28 research outputs found

    Design of a net of monitoring for the basin of the Quequén Grande river (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    Evaluar y proteger los recursos hídricos es un campo multidisciplinario, complejo, de importancia creciente. La “calidad ecológica”, que se incorpora como meta en la Directiva del agua 60/2000 de la Unión Europea, no es contemplada en la legislación argentina. La gestión y salvaguarda del recurso requiere de caracterizaciones a escalas de cuenca (balance hidrológico y sedimentológico) y de cuerpo hídrico (calidad del agua, aspectos hidráulicos y transporte sólido), y del uso de indicadores bióticos y abióticos para ecoregionalizar cursos determinando su estado ecológico. Objetivo.Integrar conocimientos interpretando resultados geológicos, hidrológicos, ecológicos, ficológicos y agroecológicos, para diseñar una red de monitoreo y contribuir a la resolución de problemas ambientales en la cuenca del Quequén Grande. Este río desemboca en el Atlántico cubriendo una cuenca de aprox. 9940 km2. En 8 sectores se realizaron: evaluaciones del hábitat (USEPA); mediciones de pH, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, potencial redox, conductividad; muestreos de algas y vegetación; análisis químicos y de migración de algas. Entrevistas. En el diagnóstico preliminar se constataron valores del hábitat disímiles; agua con saturación de oxígeno y pH 5,8-7,98; contaminación puntual afectando el potencial redox y la composición del epipelon; taxones típicos salobres en la desembocadura (mayor conductividad). El epiliton refleja variaciones ambientales. La población percibe problemas con agroquímicos

    Design of a net of monitoring for the basin of the Quequén Grande river (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    Evaluar y proteger los recursos hídricos es un campo multidisciplinario, complejo, de importancia creciente. La “calidad ecológica”, que se incorpora como meta en la Directiva del agua 60/2000 de la Unión Europea, no es contemplada en la legislación argentina. La gestión y salvaguarda del recurso requiere de caracterizaciones a escalas de cuenca (balance hidrológico y sedimentológico) y de cuerpo hídrico (calidad del agua, aspectos hidráulicos y transporte sólido), y del uso de indicadores bióticos y abióticos para ecoregionalizar cursos determinando su estado ecológico. Objetivo.Integrar conocimientos interpretando resultados geológicos, hidrológicos, ecológicos, ficológicos y agroecológicos, para diseñar una red de monitoreo y contribuir a la resolución de problemas ambientales en la cuenca del Quequén Grande. Este río desemboca en el Atlántico cubriendo una cuenca de aprox. 9940 km2. En 8 sectores se realizaron: evaluaciones del hábitat (USEPA); mediciones de pH, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, potencial redox, conductividad; muestreos de algas y vegetación; análisis químicos y de migración de algas. Entrevistas. En el diagnóstico preliminar se constataron valores del hábitat disímiles; agua con saturación de oxígeno y pH 5,8-7,98; contaminación puntual afectando el potencial redox y la composición del epipelon; taxones típicos salobres en la desembocadura (mayor conductividad). El epiliton refleja variaciones ambientales. La población percibe problemas con agroquímicos

    From a traditional to a digital site: 2008–2019. the history of milan cathedral surveys

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    Since 2008, an intense survey has been underway in the Milan Cathedral. The operations, over the years, have been conducted with laser scanner and photogrammetry choosing or integrating the different methodologies according to the environment, the necessary “drawing” to support the different sites’ maintenance operation but always concurrently with the evolution of the method and the software. The “principal actor” of conservation activities is the “marble block.” The Veneranda Fabbrica organizes the activities identifying the areas that are in need of intervention and identifying which blocks will be affected by replacement operations, tessellation, or consolidation. Thus, the objective of the survey activities and the subsequent modeling phase was to build a detailed 3D model in which the marble blocks are easily recognizable in terms of their shape, size, position, and texture (only for the outer part). All the elaborations produced, the 3D models, the two-dimensional representations, and the orthophotos, allow for the identification of the blocks, as to provide proper technical support for site operations. In parallel with the survey and modeling activities, an ad hoc online information system was created to support the construction site activities in a smart manner. The system allows for the consultation and the sharing of the 3D models and all the data necessary for maintenance operations of the entire Cathedral

    Xerophytic Forest Record of the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition and Use of Wood Resources by Early Human Groups in the Eastern Tandilia Range, Argentina

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    This contribution analyzes the charcoal records found in archaeological sites dating to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (9032 ± 30 - 10,672 ± 56 radiocarbon years ago) located in the eastern Tandilia Range, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The archaeological charcoal identified for the Pleistocene/Holocene transition were Celtis ehrenbergiana, Salix humboldtiana, Schinus sp., Colletia sp., Baccharis sp., and Senecio sp. Charcoals with high caloric values and long combustible duration were an excellent source of heat and were probably used by hunter-gatherers for heating, cooking, and lighting. The presence of xerophytic forests at least from ca. 10,000 radiocarbon years ago in the eastern Tandilia Range were inferred by the record of C. ehrenbergiana found in four archaeological sites during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. During this period, vegetation developed under a cold arid to semi-arid climate.Fil: Brea, Mariana. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; ArgentinaFil: Mazzanti, Diana Leonis. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ramos Martínez, Gustavo Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario; Argentin

    New toxodontid (Notoungulata) from the Early Miocene of Mendoza, Argentina

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    We describe a new toxodontid species, Nesodon taweretus sp. nov., from the Aisol Formation in Mendoza Province, central-west Argentina. Nesodon is a frequently found Toxodontidae, member of the Notoungulata, an extinct endemic group of Cenozoic South American mammals that are ecologically similar to current hoofed ungulates. The holotype of N. taweretus sp. nov. is a skull, and we tentatively assign some mandibular fragments and postcranial bones. N. taweretus sp. nov. differs from the other Nesodon species in several cranial and dental features, and close comparisons were made with the Patagonian Nesodon imbricatus, common in the Santa Cruz Formation (Santacrucian Age, Early Miocene). The material is of a similar size to N. imbricatus, with a body mass estimation of about 550 kg. The phylogenetic analysis groups N. taweretus sp. nov. with other species of Nesodon. The absolute age of the Aisol Formation has been established at ca 19.480 ± 0.025 Ma (Burdigalian; Early Miocene) by means of U–Pb zircon dating. The vertebrate association is encompassed by the Santacrucian Age. Latitudinal separation between Mendoza and Patagonia in the south would have favored taxonomic differences, as reflected in the species of Nesodon. = Wir beschreiben eine neue Art der Toxodontiden, Nesodon taweretus sp. nov., aus der Aisol-Formation in der Provinz Mendoza, im Zentralwesten von Argentinien. Nesodon ist ein häufig vorkommendes Taxon der Toxodontidae, die zu den Notoungulaten, einer ausgestorbenen Gruppe von endemischen Säugetieren des Känozoikums in Südamerika, gehören und den rezenten gehuften Ungulata ökologisch ähnlich waren. Der Holotyp von N. taweretus sp. nov. ist ein Schädel, dem wir vorläufig einige Unterkieferfragmente und postkraniale Knochen zuweisen. N. taweretus sp. nov. unterscheidet sich von den anderen Nesodon-Arten in mehreren Merkmalen des Schädels und der Bezahnung. Enge Vergleiche wurden mit dem aus Patagonien stammenden und in der Santa-Cruz-Formation (Santacruzium, frühes Miozän) verbreiteten Nesodon imbricatus gemacht. Das Material ist von ähnlicher Grösse wie N. imbricatus, Schätzungen der Körpermasse ist etwa 550 kg. Die phylogenetische Analyse gruppiert N. taweretus sp. nov. mit anderen Arten von Nesodon. Das absolute Alter der Aisol-Formation wurde mittels der U–Pb Zirkondatierung auf etwa 19.480 ± 0.025 Ma (Burdigalium, Unteres Miozäns) gesetzt. Die Wirbeltiervergesellschaftung in das Santacruzium eingeschlossen worden. Latitudinale Trennung zwischen Mendoza und Patagonien im Süden hätte taxonomischen Unterschiede begünstigt, wie das anhand der Arten von Nesodon widergegeben ist

    O que dizem/sentem alunos participantes de uma experiência de inclusão escolar com aluno surdo What students say/feel about their experience of inclusion in school with a deaf student

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    A educação de surdos tem sido historicamente marcada por fracassos e, mais recentemente, a educação inclusiva tem se apresentado como adequada para a inserção de alunos surdos na escola. Para atender suas necessidades se criam alternativas como a presença da língua de sinais e de intérpretes. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dois alunos ouvintes e um aluno surdo integrantes de uma 5ª série do ensino fundamental, na qual foram inseridos um aluno surdo e sua intérprete. Os alunos referem à experiência vivenciada como positiva, prazer em terem um colega diferente e conhecer a língua de sinais. Porém, os ouvintes relatam dominar precariamente esta língua, gostariam que ela fosse mais fácil e referem saber pouco sobre a surdez. Tais fatos não são percebidos pelo aluno surdo, que vê como adequada sua relação com ouvintes. Há respeito pelas diferenças, mas as relações são superficiais, diversas das vivenciadas por alunos em geral. Conhecer o modo como os alunos significam esta experiência é fundamental para avaliar os efeitos dessa prática.<br>Historically, the education of deaf people has been marked by failures and, recently, inclusive education has been defended as adequate for the insertion of deaf pupils in school. In order to attend to their specific needs, alternatives have been created, such as the presence of sign language and interpreters. This study aims to investigate this context by interviewing two hearing and one deaf student from a fifth grade elementary class in which there was a deaf student and a sign language interpreter. The students reported that the experience was positive; they enjoyed having a different colleague and coming to know sign language. However, the hearing students said that they had introductory levels of understanding of this language, they wished it was easier to learn, and they understood little about deafness. Such facts were not perceived by the deaf student, who felt his relation to his hearing peers to be adequate. There is respect for differences, but the relations are superficial, different from the general experiences of the other students. Understanding how students give meaning to this experience is essential in evaluating the effectiveness of this practice