12 research outputs found

    Long-term follow-up of patients with chronic hepatitis C with sustained virologic response to interferon

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: The durability of the sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients with chronic hepatitis C after treatment and the ideal follow-up time for these patients remains undefined. The objective of the study was to evaluate the durability of the virologic response in patients with chronic hepatitis C followed up for at least 12 months after SVR at HCFMRP-USP. METHODS: The study was conducted on 174 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with different antiviral regimens who had achieved SVR. Qualitative serum HCV-RNA was determined by the commercial kit (COBAS AMPLICOR HCV, v2.0). RESULTS: There was predominance of male (73%) with a mean age of 45.6 ± 10 years. Liver cirrhosis was present in 16.1% of the study subjects. Mean follow-up time after SVR was 47 months (12-156 months). Twenty-two patients received monotherapy with interferon; 94 received interferon plus ribavirin, and 58 received pegylated interferon plus ribavirin. A total of 134 patients (77.0%) received one treatment course, 29 (16.7%) received two courses, and 11 (6.3%) received three courses. The distribution of HCV genotypes was: genotype 1 (40.2%), genotype 3 (40.8%) and genotype 2 (10.3%). Genotype was undetermined in 8.7% of cases. None of the 174 patients had recurrence of HCV infection. Two cirrhotic patients developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with SVR there was no recurrence of HCV infection or evidence of liver disease progression in any patient followed up for a mean of 47 months after SVR, except for patients with advanced hepatic disease before treatment, who may develop HCC despite SVR. Therefore, one can assume that SVR is associated with long term good prognosis.(FAEPA) Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino Pesquisa e Assistênci

    Comparação da imunogenicidade da vacina contra a hepatite B como atividade de rotina do Plano Nacional de Imunizações, com a obtida em um grupo de estudo na Amazônia Oriental. 1997 - 1999

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    BR IEC GB AP AE ORI 008DossiêItensDossiê de documentos do sub-projeto "Comparação da imunogenicidade da vacina contra a hepatite B como atividade de rotina do Plano Nacional de Imunizações com a obtida em um grupo de estudo, na Amazônia Oriental." do projeto "Programa de pesquisa de vacinas contra as hepatites por vírus (PROGESVAC)" e vinculado ao PIBIC tendo como bolsista Andreza Corrêa Teixeira. Contém tanto o projeto como o sub-projeto, anotações escrito à mão pela Drª. Gilberta Bensabath, informações sobre o projeto, produção científica do orientador, aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, encaminhamento das alterações recomendadas pelo CEP, programação dos bolsistas, programação de apresentação no PIBIC e relatórios

    Analysis of 83 consecutive liver transplants performed at a tertiary care reference hospital in the interior of the state of Sao Paulo Analise de 83 transplantes hepáticos consecutivos realizados em hospital universitário de referência terciária do interior do estado de São Paulo

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    PURPOSE: To analyze pre-, intra- and immediate postoperative parameters of patients submitted to liver transplantation. METHODS: Eighty-three consecutive orthotopic liver transplants performed from January 2009 to July 2011 were analyzed. The patients were divided into 2 groups: A, survivors (MELD between 9 and 60) and B, non-survivors (MELD between 14 and 40), with 30.6% of group A patients being CHILD C, 51&#8453; CHILD B and 18,4&#8453; CHILD A. In group B ,32.1&#8453; of the patients were CHILD C, 42,9&#8453; CHILD B, and 25&#8453; CHILD A. All orthotopic liver transplantations were performed using the piggyback technique without a portacaval shunt. Systemic arterial pressure and serum ALT and AST levels were determined preoperatively and 5, 60 and 1440 minutes after arterial graft revascularization. Serum ALT and AST profiles were evaluated for seven days after surgery. RESULTS: Systemic arterial blood pressure levels, time of hot and hypothermic ischemia and time of graft implant were statistically similar for the two groups (p>0.05). Serum levels (U/L) of ALT and AST at the 5, 60 and 1440 minute time points after arterial revascularization of the graft were also similar for the two groups studied, as also were the serum ALT and AST profiles. CONCLUSIONS: No statistically significant difference in any of the parameters studied was detected between the two groups. Under the conditions of the present study and on the basis of the parameters evaluated, no direct relation was detected between the intraoperative period and the type of patient outcome in the two groups studied.<br>OBJETIVO: Analisar parâmetros do pré, intra e pós-operatório imediato de pacientes submetidos ao transplante de fígado. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 83 transplantes ortotópicos de fígado realizados consecutivamente no período janeiro de 2009 a julho de 2011. Os pacientes foram dividos em dois grupos: A, survivors (MELD entre 16 e 60), e B, non-survivors (MELD entre 14 e 40) sendo que 30,6&#8453; dos pacientes do grupo A eram CHILD C, 51&#8453; CHILD B e 18,4&#8453; CHILD A. No grupo B, 32,1&#8453; dos pacientes eram CHILD C, 42,9&#8453; CHILD B, e 25&#8453; CHILD A. Todos os transplantes ortotópicos de fígado foram feitos com a técnica de piggyback sem "shunt" porto cava. Foram analisados os valores de pressão arterial sistêmica e os níveis séricos de ALT e AST, no pré-operatório, 5, 60 e 1440 minutos após revascularização arterial do enxerto. Avaliaram-se os perfis séricos da ALT e AST durante sete dias de pós-operatorio. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que em ambos os grupos, os níveis de pressão arterial sistêmica, os tempos de isquemia normotérmica, hipotérmica e de implante do enxerto foram estatisticamente semelhantes (p>0,05). Os níveis séricos (U/L) de ALT e AST nos tempos de 5, 60 e 1440 minutos após a revascularização arterial do enxerto também foram semelhantes nos grupos estudados. Os perfis séricos da ALT e AST foram semelhantes nos dois grupos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: Não se verificou diferença estatisticamente significante entre todos os parâmetros estudados, em ambos os grupos. Nas condições do presente estudo, não se verificou relação direta do intra-operatório com o tipo de evolução (outcome) dos pacientes nos dois grupos estudados

    Zika Virus Surveillance at the Human–Animal Interface in West-Central Brazil, 2017–2018

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    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímica

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    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímic

    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímica

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    Resumos concluídos - Bioquímic