1,632 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity, Politics of Ethnicity, and Multiculturalism What is a Viable Framework for Indonesia?

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    Indonesia is a plural society that consists of several hundred ethnic and sub-ethnic groups. One of its generic characteristics is heterogeneity. In the last ten years after the implementation of regional autonomy, we have witnessed the emergence of strong ethnic and religiously flavoured local identity politics in various places in Indonesia that created open and vicious conflicts. This periodical violence exploded especially during the election of district and provincial heads. The intimate relation multiculturalism, with the actual political praxis of everyday life as an alternative to the existing paradigm of the “homogenization” of nationhood, has not been discussed. I believe it is time to discuss the strategic junctures between heterogeneity, politics of ethnicity (and religion) and multiculturalism as well as their possible realization at the local and national levels in order to find a viable framework for a future Indonesia

    Confucius Institute at Universitas Al Azhar, Jakarta the Unseen Power of China

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    China's soft power is a difficult concept to measure if the Confucius Institute is the only source relied on. Joseph Nye's concept of soft power puts a strong emphasis on “the power of attraction” as a tool to persuade or “to shape the preferences of others” in the worlds of business and politics. To understand how this soft power - or the Confucius Institute - works, we have to determine the “observable” power of the “intangible” attraction embedded in it. This observable but intangible attraction is assumed to be “embedded”in the language and culture offered by the Institute, namely so-called “shared values”. However, without having attended its classes, it is difficult to see which values are being shared with the local students. Despite this handicap, it is very apparent that the image of China itself has acted as an attraction. An attraction to China was visible already, even before the Confucius Institute was established. For Indonesians, China is a big country which has exerted its power there for a long time through its diaspora and/or exports. Therefore, the Confucius Institute is just one of the many forms of Chinese-ness within their purview. Certainly, the Confucius Institute might have assisted in adjusting negative impressions and expelling some of the reservations the Indonesians have about China. Nevertheless, its influence extends to only a limited number of people who are closely engaged with the Institute

    Kesan Aktiviti Regangan Rossiter System Terhadap Pemulihan Kesengalan Serat Cetusan Lewat

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    Practically every one involved in sports practice would experience Delayed-Onset-Muscle-Soreness (DOMS). Several modalities have been utilized to reduce DOMS such as anti-oxygen vitamin and drugs intake, ice bath, spa and pre and post exercise stretching. However, not all recovery modalities have been scientifically proven to aid DOMS recovery. This study was carried out to examine the effectiveness of several physical modalities for treating DOMS after training. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Rossiter System® stretching and light aerobic activities for recovering from DOMS. Thirty six healthy male subjects volunteered to participate in this study and were randomly divided into three groups; a control group (KK), the Rossiter group (KR) and the aerobic group (KA). DOMS was induced through the completion of five sets of eccentric bicep curls with dumbbells weighing 13kg, 10kg, 7kg, 5kg and 3kg. Subjects were required to maintain five seconds throughout the descending phase of the bicep curls untill failure for each set. The KK group rested right after the bicep curls. The KR group performed Rossiter System® stretching while the KA group performed 50 repetitions of bicep curls without dumbbells at their own pace immediately after the exercise. Data such as plasma creatine kinase (CK), biceps’ circumference and perceptive soreness scales were obtained before, immediately right after, 24, 48, 72, 120 and 168 hours after DOMS was induced. Subjects were instructed to fully restrict supplement and drug intake and not be involved in aggressive physical activity and self massage during the period of the study. Three subjects were dropped from this study due to non-adherence to the criteria of the study. Results of the data analysis indicated that they were no significant different between KR and KA against KK for all testing sessions. Data also indicated that they were no significance difference between KR and KA against all three dependant variables. The study concluded that a single session of either physical modality immediately after the DOMS was induced is not effective. However, there is a trend suggesting that KR experienced less DOMS compared with KA, and KA experienced less DOMS compared with KK, after the first 24 hours. Further studies should focus on multiple bouts of treatment after inducing DOMS

    Factors Affecting Occupational Stress Among Teachers of a Secondary School in Sarawak

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    This study aimed to examine factors affecting occupational stress among teachers of a secondary school in Sarawak. The specific objectives of this study are to examine the significant difference between occupational stress levels of different subgroups according to their (1) gender, (2) marital status, (3) service grade, (4) length of years of teaching experience, (5) race, (6) age group, and (7) education level. This study also examined the significant difference between social support of different subgroup of teachers according to gender and marital status. The research designs used by this ex post facto study are independent two-tailed t-test and One Way ANOVA. The respondents compound of95 teachers who are selected by using the stratified random sampling. Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) was used to determine the factors that cause occupation stress. Teacher Stress Level Inventory (TSLI) was used to determine the level of stress among teachers. The Social Support Behaviour (SS-B) scale was used to determine the support from family and friends. The results reveal that the occupational stress levels of teachers is generally low. The factors that they perceived to be most stressful is pupil misbehavior whereas the two least important factors are time pressure and poor working conditions. The results indicated that there is a significant difference in stress according race. Chinese teachers are found to be facing most stress and compared to Sarawak native teachers and Malay teachers. It is also found that there are significant difference in friend social support by gender and marital status. Finally, the results reveal that there are moderate or substantial correlation between four stress factors (pupil misbehavior, poor working conditions, time pressure and poor school ethos) with teacher stress levels

    Heterogeneity, politics of ethnicity, and multiculturalism: What is a viable framework for Indonesia?

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    Indonesia is a plural society that consists of several hundred ethnic and sub-ethnic groups. One of its generic characteristics is heterogeneity. In the last ten years after the implementation of regional autonomy, we have witnessed the emergence of strong ethnic and religiously flavoured local identity politics in various places in Indonesia that created open and vicious conflicts. This periodical violence exploded especially during the election of district and provincial heads. The intimate relation multiculturalism, with the actual political praxis of everyday life as an alternative to the existing paradigm of the “homogenization” of nationhood, has not been discussed. I believe it is time to discuss the strategic junctures between heterogeneity, politics of ethnicity (and religion) and multiculturalism as well as their possible realization at the local and national levels in order to find a viable framework for a future Indonesia.KEYWORDSHeterogeneity, regional autonomy, identity politics, ethnicity, religion, domination, conflict, multiculturalism, hybrid, and policy framework

    Application of photochemical processes in wastewater treatment /

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    Faktor PRA - Natal dan P Ost - Natal sebagai Determinan Profesi Wirausaha : Studi Kasus di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor pra-natal dan faktor post-natal terhadap transmisi kewirausahaan antar generasi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). Teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya pengaruh signifikan dan positif dari faktor pra-natal, yaitu pekerjaan orang tua, terhadap kemungkinan anak menjadi seorang entrepreneur. Lebih lanjut, tingkat pendidikan yang merupakan salah satu komponen faktor post-natal juga berpengaruh signifikan, tetapi bertanda negatif, terhadap probabilitas anak menjadi entrepreneu