy flows as a function of operating conditions for ultrafiltration (UF) hollow fibers preparation by non-solvent induced phase separation. In this data article, equations of the model, a dataset of model parameters and modelled data are detailed. modeling equations are developed from material and energy balances for each unit operation (i.e. from polymer solution mixing to module conditioning) based on an industrial membrane fabrication process of UF cellulose acetate modules. These equations may be reused as such or adapted to other membrane materials and industrial practices. The dataset of model parameters relates to industrial on-site measurements and scientific literature for the existing cellulose-based module. The modelled data corresponds to a reference situation for which hollow fibers (inner and outer diameters equal to 0.93 mm and 1.67 mm, respectively) are fabricated from a polymer solution composition of 20 wt.% of cellulose triacetate, 78 wt.% N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and 2 wt.% lithium chloride

    A generic process modelling – LCA approach for UF membrane fabrication: Application to cellulose acetate membranes

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    The purpose of the research is to elaborate and implement a decision-making tool for greener membrane fabrication. The scientific novelty put forth in this study is the generic process modelling – LCA approach applied to the field. The resulting parameterized model allows to obtain material and energy flows as a function of operating conditions for ultrafiltration hollow fibers prepared by non-solvent induced phase separation. Its modular configuration allows for flexibility and adaptation to various membrane materials and industrial practices. Contributions of inputs on environmental impacts can be assessed, as well as the influence of operating conditions. Results for cellulose acetate membranes show major contributions of NMP (i.e. solvent) and glycerol (i.e. pre-conditioning liquid). Improvement strategies for environmental mitigation include acting on glycerol-related operating conditions and are to be considered within the geographic context of membrane fabrication; further technical and economic feasibility studies would embed these strategies in a full eco-design approach. Such a methodology and results should be taken into account for the elaboration of “green membranes” whatever the application and coupled with the impact of membrane use and end-of-life

    A climate goal–based, multicriteria method for system evaluation in life cycle assessment

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    International audiencePurpose Our ability to restrict global warming to the established objectives in the Paris Agreement depends on the metrics used to evaluate the climate change impact. Stemmed on the criticism of the current GWP metrics used with life cycle assessment (LCA), this study proposes new indicators and an interpretation grid for climate change impact in LCA, which are adaptive to present, short-term, and long-term climate goals. Methods The global mean temperature change (GMTC) is used in the indicators' definition and time parameters are introduced for a multicriteria evaluation of climate change impact. We adopt calendar-related time targets instead of a fixed time horizon. The systems are analyzed on a real-time scale and with respect to a climate-target point in time (for example, 2050 as objective for climate neutrality), in contrast with conventional LCA. The objective is to provide flexibility in system evaluation, adaptable to current and future targets. Results and discussion Four indicators are introduced: (1) the amplitude of the temperature change (GMTC(max)), representative for climate extreme events; (2) the time at which GMTC starts to definitely decrease and its distance with respect to the goal (t(last_peak)); (3) the time climate neutrality is reached and its distance with respect to the goal (t(neutral)); and (4) the accumulated warming until a targeted time, representative for sea-level rise and ice melting (integrated GMTC at a given time target, for example at the end of century iGMTC(2100)). An analysis grid is proposed based on these indicators and illustrated on 26 emission profiles involving long- and short-lived greenhouse gases with various temporalities, as well as on two dynamic LCA case studies. In the group of neutral systems, temporality is responsible for variations in GMTC(max) and iGMTC(2100). Increasing the frequency of emission/capture events flattens both indicators and provides the best performance. Equal CO2 emission systems are discriminated primarily by t(last_peak), while in the case of methane, more relief is observed for all indicators. The method allows for the design of tailored mitigation solutions in LCA application examples. Conclusions The indicators are able to discriminate and rank systems that are considered to be non-impacting, equivalently impacting, or neutral in LCA-GWP metrics. Such metrics is necessary to correctly (avoid strong simplifications) and unambiguously (with unaltered physical parameters, closer to climate physics) evaluate the effect on climate, mitigation solutions, neutrality, and support decision-making

    Verrous de l’application de l’ACV au bâtiment, nouvelles approches et perspectives

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    Assessing the potential environmental hazards of concrete made using recycled aggregates (RAs)

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    International audienceThis chapter starts with widely recommended and used methodologies for environmental assessment, with an overview of their application to construction materials. The concept of pollutant emission by leaching and its dependence on the materials involved is introduced, along with the parameters influencing the leaching process. The manner in which water contact with materials causes transfer, transport and dispersion of the contained contaminants is explained. Then the most relevant experimental tools dedicated to hazard identification and environmental performances are presented. These tools comprise laboratory leaching tests whose suitability for future standardisation in the field of construction materials is considered. Ecotoxicology tests could potentially be adapted to this standard testing method. The second part discusses recent research and discoveries concerning the leaching properties and potential hazards of materials of concern. The chemical behaviour of several pollutants in cement matrix is explained and examples of results obtained by leaching studies on concrete materials are discussed. Examples of studies on recycled aggregates (RA) from demolition as well as new concrete materials containing these wastes are also presented

    Modelling of solid/liquid/gas mass transfer for environnemental evaluation of cement-based solidified waste

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