2,002 research outputs found

    Spatial Economic Theory of Pollution Control under Stochastic Emissions

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    This paper examines the eectiveness of environmental policies in curtailing pollution of a rm which is operating in a space economy under stochastic emissions. We consider a general n-input planar space production-location model, in which the output is produced jointly with the byproduct pollution. Although production is nonstochastic, the resulting pollution emission is assumed to have a random component, and the polluting rm must make its production and location decisions before the uncertainty is resolved. We provide some propositions concerning the comparative statics of the polluting rm's location choices, urban pollution concentration, and the relative impact of regulation via emission taxes to that of emission standards.location theory, pollution control, emission uncertainty

    Spatial Monopoly Pricing in a Stochastic Environment

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    This paper reexamines the welfare implications of three pricing regimes (mill, uniform and discriminatory) for a monopoly in a stochastic environment. It con-siders a risk-averse monopolist faces two markets with stochastic and linear demands. The monopolist is assumed to commit to an irreversible price in each market before the uncertainty is resolved. Several unconventional results are shown to be triggered by the presence of demand uncertainty. The reason for the reversal of orthodox intuition is the asymmetry in the risk chacteristics of the markets and the willingness of the monopolist to trade increased level of expected prots for reduced risk.spatial pricing, monopoly, demand uncertainty


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the vibrations from different tennis racquet grip materials. For this study, five different kinds of tennis racquet grips were used. The materials in the actual grip were composed of a mixture of carbon fibre and glass fibre in the ratio of 10 to 0, 7 to 3, 5 to 5, 3 to 7, and 0 to 10. Two accelerometers and BioPAC system were used to acquire the vibrational signals. The results of this study indicated that the tennis racquet made of pure carbon fibre, had a higher damping ratio on the center and off-center impact. The damping ratio was significantly decreased as the content of glass fibre in the racquet was increased (p.05). However, the value of the integral power spectrum was significantly increased (p). Therefore, based on the vibrational analysis among the difference in material composition of tennis racquets, it concluded that increasing the content of glass fibre in the racquet would increase the load carried by the tennis player’s arm


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    Track sprint cycling requires unique skills. We investigate the pedaling kinetics and muscle coordination of a male track sprinter (170cm, 65kg, peak power 1513W) to see if they differ from that of a non-sprinter, and if the subject’s own technique vary from normal riding to an under-load maximal cadence sprint. Two trials were collected using 3D motion capture technology. EMG signals of 8 leg muscles were recorded. Joint torque and power of each trial were calculated using a subject specific musculoskeletal model, with realistic pedal forces as input to our dynamic simulation. Flexion torque appears at the knee during its extension, different from the non-sprinters. Joint torque and power appears similar for both trials, but 6 of the 8 muscles showed differences in EMG patterns. These findings could potentially benefit the evolvement of training methods

    A Study of Strain-Induced Phase Transformations in TiNi Alloy by Electric Resistance Method

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    It is generally recognized that the shape memory effect (SME) is associated the interaction of stress with thermoelastic martensitic transformation [1]. The phase transformations in TiNi alloy was reported to occur as three kinds of B2→R, B2→M, R→M phase transformations [2]. There are different views about premartensitic transformation in TiNi based alloys. Mwang et al [3] reported a transformation sequence in TiNiFe alloy that was the parent B2→Incommensurate I→Rhombohedra R→Martensite M. But many authors [2,4] reported that the premartensitic structure of TiNi alloy is rhombohedra. It is known that the electric resistance increase in the premartensitic transformation range was because of the R-phase taking affect. The electric resistance decrease below the temperature MS was because of the martensite occurence. It is not clear what occurred when the SME alloy is made a plastic deformation. Muang et al [5] was reported that in a TiNi alloy the new rhombohedral phase, perhaps, was induced by stress in the internal friction experiment. In this paper the phase transformation induced by the plastic deformation was studied by the electric resistance method

    When Classical Chinese Meets Machine Learning: Explaining the Relative Performances of Word and Sentence Segmentation Tasks

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    We consider three major text sources about the Tang Dynasty of China in our experiments that aim to segment text written in classical Chinese. These corpora include a collection of Tang Tomb Biographies, the New Tang Book, and the Old Tang Book. We show that it is possible to achieve satisfactory segmentation results with the deep learning approach. More interestingly, we found that some of the relative superiority that we observed among different designs of experiments may be explainable. The relative relevance among the training corpora provides hints/explanation for the observed differences in segmentation results that were achieved when we employed different combinations of corpora to train the classifiers.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, 2020 International Conference on Digital Humanities (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, ADHO
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