22 research outputs found

    Genèse du poème « Trahison fidèle » dans Stèles de Victor Segalen

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    Segalen publie une première édition de Stèles en 1912. Elle comporte quarante-huit poèmes. Une deuxième édition augmentée de seize poèmes voit le jour au début de 1914. « Trahison fidèle ». en fait partie. L’élaboration de ce poème s’est déroulée par étapes successives. En effet, outre le texte publié que nous connaissons, il existe sept versions différentes du poème, que Segalen est même allé jusqu’à classer, ce qui permet d’adopter une perspective génétique et de pratiquer une lecture qui s’avère éclairante quant au contenu du poème lui-même – à commencer par son titre. L’étude des variantes dévoile la charge autobiographique de ce poème ; elle permet aussi de saisir à quel point la notion d’amitié est centrale et complexe pour le poète ; elle met également en évidence des procédés d’écriture, autant d’éléments qui contribuent à définir la poétique de Segalen.Segalen published a first version of Stèles in 1912. This volume contains forty-eight poems. A second edition is published in 1914 with an addition of sixteen poems. “Trahison infid.le” figures in this revised edition. The production of this poem went through several stages. Indeed, in addition to the published text that we know, there are seven different versions of this poem, which Segalen even filed. This allows us to have a genetics perspective and to practice a reading approach that is enlightening for the content of the poem itself, starting with its title. The study of the variants unveils the autobiographic aspects of this poem, and it allows us to understand how much the notion of friendship is central and complex for the poet. It also highlights writing techniques. All these elements contribute to defining Segalen’s poetics.1912 veröffentlicht Victor Segalen eine erste Ausgabe von Stèles, die aus achtundvierzig Gedichten besteht. Eine zweite, um sechzehn Gedichte erweiterte Ausgabe erscheint anfangs 1914. „Trahison fidèle“ ist Teil davon. Die Ausarbeitung dieses Gedichtes ist in sukzessiven Phasen verlaufen. Neben dem bekannten veröffentlichten Text bestehen nämlich sieben weitere, unterschiedliche Versionen des Gedichts. Und Segalen ist sogar so weit gegangen, diese zu klassifizieren, was es zulässt, sie aus einer genetischen Perspektive zu betrachten und so Aufschlüsse über den Inhalt des Gedichts selbst zu erlangen – angefangen zum Beispiel mit seinem Titel. Die Untersuchung der Varianten deckt die autobiographische Ladung des Gedichts auf, ermöglicht zudem zu begreifen, in welchem Ausmass der Begriff der Freundschaft für den Autor zentral und komplex ist und verdeutlicht gleichermassen den Schreibprozess – lauter Elemente, die zur Definition von Segalens Poesie beitragen.Víctor Segalen publica una primera edición de Stèles en 1912 ; ésta comporta cuarenta y ocho poemas. Una segunda edición aparece a comienzos de 1914, con dieciséis nuevos poemas, entre los cuales “Trahison fidèle”. La elaboración de este poema se desarrolló en etapas sucesivas. En efecto, además del texto publicado que conocemos, existen siete versiones diferentes del poema -que fueron incluso clasificadas por Segalen-, lo que permite adoptar una perspectiva genética y practicar una lectura que se revela esclarecedora con respecto al contenido mismo del poema -empezando por su título. El estudio de las variantes pone de manifiesto la carga autobiográfica del poema y permite entender hasta que punto la noción de amistad es central y compleja para el poeta, revelando al mismo tiempo procedimientos de escritura ; elementos todos que permiten definir la poética de Segalen.Victor Segalen publica uma primeira edição de Stèles em 1912. Tem quarenta e oito poemas. Uma segunda edição surge no início de 1914, aumentada por dezasseis poemas, entre os quais “Trahison fidèle”. O desenvolvimento deste poema ocupou fases sucessivas. Na verdade, além do texto publicado que conhecemos, existem sete versões diferentes do poema, que Segalen foi mesmo ao ponto de classificar, permitindo uma perspectiva genética e uma leitura esclarecedora quanto ao conteúdo do poema em si – começando pelo título. O estudo das variantes revela a carga autobiográfica do poema ; permite também captar a que ponto a noção de amizade é central e complexa para o poeta ; destaca finalmente a escrita processada, todos estes elementos ajudando a definir a poética de Segalen.Victor Segalen pubblica nel 1912, sotto il titolo Stèles, Una prima edizione delle sue poesie, costituita da quarantotto testi. Una seconda edizione della raccolta segue nel ’14, accresciuta di nuove sedici liriche composte nei primi mesi di quell’anno. Tra questi componimenti poetici, si legge “Trahison fidèle”, la cui elaborazione è tuttavia scandita in pi. fasi. Infatti, del testo pubblicato nella raccolta dall’autore, esistono altre sette diverse redazioni, che lo stesso Segalen ha persino pre-catalogato, le quali consentono, sfruttando il panorama del superstite diagramma genetico, di compiere una lettura illuminante della sua trama – a partire dal titolo. L’esame delle varianti redazionali testimonia la dimensione autobiografica della lirica; permettendo così da un lato (ed è l’elemento diciamo autobiografico) di cogliere quanto l’idea di amicizia sia per il poeta essenziale ed insieme complessa, dall’altro (ed è l’elemento tecnico-stilistico) di accertare i procedimenti di composizione, capaci di precisare la poetica di Segalen

    Coordination between Crew Members on Flying Multihulls: A Case Study on a Nacra 17.

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    International audienceA current trend in sailing sports is the use of boats equipped with hydrofoils, allowing the boats to "fly" over the water surface. In this situation, the handling of the boat requires fine coordination between the crew members to maintain the precarious flight. The purpose of this case study was to analyze the crew activity on a flying multihull and explore the role of the shared sport equipment in the emergence of coordination between crew members. Data were collected during a training session with a crew of expert sailors. A joint analysis of phenomenological and mechanical data was conducted. The aim of the analysis was to categorize the forms of interactions between crew members, boat and environment. Results showed that collective coordination in the studied situation involves six forms of interaction that are associated with stable, unstable or critical states of the flight. Consequently, we discussed the role played by the crew members, the behavior of the boat and the environment in the collective coordination

    Coordination between Crew Members on Flying Multihulls: A Case Study on a Nacra 17.

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    International audienceA current trend in sailing sports is the use of boats equipped with hydrofoils, allowing the boats to "fly" over the water surface. In this situation, the handling of the boat requires fine coordination between the crew members to maintain the precarious flight. The purpose of this case study was to analyze the crew activity on a flying multihull and explore the role of the shared sport equipment in the emergence of coordination between crew members. Data were collected during a training session with a crew of expert sailors. A joint analysis of phenomenological and mechanical data was conducted. The aim of the analysis was to categorize the forms of interactions between crew members, boat and environment. Results showed that collective coordination in the studied situation involves six forms of interaction that are associated with stable, unstable or critical states of the flight. Consequently, we discussed the role played by the crew members, the behavior of the boat and the environment in the collective coordination

    Daily rhythms of core temperature and locomotor activity indicate different adaptive strategies to cold exposure in adult and aged mouse lemurs acclimated to a summer-like photoperiod.

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    International audienceDaily variations in core temperature (Tc) within the normothermic range imply thermoregulatory processes that are essential for optimal function and survival. Higher susceptibility towards cold exposure in older animals suggests that these processes are disturbed with age. In the mouse lemur, a long-day breeder, we tested whether aging affected circadian rhythmicity of Tc, locomotor activity (LA), and energy balance under long-day conditions when exposed to cold. Adult (N = 7) and aged (N = 5) mouse lemurs acclimated to LD14/10 were exposed to 10-day periods at 25 and 12 degrees C. Tc and LA rhythms were recorded by telemetry, and caloric intake (CI), body mass changes, and plasma IGF-1 were measured. During exposure to 25 degrees C, both adult and aged mouse lemurs exhibited strong daily variations in Tc. Aged animals exhibited lower levels of nocturnal LA and nocturnal and diurnal Tc levels in comparison to adults. Body mass and IGF-1 levels remained unchanged with aging. Under cold exposure, torpor bout occurrence was never observed whatever the age category. Adult and aged mouse lemurs maintained their Tc in the normothermic range and a positive energy balance. All animals exhibited increase in CI and decrease in IGF-1 in response to cold. The decrease in IGF-1 was delayed in aged mouse lemurs compared to adults. Moreover, both adult and aged animals responded to cold exposure by increasing their diurnal LA compared to those under Ta = 25 degrees C. However, aged animals exhibited a strong decrease in nocturnal LA and Tc, whereas cold effects were only slight in adults. The temporal organization and amplitude of the daily phase of low Tc were particularly well preserved under cold exposure in both age groups. Sexually active mouse lemurs exposed to cold thus seemed to prevent torpor exhibition and temporal disorganization of daily rhythms of Tc, even during aging. However, although energy balance was not impaired with age in mouse lemurs after cold exposure, aging was associated with lower LA and Tc during the night and delayed decrease in IGF-1. This might reflect that adaptive strategies to cold exposure differ with age in mouse lemurs acclimated to a summer-like photoperiod

    Physiological responses to chronic heat exposure in an aging non-human primate species, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus).

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    International audienceEpidemiological evidence related to increased death from hyperthermia suggests higher frailty in the elderly when exposed to high ambient temperatures. Despite the recent awareness of such public health problems, integrative studies investigating the effects of age on the physiological responses to heat wave thermal conditions remain scarce. Daily rhythmicity of core temperature (T(c)) and locomotor activity (LA), as well as parameters representative of energy balance and IGF-1 levels which are involved in the aging process and stress resistance, were monitored in a non-human primate species, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Adult and aged animals, acclimated to long days (LD) or short days (SD), were monitored during 8-day periods of exposure to 25 ° C and 34 ° C. Adult animals displayed efficient coping with heat exposure, regardless of the photoperiod. Hence, efficient responses resulted in decrease of energy intake, energy expenditure, IGF-1 levels and LA levels, promoting hyperthermia avoidance. Positive energy balance was maintained and water turnover did not change significantly after heat exposure. In contrast, while aged animals acclimated to LD responded similarly to adults, aged mouse lemurs acclimated to SD showed great difficulties coping with heat exposure. Indeed, in this group, normothermia impairment was associated with increased T(c) levels, alterations in daily rhythmicity, negative energy balance and increased IGF-1 levels. Impaired responses to heat exposure were seen in aged mouse lemurs acclimated to SD only. The main effects were observed during diurnal resting periods, suggesting decreased capacities with age to dissipate excess body heat. Taken together, these data highlight daily rhythmicity and IGF-1 pathway as main targets in the impaired response to heat exposure in the elderly

    Promoting healthspan and lifespan with caloric restriction in primates

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    International audienceRecent data confirmed the efficiency of caloric restriction for promoting both healthspan and lifespan in primates, but also revealed potential adverse effects at the central level. This paper proposes perspectives and future directions to counterbalance potential adverse effects. Efforts should be made in combining nutrition-based clinical protocols with therapeutic and/or behavioral interventions to aim for synergetic effects, and therefore delay the onset of age-related diseases without adverse effects