87 research outputs found

    Open innovation research, management and practice

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    The concept of open innovation has become increasingly popular in the management and policy literature on technology and innovation. However, despite the large volume of empirical work, many of the prescriptions being proposed are fairly general and not specific to particular contexts and contingencies. The proponents of open innovation are universally positive but research suggests that the specific mechanisms and outcomes of open innovation models are very sensitive to context and contingency. This is not surprising because the open or closed nature of innovation is historically contingent and does not entail a simple shift from closed to open as often suggested in the literature. Research has shown that patterns of innovation differ fundamentally by sector, firm and strategy. Therefore, there is a need to examine the mechanisms that help to generate successful open innovation. In this book, the authors contribute to a shift in the debate from potentially misleading general prescriptions, and provide conceptual and empirical insights into the precise mechanisms and potential limitations of open innovation research and management practice

    Routines and representations at work - observing the architecture of conceptual design

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    routines, representations, artifacts, product development, workplace observation, evolutionary economics, chip manufacturing

    Organizing for Service Innovation: Best-Practice or Configurations?

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    In this paper we contrast the notions of best-practice and configurations contingent on environmental conditions. The analysis draws upon our study of 38 UK and 70 US service firms which includes an assessment of the organization, processes, tools and systems used, and how these factors influence variation in the development and delivery of new services. The best-practice framework is found to be predictive of performance improvement in samples in both the UK and USA, but the model better fits the USA than UK data. We analyze the UK data to identify alternative configurations. Four system configurations are identified: project-based; mass customization; cellular; and organic-technical. Each has a different combination of organization, processes, tools and systems which offer different performance advantages. The results provide an opportunity for updating the typologies of operations and adapting them to include services, and begin to challenge the notion of any universal 'best practice' management or organization of new product or service development.service industry, performance improvement, best-practice, alternative system configurations

    The Organization of New Service Development in the USA and UK

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    We understand a great deal about the organization and management of new product development in the manufacturing sector, but we know relatively little about how applicable this research and practice is to the service sector. In this paper we introduce and test a framework for managing new product development in services. This framework is derived and tested by analyzing 108 service firms in a combined US and UK dataset, and then each national sub-sample separately. Our results generally support the predictive capability of the framework, and suggest that the development strategy, processes, organization and tools derived from manufacturing, specially those of concurrent engineering, are applicable to services. However, the framework better fits the US than UK data, which may question the notion of a 'best practice' applicable to different contexts.product development, services, concurrent engineering, simultaneous development

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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    Contents : 1. He innvations imperative 2. Organizing innovation and entreprenuership 3. Network and systems 4. Innovative manuvactring 5. New produc and service development 6. Creating and sharing knowledge and intellectal roery 7. Exploiing disconins innovation 8. Entreprenuership and new ventures 9. Social entreprenurship and innovation 10. Innovation for growth and susatinbility 11. Innovation, globalizatioin and developmen

    [Editorial] 22nd special issue for the ISPIM: innovating in times of crisis

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    Welcome to the 22nd special issue of the IJIM for ISPIM. This draws upon papers submitted to the ISPIM virtual conference Innovating in Times of Crisis held in June 2020. From this pool of more than 300 potential papers, twelve were selected for further review, and the six papers published in this issue are the results subsequent review and revision. The range of topics spans many of the current core challenges in innovation management (Tidd and Bessant, 2021), including process innovations, experimentation, corporate ventures and collaboration, which transcend the simple linear model of product development which still dominates the field in mainstream business and management research and practice (Tidd, 2021)

    Open innovation in public management: analysis of the Brazilian action plan for Open Government Partnership

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    Este estudo objetivou analisar o Plano de Ação brasileiro para o Governo Aberto, baseado na teoria da inovação aberta na gestĂŁo pĂșblica. Utilizou-se de uma pesquisa documental, com vistas a aprofundar o conhecimento do fenĂŽmeno em questĂŁo. O documento foi escolhido intencionalmente, por ser exemplo basilar das polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas relacionadas Ă  inovação aberta brasileira. Os resultados mostram que os compromissos firmados pelo governo brasileiro estĂŁo consoantes com o processo de inovação aberta pĂșblica. As açÔes previstas no Plano estĂŁo especificamente relacionadas a transparĂȘncia, abertura de dados e preparação do corpo estatal para o processo aberto de inovação. _________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el Plan de AcciĂłn de Brasil para el Gobierno Abierto con base en la teorĂ­a de la innovaciĂłn abierta en la gestiĂłn pĂșblica. Se utilizĂł una investigaciĂłn documental, con el fin de profundizar el conocimiento en el fenĂłmeno en cuestiĂłn. El documento fue elegido intencionadamente porque es fundamental para las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas relacionadas con la innovaciĂłn abierta brasileña. Los resultados muestran que los compromisos asumidos por el gobierno brasileño son compatibles con el proceso de innovaciĂłn abierta pĂșblica. En concreto, las acciones contenidas en el plan estĂĄn relacionados con la transparencia, los datos abiertos y preparaciĂłn de la estructura de gobierno para el proceso abierto de innovaciĂłn. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the Brazilian action plan for Open Government, based on the theory of open innovation in public management. Documentary research was used, in order to deepen of the knowledge the phenomenon being discussed . The document was intentionally chosen because it is essential for public policies related to Brazilian open innovation The results show that the commitments made by the Brazilian government are compatible with the public open innovation process. The actions in the Plan are related specifically to transparency, open data and preparation of the governance body for the open innovation process

    Innovation and entrepreneurship

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    Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition is an accessible text on innovation and entrepreneurship aimed specifically at undergraduate students studying business and management studies, but also those on engineering and science degrees with management courses. The text applies key theories and research on innovation and entrepreneurship and then reviews and synthesises those theories and research to apply them in a much broader and contemporary context, including the corporate and public services, emerging technologies and economies, and sustainability and development and creating and capturing value from innovation and entrepreneurship. In this third edition the authors continue to adopt an explicit process model to help organise the material with clear links between innovation and entrepreneurship. This text has been designed to be fully integrated with the Innovation Portal at www.innovation-portal.info, which contains an extensive collection of additional resources for both lecturers and students, including teaching resources, case studies, media clips, innovation tools, seminar and assessment activities and test questions
