29 research outputs found

    FDG-PET/CT imaging for staging and target volume delineation in conformal radiotherapy of anal carcinoma

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    Background: FDG-PET/CT imaging has an emerging role in staging and treatment planning of various tumor locations and a number of literature studies show that also the carcinoma of the anal canal may benefit from this diagnostic approach. We analyzed the potential impact of FDG-PET/CT in stage definition and target volume delineation of patients affected by carcinoma of the anal canal and candidates for curative radiotherapy. Methods: Twenty seven patients with biopsy proven anal carcinoma were enrolled. Pathology was squamous cell carcinoma in 20 cases, cloacogenic carcinoma in 3, adenocarcinoma in 2, and basal cell carcinoma in 2. Simulation was performed by PET/CT imaging with patient in treatment position. Gross Tumor Volume (GTV) and Clinical Target Volume (CTV) were drawn on CT and on PET/CT fused images. PET-GTV and PET-CTV were respectively compared to CT-GTV and CT-CTV by Wilcoxon rank test for paired data. Results: PET/CT fused images led to change the stage in 5/27 cases (18.5%): 3 cases from N0 to N2 and 2 from M0 to M1 leading to change the treatment intent from curative to palliative in a case. Based on PET/CT imaging, GTV and CTV contours changed in 15/27 (55.6%) and in 10/27 cases (37.0%) respectively. PET-GTV and PET-CTV resulted significantly smaller than CT-GTV (p = 1.2 7 10-4) and CT-CTV (p = 2.9 7 10-4). PET/CT-GTV and PET/CT-CTV, that were used for clinical purposes, were significantly greater than CT-GTV (p = 6 7 10-5) and CT-CTV (p = 6 7 10-5). Conclusions: FDG-PET/CT has a potential relevant impact in staging and target volume delineation of the carcinoma of the anal canal. Clinical stage variation occurred in 18.5% of cases with change of treatment intent in 3.7%. The GTV and the CTV changed in shape and in size based on PET/CT imaging

    Respiratory syncytial virus infection is associated with an altered innate immunity and a heightened pro-inflammatory response in the lungs of preterm lambs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Factors explaining the greater susceptibility of preterm infants to severe lower respiratory infections with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) remain poorly understood. Fetal/newborn lambs are increasingly appreciated as a model to study key elements of RSV infection in newborn infants due to similarities in lung alveolar development, immune response, and susceptibility to RSV. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that preterm lambs had elevated viral antigen and developed more severe lesions compared to full-term lambs at seven days post-infection. Here, we compared the pathogenesis and immunological response to RSV infection in lungs of preterm and full-term lambs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Lambs were delivered preterm by Caesarian section or full-term by natural birth, then inoculated with bovine RSV (bRSV) via the intratracheal route. Seven days post-infection, lungs were collected for evaluation of cytokine production, histopathology and cellular infiltration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to full-term lambs, lungs of preterm lambs had a heightened pro-inflammatory response after infection, with significantly increased MCP-1, MIP-1Îą, IFN-Îł, TNF-Îą and PD-L1 mRNA. RSV infection in the preterm lung was characterized by increased epithelial thickening and periodic acid-Schiff staining, indicative of glycogen retention. Nitric oxide levels were decreased in lungs of infected preterm lambs compared to full-term lambs, indicating alternative macrophage activation. Although infection induced significant neutrophil recruitment into the lungs of preterm lambs, neutrophils produced less myeloperoxidase than those of full-term lambs, suggesting decreased functional activation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, our data suggest that increased RSV load and inadequate immune response may contribute to the enhanced disease severity observed in the lungs of preterm lambs.</p

    T Cells' Immunological Synapses Induce Polarization of Brain Astrocytes In Vivo and In Vitro: A Novel Astrocyte Response Mechanism to Cellular Injury

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    Astrocytes usually respond to trauma, stroke, or neurodegeneration by undergoing cellular hypertrophy, yet, their response to a specific immune attack by T cells is poorly understood. Effector T cells establish specific contacts with target cells, known as immunological synapses, during clearance of virally infected cells from the brain. Immunological synapses mediate intercellular communication between T cells and target cells, both in vitro and in vivo. How target virally infected astrocytes respond to the formation of immunological synapses established by effector T cells is unknown.Herein we demonstrate that, as a consequence of T cell attack, infected astrocytes undergo dramatic morphological changes. From normally multipolar cells, they become unipolar, extending a major protrusion towards the immunological synapse formed by the effector T cells, and withdrawing most of their finer processes. Thus, target astrocytes become polarized towards the contacting T cells. The MTOC, the organizer of cell polarity, is localized to the base of the protrusion, and Golgi stacks are distributed throughout the protrusion, reaching distally towards the immunological synapse. Thus, rather than causing astrocyte hypertrophy, antiviral T cells cause a major structural reorganization of target virally infected astrocytes.Astrocyte polarization, as opposed to hypertrophy, in response to T cell attack may be due to T cells providing a very focused attack, and thus, astrocytes responding in a polarized manner. A similar polarization of Golgi stacks towards contacting T cells was also detected using an in vitro allogeneic model. Thus, different T cells are able to induce polarization of target astrocytes. Polarization of target astrocytes in response to immunological synapses may play an important role in regulating the outcome of the response of astrocytes to attacking effector T cells, whether during antiviral (e.g. infected during HIV, HTLV-1, HSV-1 or LCMV infection), anti-transplant, autoimmune, or anti-tumor immune responses in vivo and in vitro

    ICAR: endoscopic skull‐base surgery

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    Analytical quantification of the inflammatory cell infiltrate and CD95R expression during treatment of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.

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    The treatment of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) remains unsatisfactory. Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) and intravenous cyclosporin A (CsA) have shown some efficacy in short series of patients. We assessed the effects of IVIg and CsA on TEN lesional and apparently uninvolved skin using standard histology and immunohistochemistry. Cutaneous biopsies were taken from necrotic and clinically uninvolved TEN skin at admission (D1) before any treatment, and after a 5-day treatment (D5). Two IVIg-treated patients (0.75 g/kg/day), two CsA-treated patients (5 mg/kg/day) and two control patients only receiving supportive care were compared. Biopsies were examined by standard histology and immunohistochemistry using antibodies directed to CD68 antigen (macrophages), CD45R0 antigen (activated T lymphocytes), Factor XIIIa (dermal dendrocytes) and the CD95 receptor (apoptosis marker). The different cell densities were evaluated by computerized image analysis. The clinical outcomes with the different treatments were also recorded. There was no obvious difference in the duration of hospitalization in intensive care unit between the three groups but one patient passed away in each of the IVIg- and CsA-groups. At D5, no differences were found between the three groups in the histological and clinical rate of re-epithelialization, and in the evolution of T lymphocyte, macrophage and dendrocyte densities in the epidermis and dermis. However, the expression of the CD95 receptor was similarly and strongly abated at D5 in the epidermis of IVIg- and CsA-treated patients, while it was conversely increased in the two patients under supportive care only. Such a difference was found both in necrotic and uninvolved sites. IVIg and CsA treatments thus appeared to exert no obvious effect on the inflammatory infiltrate, but both abated the expression of the CD95 receptor in the skin of TEN patients. This effect did not seem sufficient to fully reverse the clinical evolution of the disease. It is inferred that IVIg and CsA do not completely abate the TEN process

    Structural Characterization of a Gcn5-Related N-Acetyltransferase from Staphylococcus aureus

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    The Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferases (GNATs) are ubiquitously expressed in nature and perform a diverse range of cellular functions through the acetylation of small molecules and protein substrates. Using activated acetyl coenzyme A as a common acetyl donor, GNATs catalyse the transfer of an acetyl group to acceptor molecules including aminoglycoside antibiotics, glucosamine-6-phosphate, histones, serotonin and spermidine. There is often only very limited sequence conservation between members of the GNAT superfamily, in part, reflecting their capacity to bind a diverse array of substrates. In contrast, the secondary and tertiary structures are highly conserved, but then at the quaternary level there is further diversity, with GNATs shown to exist in monomeric, dimeric, or tetrameric states. Here we describe the X-ray crystallographic structure of a GNAT enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus with only low sequence identity to previously solved GNAT proteins. It contains many of the classical GNAT motifs, but lacks other hallmarks of the GNAT fold including the classic β-bulge splayed at the β-sheet interface. The protein is likely to be a dimer in solution based on analysis of the asymmetric unit within the crystal structure, homology with related GNAT family members, and size exclusion chromatography. The study provides the first high resolution structure of this enzyme, providing a strong platform for substrate and cofactor modelling, and structural/functional comparisons within this diverse enzyme superfamily

    Hug Tightly and Say Goodbye: Role of Endothelial ICAM-1 in Leukocyte Transmigration

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    Stable adhesion of leukocytes to endothelium is crucial for transendothelial migration (TEM) of leukocytes evoked during inflammatory responses, immune surveillance, and homing and mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells. The basis of stable adhesion involves expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), an inducible endothelial adhesive protein that serves as a counter-receptor for β2-integrins on leukocytes. Interaction of ICAM-1 with β2-integrins enables leukocytes to adhere firmly to the vascular endothelium and subsequently, to migrate across the endothelial barrier. The emerging paradigm is that ICAM-1, in addition to firmly capturing leukocytes, triggers intracellular signaling events that may contribute to active participation of the endothelium in facilitating the TEM of adherent leukocytes. The nature, duration, and intensity of ICAM-1-dependent signaling events may contribute to the determination of the route (paracellular vs. transcellular) of leukocyte passage; these aspects of ICAM-1 signaling may in turn be influenced by density and distribution of ICAM-1 on the endothelial cell surface, the source of endothelial cells it is present on, and the type of leukocytes with which it is engaged. This review summarizes our current understanding of the “ICAM-1 paradigm” of TEM with an emphasis on the signaling events mediating ICAM-1 expression and activated by ICAM-1 engagement in endothelial cells. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 11, 823–839

    An improved primary culture system of pancreatic duct epithelial cells from Wistar rats

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    Pancreatic duct epithelial cells (PDEC) are involved in most common pancreatic diseases. Primary cultivation of PDEC is a prerequisite for in vitro studies, in which in vivo situations can be simulated and molecular mechanisms investigated better than in cultured cell lines. However, some problems still exist regarding rat PDEC primary cultivation. In this study, an improved primary culture system of rat PDEC is presented. Some modifications, especially regarding specimen chosen, digestive control and epithelium purification, were made to simplify the procedure, increase cell yield, and improve epithelium purification. Cultures were identified as PDEC by morphological characteristics, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunocytochemistry staining with cytokeratin 19. In addition, growth characteristics of rat PDEC are described in detail. This improved technique, which is more efficient and cost-effective, will be useful for in vitro pancreatic studies