208 research outputs found

    Towards declarative diagnosis of constraint programs over finite domains

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    The paper proposes a theoretical approach of the debugging of constraint programs based on a notion of explanation tree. The proposed approach is an attempt to adapt algorithmic debugging to constraint programming. In this theoretical framework for domain reduction, explanations are proof trees explaining value removals. These proof trees are defined by inductive definitions which express the removals of values as consequences of other value removals. Explanations may be considered as the essence of constraint programming. They are a declarative view of the computation trace. The diagnosis consists in locating an error in an explanation rooted by a symptom.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Holographic microscopy reconstruction in both object and image half spaces with undistorted 3D grid

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    We propose an holographic microscopy reconstruction method, which propagates the hologram, in the object half space, in the vicinity of the object. The calibration yields reconstructions with an undistorted reconstruction grid i.e. with orthogonal xx, yy and zz axis and constant pixels pitch. The method is validated with an USAF target imaged by a ×\times60 microscope objective, whose holograms are recorded and reconstructed for different USAF locations along the longitudinal axis: -75 to +75 ÎŒ\mum. Since the reconstruction numerical phase mask, the reference phase curvature and MO form an afocal device, the reconstruction can be interpreted as occurring equivalently in the object or in image half space

    Explanations and Proof Trees

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    This paper proposes a model for explanations in a set theoretical framework using the notions of closure or fixpoint. In this approach, sets of rules associated with monotonic operators allow to define proof trees. The proof trees may be considered as a declarative view of the trace of a computation. We claim they are explanations of the results of a computation. This notion of explanation is applied to constraint logic programming, and it is used for declarative error diagnosis. It is also applied to constraint programming, and used for constraint retraction

    Étudier en pleine pandĂ©mie : au cƓur des pratiques communicationnelles et informationnelles de jeunes universitaires quĂ©bĂ©cois pendant la crise de la COVID-19

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    La pandĂ©mie de COVID-19 a eu un grand nombre d’impacts qui ont Ă©tĂ© ressentis sur toute la planĂšte. Une telle crise majeure bouleverse inĂ©vitablement le quotidien des individus partout Ă  travers le monde, mais elle est aussi une occasion de nourrir la recherche et d’affiner la comprĂ©hension des phĂ©nomĂšnes sociaux qui Ă©mergent en pĂ©riode de crise. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de mieux comprendre l’expĂ©rience d’étudiants universitaires quĂ©bĂ©cois pendant cette pĂ©riode trouble, plus particuliĂšrement comment ils ont adaptĂ© leurs pratiques communicationnelles et informationnelles durant la pandĂ©mie de COVID-19. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ce questionnement, des entretiens qualitatifs ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s auprĂšs de deux groupes d’étudiants, soit des Ă©tudiants provenant de l’ensemble de la province et des Ă©tudiants de l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke uniquement, dans le cadre d’une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique qualitative et inductive. Les donnĂ©es recueillies mettent principalement en exergue que la vie sociale et acadĂ©mique des personnes Ă©tudiantes, tout comme les rapports avec les autoritĂ©s publiques et l’information en circulation, ont Ă©tĂ© particuliĂšrement marquĂ©s par les technologies de communication numĂ©riques. En outre, le retour aux sources primaires a Ă©tĂ© priorisĂ© Ă  de nombreuses occasions afin de, notamment, faire face Ă  un flux Ă©levĂ© et incessant d’informations. Les consĂ©quences des telles implications sont aussi Ă©tudiĂ©es dans cette recherche

    Bloc batterie li-ion pour véhicules électriques : méthode de classement novatrice en temps réel des paramÚtres électriques des cellules

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    Avec l’arrivĂ©e en masse des vĂ©hicules Ă  traction Ă©lectrique, la puissance sollicitĂ©e Ă  des blocs de cellules chimiques ne cesse d’augmenter. Les nouvelles technologies dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la demande exposent un nouveau problĂšme jamais observĂ© sur les assemblages multi-cellules : la disparitĂ© des paramĂštres internes. Une Ă©tude a dĂ©montrĂ© que ces faibles variations de capacitĂ© ou de rĂ©sistance interne causeront une dĂ©gradation prĂ©maturĂ©e si elles ne sont pas prises en comptes. La littĂ©rature sur le sujet comprend plusieurs travaux qui tentent de palier Ă  ce problĂšme cependant trĂšs peu d’information n’est disponible pour quantiïŹer ces divergences de paramĂštres internes. Ceux qui proposent des solutions viables le font gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans un contexte non transfĂ©rable aux vĂ©hicules Ă©lectriques ou hybrides. Ce document prĂ©sente une Ă©tude complĂšte de l’état de l’art sur l’utilisation et la gestion des batteries au lithium-ion ainsi que l’analyse d’un nouvel outil de mesure pour systĂšme de gestion de batteries permettant de mesurer et d’utiliser ces dispersions de paramĂštres internes des cellules. L’algorithme de mesure sera basĂ© sur un systĂšme de classement des donnĂ©es recueillies novateur permettant de rĂ©pertoriĂ© les donnĂ©es selon les conditions de conduites vĂ©cues lors de la mesure plutĂŽt qu’en fonction du temps. La conception d’un systĂšme de gestion de batteries capable de mettre en Ɠuvre cet outil de mesure dans un contexte de vĂ©hicule Ă©lectrique ainsi que l’élaboration de partons de charge/dĂ©charge des cellules, aïŹn de les plonger dans des conditions similaires Ă  celles vĂ©cues par un bloc batterie de vĂ©hicule Ă©lectrique, seront aussi exposĂ©es. La distribution des rĂ©sistances internes des 16 cellules Ă©tudiĂ©es et une discussion de ces rĂ©sultats complĂštera ce document

    Irradiation de métastases cérébrales en conditions stéréotaxiques par rayonnement synchrotron (évaluation dosimétrique d une technique innovante)

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    CONTEXTE: Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des techniques d irradiation innovantes sont apparues avec la RC3D, la STEREO et la RCMI. L ESRF dispose d une source de rayons X permettant de dĂ©livrer des irradiations d intĂ©rĂȘt mĂ©dical, la SSRT. OBJECTIFS: Effectuer une comparaison dosimĂ©trique entre ces techniques et la SSRT en absence puis en prĂ©sence de produit de contraste iodĂ© pour l irradiation stĂ©rĂ©otaxique d une mĂ©tastase cĂ©rĂ©brale. Effectuer une comparaison dosimĂ©trique entre la STEREO et la SSRT/PdCI pour 5 patientes atteintes de mĂ©tastases cĂ©rĂ©brales et Ă©valuer l impact des variations liĂ©es aux lĂ©sions. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODE: Cette Ă©tude repose sur 5 patientes ĂągĂ©es de 34 Ă  70 ans. La prescription d une dose de 23,1 Gy s est effectuĂ©e sur l isodose 70% avec une dose Ă  l isocentre de 33 Gy. La comparaison s est portĂ©e sur la conformation de la dose et sur l Ă©valuation des doses reçues par les organes Ă  risque. RÉSULTATS: Le traitement le plus optimal pour l irradiation stĂ©rĂ©otaxique d une mĂ©tastase cĂ©rĂ©brale unique semble ĂȘtre la STEREO. La SSRT/PdCI est trĂšs proche de la STEREO avec une couverture des volumes cibles et une prĂ©servation des OAR adaptĂ©es. Les diffĂ©rences de dose observĂ©es sont corrĂ©lĂ©es Ă  l hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de la prise de contraste tumorale. L inconvĂ©nient de la SSRT reste la surdose dĂ©livrĂ©e Ă  l os. CONCLUSION: La STEREO doit rester la rĂ©fĂ©rence du traitement des mĂ©tastases cĂ©rĂ©brales uniques. La SSRT en prĂ©sence d Ă©lĂ©ments lourds apparaĂźt ĂȘtre une technique prometteuse pour le traitement de lĂ©sions de petite taille, prĂ©sentant un rehaussement homogĂšne, une localisation intra-parenchymateuse centrale, Ă  distance des structures osseuses et des gros vaisseaux.BACKGROUND: In recent years, innovative radiation techniques have emerged with RC3D, STEREO and IMRT. ESRF has an X-ray source for delivering medical radiation of interest, the SSRT. OBJECTIVES: Perform a dosimetric comparison between these techniques and the SSRT in the absence and in the presence of iodinated contrast agent for stereotactic irradiation of brain metastasis. Perform a dosimetric comparison between STEREO and SSRT / PdCl for 5 patients with brain metastases and evaluate the impact of changes related injuries. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study is based on five patients aged 34 to 70 years. Prescribing a dose of 23.1 Gy was performed on the 70% isodose with a dose of 33 Gy to the isocenter. The comparison is focused on the shape of the dose and the evaluation of doses to organs at risk. RESULTS: The most optimal treatment for stereotactic irradiation of a single brain metastasis appears to be STEREO. The SSRT / PdCI is very close to the STEREO with coverage of target volumes and preservation of SRO adapted. The observed differences in dose are correlated with the heterogeneity of the tumor contrast enhancement. The disadvantage of the SSRT remains overdose delivered to the bone. CONCLUSION: STEREO must remain the main treatment for single brain metastases. The SSRT in the presence of heavy elements appears to be a promising technique for the treatment of small lesions, with a homogeneous enhancement, a intra-parenchymal central location, away from the bone structures and great vessels.GRENOBLE1-BU MĂ©decine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Microglial Involvement in Neuroplastic Changes Following Focal Brain Ischemia in Rats

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    The pathogenesis of ischemic stroke is a complex sequence of events including inflammatory reaction, for which the microglia appears to be a major cellular contributor. However, whether post-ischemic activation of microglial cells has beneficial or detrimental effects remains to be elucidated, in particular on long term brain plasticity events. The objective of our study was to determine, through modulation of post-stroke inflammatory response, to what extent microglial cells are involved in some specific events of neuronal plasticity, neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. Since microglia is a source of neurotrophic factors, the identification of the brain-derived neurophic factor (BDNF) as possible molecular actor involved in these events was also attempted. As a means of down-regulating the microglial response induced by ischemia, 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB, 90 mg/kg, i.p.) was used to inhibit the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1). Indeed, PARP-1 contributes to the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB, which is essential to the upregulation of proinflammatory genes, in particular responsible for microglial activation/proliferation. Experiments were conducted in rats subjected to photothrombotic ischemia which leads to a strong and early microglial cells activation/proliferation followed by an infiltration of macrophages within the cortical lesion, events evaluated at serial time points up to 1 month post-ictus by immunostaining for OX-42 and ED-1. Our most striking finding was that the decrease in acute microglial activation induced by 3-AB was associated with a long term down-regulation of two neuronal plasticity proteins expression, synaptophysin (marker of synaptogenesis) and GAP-43 (marker of neuritogenesis) as well as to a significant decrease in tissue BDNF production. Thus, our data argue in favour of a supportive role for microglia in brain neuroplasticity stimulation possibly through BDNF production, suggesting that a targeted protection of microglial cells could represent an innovative approach to potentiate post-stroke neuroregeneration

    Circulating cell-free nucleic acids of plasma in human aging, healthy aging and longevity: current state of knowledge

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    Circulating cell-free nucleic acids (ccfNAs) of plasma are a remarkable source of genetic, epigenetic and transcriptomic materials originating from different cells, tissues and organs of an individual. They have been increasingly studied over the past decade as they can carry several important pieces of information about the health status of an individual, which makes them biomarkers of choice for non-invasive diagnosis of numerous diseases and health conditions. However, few studies have investigated variations of plasma ccfNAs in healthy subjects, particularly in relation to aging, healthy aging and longevity, despite the great variability of these biological processes among individuals. Here, we reviewed several studies that focused on the analysis of circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and microRNAs (ccfmiRNAs) during aging and in the elderly, including some on exceptionally long-lived individuals, i.e., centenarians. After a brief overview of the types, origins and functions of plasma ccfNAs, we described the variations of both ccfDNA and ccfmiRNAs during aging as well as the identification of several potential ccfDNA-based and ccfmiRNA-based biomarkers of aging, healthy aging and/or longevity. We finally highlighted some prospects offered by ccfNAs for the understanding and improvement of healthy aging and longevity

    CP debugging needs and tools

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    Conventional programming techniques are not well suited for solving many highly combinatorial industrial problems, like scheduling, decision making, resource allocation or planning. Constraint Programming (CP), an emerging software technology, offers an original approach allowing for efficient and flexible solving of complex problems, through combined implementation of various constraint solvers and expert heuristics. Its applications are increasingly elded in various industries
