938 research outputs found

    Gravitational theoretical development supporting MOND

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    Conformal geometry is considered within a general relativistic framework. An invariant distant for proper time is defined and a parallel displacement is applied in the distorted space-time, modifying Einstein’s equation appropriately. A particular solution is introduced for the covariant acceleration potential that matches the observed velocity distribution at large distances from the Galactic Center, i.e. modified Newtonian dynamics. This explicit solution of a general framework that allows both curvature and explicit local expansion of space-time, thus reproduces the observed flattening of galaxys’ rotation curves without the need to assume the existence of dark matter. The large distance expansion rate is found to match the speed of a spherical shock wave

    Feasibility of kilohertz frequency alternating current neuromodulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the pig

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    Recent research supports that over-activation of the carotid body plays a key role in metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes. Supressing carotid body signalling through carotid sinus nerve (CSN) modulation may offer a therapeutic approach for treating such diseases. Here we anatomically and histologically characterised the CSN in the farm pig as a recommended path to translational medicine. We developed an acute in vivo porcine model to assess the application of kilohertz frequency alternating current (KHFAC) to the CSN of evoked chemo-afferent CSN responses. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach in an acute setting, as KHFAC modulation was able to successfully, yet variably, block evoked chemo-afferent responses. The observed variability in blocking response is believed to reflect the complex and diverse anatomy of the porcine CSN, which closely resembles human anatomy, as well as the need for optimisation of electrodes and parameters for a human-sized nerve. Overall, these results demonstrate the feasibility of neuromodulation of the CSN in an anesthetised large animal model, and represent the first steps in driving KHFAC modulation towards clinical translation. Chronic recovery disease models will be required to assess safety and efficacy of this potential therapeutic modality for application in diabetes treatment

    The adverse neuro-developmental effects of postnatal steroids in the preterm infant: a systematic review of RCTs

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    BACKGROUND: Recent reports have raised concerns that postnatal steroids may cause neuro-developmental impairment in preterm infants. This systematic review was performed with the objective of determining whether glucocorticoid therapy, to prevent or treat bronchopulmonary dysplasia, impairs neuro-developmental outcomes in preterm infants. METHOD: A systematic review of the literature was performed. Medline was searched and articles retrieved using predefined criteria. Data from randomized controlled trials with adequate neuro-developmental follow up (to at least one year) were entered into a meta-analysis to determine the effects of postnatal treatment of preterm infants with glucocorticoids. Cerebral palsy rates, and neuro-developmental impairment (developmental score more than 2SD below the mean, or cerebral palsy or blindness) were analyzed. The studies were divided into 2 groups according to the extent of contamination of the results by treatment of controls with steroids after the initial study period, those with less than 30% contamination, and those with more than 30% contamination or size of contamination not reported. RESULTS: Postnatal steroid therapy is associated with an increase in cerebral palsy and neuro-developmental impairment. The studies with less contamination show a greater effect of the steroids, consistent with a real direct toxic effect of steroids on the developing central nervous system. The typical relative risk for the development of cerebral palsy derived from studies with less than 30% contamination is 2.86 (95% CI 1.95, 4.19). The typical relative risk for the development of neuro-developmental disability among followed up infants from studies with less than 30% contamination is 1.66 (95% CI 1.26, 2.19). From this subgroup of studies, the number of premature infants who need to be treated to have one more infant with cerebral palsy (number needed to harm, NNH) is 7; to have one more infant with neuro-developmental impairment the NNH is 11. CONCLUSIONS: Postnatal pharmacologic steroid treatment for prevention or treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia is associated with dramatic increases in neuro-developmental impairment. As there is no clear evidence in the literature of long term benefit, their use for this indication should be abandoned
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