161 research outputs found

    Estudo experimental de Zygodontomys lasiurus (Rodentia-cricetidae) com cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi

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    São apresentados resultados em relação a infecção expertmental de Zygodontomys lasiurus (Rodentia-Cricetidae) com duas cepas de T. cruzi isoladas de casos humanos, Y e Berenice, e uma isolada de um triatomíneo silvestre, chamada costalimai. Foram realizados estudos em relação a evolução da parasitemia, duração da patência e prepatência da infecção. Com o objetivo de verificar a agressividade e tropismo tissular das cepas de T. cruzi nesta espécie de roedor, foram também realizados estudos histopatológicos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os níveis de parasitemias foram baixos para as três cepas estudadas. A patência da infecção variou de 14 a 16 dias nos animais inoculados com a cepa Y, 26 a 29 dias com a Berenice e 9 a 13 dias com a costalimai. O período prepatente variou de 3 a 5 dias nos animais inoculados com a cepa Y, de 2 a 6 dias com a cepa Berenice e de 6 a 8 dias com a costalimai. As três cepas apresentaram em Z. lasiurus, comprometimento nitidamente muscular, provocando reações leves, moderadas e intensas.Studies on the experimental infection of Zygodontomys lasiurus (Rodentia-Cricetidae) are presented in the current paper. Three strains of T. cruzi were used in the experiments: two, Y and Berenice, were originated from human infection, while the third one was obtained from natural infection in a wild bug Triatoma costalimai. The evolution of the parasitemia was studied and the prepatent and patent periods determined. The tissular tropism and aggressiveness of the strains of T. cruzi were verified through histopathological studies. Results have shown that the parasitemia was always kept at low levels for all the strains. The prepatent period in the infected rodents varied from: 3 to 6 days in the Y strain; 2 to 6 days in the Berenice strain; 6 to 8 in the costalimai strain. The patent period showed the following duration patterns: 14 to 16 days in the Y strain; 26 to 29 in the Berenice strain and 6 to 8 days in the costalimai strain. Tissue damage was predominantly muscular, and the pathological reactions varied from slight to severe

    Nonlinear Modulation of Multi-Dimensional Lattice Waves

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    The equations governing weakly nonlinear modulations of NN-dimensional lattices are considered using a quasi-discrete multiple-scale approach. It is found that the evolution of a short wave packet for a lattice system with cubic and quartic interatomic potentials is governed by generalized Davey-Stewartson (GDS) equations, which include mean motion induced by the oscillatory wave packet through cubic interatomic interaction. The GDS equations derived here are more general than those known in the theory of water waves because of the anisotropy inherent in lattices. Generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations describing the evolution of long wavelength acoustic modes in two and three dimensional lattices are also presented. Then the modulational instability of a NN-dimensional Stokes lattice wave is discussed based on the NN-dimensional GDS equations obtained. Finally, the one- and two-soliton solutions of two-dimensional GDS equations are provided by means of Hirota's bilinear transformation method.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Spatial distribution and evaluation of risk factors for bovine neosporosis in Rondônia, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Neospora caninum is an important worldwide parasite responsible for causing abortion in animals. Due to limited information on the occurrence of infection by this parasite in the state of Rondônia, Brazil, this study aimed to determine the seroprevalence and identify the risk factors associated with the infection in slaughtered cattle, from 19 municipalities distributed in seven microregions of the state. A total of 494 samples were obtained and subjected to anti-N. caninum antibodies, using the Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction technique. Antibodies were detected in 5.06% (25/494) of the samples, in 30.30% (10/33) of farms, in nine municipalities located in four microregions of Rondônia. Of all the animals analyzed, 4.81% of the females (20/416) and 6.41% of the males (05/78) were seropositive for the parasite, with “abortion in the last 12 months” being considered an important risk factor for the occurrence of infection (OR = 9.54; p = 0.01). The present study points out the prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies in 5.06% of slaughtered animals and abortion as the main risk factor associated with infection by N. caninum, thus contributing to the elucidation of the epidemiology of this protozoan in Rondônia, Brazil

    Characterization of potential CO2 emissions in agricultural areas using magnetic susceptibility

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    ABSTRACTSoil CO2 emissions (fCO2) in agricultural areas have been widely studied in global climate change research, but its characterization and quantification are restricted to small areas. Because spatial and time variability affect emissions, tools need to be developed to predict fCO2 for large areas. This study aimed to investigate soil magnetic susceptibility (MS) and its correlation with fCO2 in an agricultural environment. The experiment was carried out on a Typic Eutrudox located in Guariba-SP, Brazil. Results showed that there was negative spatial correlation between fCO2 and the magnetic susceptibility of Air Dried Soil (MSADS) up to 34.3 m distant. However, the fCO2 had no significant correlation with MSADS, magnetic susceptibility of sand (MSSAND) nor clay (MSCLAY). However, MSADS could be a supplemental mean of identifying regions of high fCO2 potential over large areas