152 research outputs found

    Development of Program to Improve Lesson by Combining Video Viewing and Analysis

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     これまで,一コマ90 分(2単位)であった授業時間が一コマ60 分(1単位)となったことを契機に,この新しいカリキュラムを積極的に活かした授業改善が求められている。清田・大橋は,講座「図画工作科授業研究」と「図画工作科内容研究」を,共同で担当し,その内容と方法を共有しながら授業改善に取り組んできた。その要点は,一方通行の「伝達-受容型」の授業を脱し,学生の主体的で能動的な学習を通して,実践的な学習指導力を形成することにある。とりわけ,図画工作科では,教科書題材の目標や内容を理解し,児童の実態に合わせたものに修正あるいは改変する必要がある。それを,いかに指導するかを学ぶことが教師を目指す学生にとって重要である。本稿では,授業実践を記録した動画を視聴し,検討することを通して,教科書題材からどのように授業づくりが行われていくのか,学生自身が気づくための方法について考察を行った

    Immunohistochemical detection of potential microbial antigens in granulomas in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis

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    Sarcoidosis may have more than a single causative agent, including infectious and non-infectious agents. Among the potential infectious causes of sarcoidosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Propionibacterium acnes are the most likely microorganisms. Potential latent infection by both microorganisms complicates the findings of molecular and immunologic studies. Immune responses to potential infectious agents of sarcoidosis should be considered together with the microorganisms detected in sarcoid granulomas, because immunologic reactivities to infectious agents reflect current and past infection, including latent infection unrelated to the cause of the granuloma formation. Histopathologic data more readily support P. acnes as a cause of sarcoidosis compared with M. tuberculosis, suggesting that normally symbiotic P. acnes leads to granuloma formation in some predisposed individuals with Th1 hypersensitivity against intracellular proliferation of latent P. acnes, which may be triggered by certain host or drug-induced conditions. Detection of bacterial nucleic acids in granulomas does not necessarily indicate co-localization of the bacterial proteins in the granulomas. In the histopathologic diagnosis of sarcoidosis, M. tuberculosis-associated and P. acnes-associated sarcoidosis will possibly be differentiated in some patients by immunohistochemistry with appropriate antibodies that specifically react with mycobacterial and propionibacterial antigens, respectively, for each etiology-based diagnosis and potential antimicrobial intervention against sarcoidosis


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    The mite taxa (205 species, 4 genera, 1 subgenus, and 1 tribe) created by the late Dr. S. Ehara and his coauthors are listed here. The original names of the taxa are used but listed under each taxa is the new name (if it has changed), the type localities, habitats and depositories of each type series (along with Museum and accession number(s) of holotype and a part of paratypes). The full list of Ehara’s publications is also presented as well as his obituary. 江原昭三とその共著者によって創設されたダニ類タクサ(1 族,4属,1 亜属,205 種)は多くの論文に分かれて発表されているので,これらのタクサをリストアップし,合わせてタイプ・シリーズの保管施設(博物館など)を記した。すなわち,原記載のままの学名,現在の和名(丸かっこ内),学名記載頁,図番号,タイプ産地とタイプ生息地,タイプ・シリ-ズの保管施設名(ホロタイプのすべてと一部のパラタイプについては標本番号)を記録した。ここで取り上げたタクサの一部は,こんにち変更されている場合があり,この場合には現行の学名が付記されている。巻末には,江原昭三著作目録を掲げる

    Fabrication of Octahedral Tantalum Cluster Film by Electrophoretic Deposition

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    The octahedral Ta6Br14.8H2O cluster, one of the [M6Li12La6]n- octahedrons (M= Nb, Ta; Li= halogen, La= halogen or chalcogen), exhibits interesting oxido-reduction properties in solution1. The application of the [Ta6Bri12]2+ cores has been potentially studied in biotechnologies2, optical devices3, photovoltaic cells4 and catalysis5. Originating from the expectation to block the UV and NIR light on low-emissivity window, the Ta6Br14.8H2O cluster thin film on ITO glass has been fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process, a fairly rapid and low cost two-step process well-known for ceramic shaping, conductive surface coating and easily scalable to industrial level. The interesting characteristic has been recognized that the green [Ta6Bri12]2+ cores (adsorbing Ultra-Visible range) easily transfers to brown [Ta6Bri12]3+/4+ cores (absorbing near-infrared range) when dissolved in different solvents. Therefore, selecting the medium and optimizing the concentration of water in solvent to obtain the green homogeneous suspension with high dissolution is the main purpose of study. Considering the green color and transmittance of solution, as well as FE-SEM surface morphology of the green film, 0.02 mL H2O per mL acetone was selected as the optimal ratio to obtain the green transparent suspension and possibility to fabricate the green film by EPD process. However, the [Ta6Bri12]2+ green film has been essentially incorporated with poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) in order to improve the dispersion of Ta6Br14.8H2O clusters inside the suspension and effectively prevent the performance of new [Ta6Bri12]3+/4+ clusters (brown-color) by oxidizing reactions. Reference [1] A. Vogler et al., Inorg. Chem., 1983, 23 (10), 1360. [2] J. Knablein et al., J. Mol. Biol., 1997, 270, 1. [3] S. Cordier et al., J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym., 2015, 25, 189. [4] A. Renaud et al., Chemistry Select., 2016, 1, 2284. [5] A. Barras et al., Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2012, 123,


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    Composite nanoarchitectures represent a new class of nanostructured entities that integrate various dissimilar nanoscale building blocks including clusters, particles, wires and films [1]. The heterogeneous composite nanostructured materials are composed by definition of multi-(nano)components, each tailored to address different requirements. As one of the nanocomponents, nanometer sized transition metal clusters (\u3c2 nm), which consist of less than a few dozens of metal atoms, could be defined as a link between atom and nanoparticle [2-7]. In this presentation, the first preparation of functional thin films based on octahedral molybdenum metal clusters deposited on ITO glass substrate by EPD will be discussed in detail [8]. More generally, we will focus on our recent results on thin films for optical and energy applications [9-10]. References [1] R. Liu et al., Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 1384 [2] F. A. Cotton, Inorg. Chem., 1964, 3, 1217 [3] A. Perrin et al., C. R. Chimie, 2012, 15, 815 [4] Y. Luab et al., Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 3594 [5] V. Fedorov, J. Clust. Sci., 2015, 26, 3 [6] S. Cordier et al., J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym., 2015, 25 189 [7] F. Grasset et al., Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 1710 [8] T.K.N Nguyen et al., ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 2016, (10) R178-R186 [9] T. G. Truong et al., Sci. Technol. Adv. Mat., 2016, 17(1), 443 [10] A. Renaud et al., ChemistrySelect, 2016, 1, 228