16,693 research outputs found

    Performance of dynamical decoupling in bosonic environments and under pulse-timing fluctuations

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    We study the suppression of qubit dephasing through Uhrig dynamical decoupling (UDD) in nontrivial environments modeled within the spin-boson formalism. In particular, we address the case of (i) a qubit coupled to a bosonic bath with power-law spectral density, and (ii) a qubit coupled to a single harmonic oscillator that dissipates energy into a bosonic bath, which embodies an example of a structured bath for the qubit. We then model the influence of random time jitter in the UDD protocol by sorting pulse-application times from Gaussian distributions centered at appropriate values dictated by the optimal protocol. In case (i) we find that, when few pulses are applied and a sharp cutoff is considered, longer coherence times and robust UDD performances (against random timing errors) are achieved for a super-Ohmic bath. On the other hand, when an exponential cutoff is considered a super-Ohmic bath is undesirable. In case (ii) the best scenario is obtained for an overdamped harmonic motion. Our study provides relevant information for the implementation of optimized schemes for the protection of quantum states from decoherence.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Disc Clearing of Young Stellar Objects: Evidence for Fast Inside-out Dispersal

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    The time-scale over which and the modality by which young stellar objects (YSOs) disperse their circumstellar discs dramatically influences the eventual formation and evolution of planetary systems. By means of extensive radiative transfer (RT) modelling, we have developed a new set of diagnostic diagrams in the infrared colour-colour plane (K-[24] vs. K-[8]), to aid with the classification of the evolutionary stage of YSOs from photometric observations. Our diagrams allow the differentiation of sources with unevolved (primordial) discs from those evolving according to different clearing scenarios (e.g. homologous depletion vs. inside-out dispersal), as well as from sources that have already lost their disc. Classification of over 1500 sources in 15 nearby star-forming regions reveals that approximately 39 % of the sources lie in the primordial disc region, whereas between 31 % and 32 % disperse from the inside-out and up to 22 % of the sources have already lost their disc. Less than 2 % of the objects in our sample lie in the homogeneous draining regime. Time-scales for the transition phase are estimated to be typically a few 10^5 years independent of stellar mass. Therefore, regardless of spectral type, we conclude that currently available infrared photometric surveys point to fast (of order 10 % of the global disc lifetime) inside-out clearing as the preferred mode of disc dispersal.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Linear Theory of Electron-Plasma Waves at Arbitrary Collisionality

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    The dynamics of electron-plasma waves are described at arbitrary collisionality by considering the full Coulomb collision operator. The description is based on a Hermite-Laguerre decomposition of the velocity dependence of the electron distribution function. The damping rate, frequency, and eigenmode spectrum of electron-plasma waves are found as functions of the collision frequency and wavelength. A comparison is made between the collisionless Landau damping limit, the Lenard-Bernstein and Dougherty collision operators, and the electron-ion collision operator, finding large deviations in the damping rates and eigenmode spectra. A purely damped entropy mode, characteristic of a plasma where pitch-angle scattering effects are dominant with respect to collisionless effects, is shown to emerge numerically, and its dispersion relation is analytically derived. It is shown that such a mode is absent when simplified collision operators are used, and that like-particle collisions strongly influence the damping rate of the entropy mode.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on Journal of Plasma Physic

    Multiplicação de sequóia (Sequoia sempervirens L.) em meio de cultura esterelizado com hipoclorito de sódio.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar a eficiência deste protocolo com o protocolo convencional, que utiliza a autoclavagem como método de esterilização, bem como analisar o comportamento de plantas de sequóia em meio de cultura esterilizado com hipoclorito de sódio.Suplemento. Edição dos Resumos do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Floricultura e Plantas Ornamentais; III Congresso Brasileiro de Cultura de Tecidos e Plantas; I Simpósio de Plantas Ornamentais Nativas, Goiânia, set. 2007

    Tuberculosis Prevalence in Children at High-Risk from Ameixoeira, Lisbon

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    Introdução. As taxas de prevalência de tuberculose infecção e doença têm declinado em Portugal. No entanto, a pandemia da infecção pelo vírus de imunodeficiência humana, a toxicodependência e más condições de salubridade podem reverter esta tendência. O rastreio de crianças assintomáticas em contacto com adultos em risco de contrair a doença é crucial pois os casos de tuberculose infantil são devidos a um risco elevado e recente de transmissão na comunidade. Objectivos. Determinar a prevalência de tuberculose infecção/doença numa amostra de crianças em contacto com adultos de risco; determinar a prevalência de factores de risco e sua efectividade como preditores de infecção/doença nesta amostra; administrar quimioprofilaxia/terapêutica aos casos detectados e investigar as possíveis fontes de contágio. População e Métodos. Estudou-se uma amostra de conveniência de crianças que frequentavam uma instituição recreativa para crianças e jovens na Ameixoeira – Lumiar (Lisboa) no período de Abril-Maio de 2005. Aplicou-se um questionário sobre factores de risco para tuberculose e fez-se prova tuberculínica pelo método de Mantoux. A leitura foi efectuada após 72 horas. Os casos positivos (induração > 15 mm de diâmetro) foram submetidos a avaliação clínica e radiológica e quimioprofilaxia/terapêutica. Os seus coabitantes foram investigados. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa StatCal-Epiinfo 3.2.2. Resultados. Estudaram-se 100 crianças (54 famílias) das quais 44% tinham pelo menos um factor de risco. Em duas crianças o teste de tuberculina foi positivo sendo o diagnóstico final de tuberculose infecção. O rastreio dos seus coabitantes foi negativo. Aprevalência de infecção na amostra estudada foi de 2:100. O questionário aplicado teve um valor preditivo positivo de 2,2% e negativo de 98% para detectar infecção por tuberculose. Conclusões. A prevalência de infecção na amostra de crianças estudada foi elevada. O questionário aplicado teve pouca acuidade para predizer a presença de infecção/doença nesta amostra

    Mesofauna do solo em floresta secundária e em cultivos do cupuaçuzeiro e do guaranazeiro no município de Belém-Pará.

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    Study on the perception of DIY in domotics in Portugal

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    The growth of the home automation market depends on technological innovations, rapid evolution of the Internet of Things and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solutions. This project analysed the perception about domotics related to DIY in Portugal, intending to understand if smart home technologies are used and valued, which factors motivate their acquisition, their purpose and the advantages perceived by users. A questionnaire was used to collect data, resulting in an exploratory study based on data from a convenience sample. The model to evaluate this study was based on the constructs based on Technology Acceptance Models - TAM. From the results obtained, it was concluded that the respondents have a positive perception about domotics and its usefulness faced with DIY on the technologies that make a smart home. Regarding the acquisition and installation of technologies associated with home automation on their own, the respondents are divided, as half consider that they can do it autonomously and the other half only with the intervention of specialists in home automation

    The pro-resolving lipid mediator Maresin 1 ameliorates pain responses and neuroinflammation in the spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain: A study in male and female mice

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    Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) have recently emerged as promising therapeutic approaches for neuropathic pain (NP). We evaluated the effects of oral treatment with the SPM Maresin 1 (MaR1) on behavioral pain responses and spinal neuroinflammation in male and female C57BL/6J mice with spared nerve injury (SNI)-induced NP. MaR1, or vehicle, was administered once daily, on post-surgical days 3 to 5, by voluntary oral intake. Sensory-discriminative and affective-motivational components of pain were evaluated with von Frey and place escape/avoidance paradigm (PEAP) tests, respectively. Spinal microglial and astrocytic activation were assessed by immunofluorescence, and the spinal concentration of cytokines IL-1 & beta;, IL-6, IL-10, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) were evaluated by multiplex immunoassay. MaR1 treatment reduced SNI-induced mechanical hypersensitivity on days 7 and 11 in both male and female mice, and appeared to ameliorate the affective component of pain in males on day 11. No definitive conclusions could be drawn about the impact of MaR1 on the affective-motivational aspects of pain in female mice, since repeated suprathreshold mechanical stimulation of the affected paw in the dark compartment did not increase the preference of vehicle-treated SNI females for the light side, during the PEAP test session (a fundamental assumption for PAEP's validity). MaR1 treatment also reduced ipsilateral spinal microglial and astrocytic activation in both sexes and marginally increased M-CSF in males, while not affecting cytokines IL-1 & beta;, IL-6 and IL-10 in either sex. In summary, our study has shown that oral treatment with MaR1 (i) produces antinociception even in an already installed peripheral NP mouse model, and (ii) this antinociception may extend for several days beyond the treatment time-frame. These therapeutic effects are associated with attenuated microglial and astrocytic activation in both sexes, and possibly involve modulation of M-CSF action in males.& nbsp;This work was supported by University of Porto/Faculty of Medicine (https://sigarra.up.pt/fmup) and ESF - European Social Fund (https://ec. europa.eu/esf/home.jsp), through NORTE2020 - North Portugal Regional Operational Programme [NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000011-Doctoral Programmes - LTS' PhD fellowship], and by Fundacao Grunenthal Portugal (https://www. fundacaogrunenthal.pt), Bolsa Jovens Investigadores em Dor 2018 - LTS). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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