30 research outputs found

    La crisis catalana y el Tribunal Constitucional. Anatomía politológica de la sentencia 31/2010

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    Desde la aprobación del nuevo Estatut de Catalunya (2006) hasta la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional (2010), que lo rechazó parcialmente, pasaron cuatro años. Este rechazo, en las partes más políticas como, y sobre todo, la del reconocimiento de Cataluña como nación, determinó una volcánica, que a día de hoy aún no ha terminado, y que llevó a la fractura definitiva con Madrid y a la elección de la vía independentista (el procés). No obstante, precisamente la sentencia de rechazo del TC nº 31 de 2010, debido en parte a las dinámicas políticas que nacieron en el seno de la Sala que conoció del asunto durante la redacción del pronunciamiento, constituye un documento de investigación, cuyo análisis puede convertirse en una pieza útil para la reconstrucción histórica de las dramáticas decisiones políticas que se sucedieron.Desde la aprobación del nuevo Estatut de Catalunya (2006) hasta la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional (2010), que lo rechazó parcialmente, pasaron cuatro años. Este rechazo, en las partes más políticas como, y sobre todo, la del reconocimiento de Cataluña como nación, determinó una volcánica, que a día de hoy aún no ha terminado, y que llevó a la fractura definitiva con Madrid y a la elección de la vía independentista (el procés). No obstante, precisamente la sentencia de rechazo del TC nº 31 de 2010, debido en parte a las dinámicas políticas que nacieron en el seno de la Sala que conoció del asunto durante la redacción del pronunciamiento, constituye un documento de investigación, cuyo análisis puede convertirse en una pieza útil para la reconstrucción histórica de las dramáticas decisiones políticas que se sucedieron

    Understanding globalization. The Inter-parliamentary Union from the Late Nineteenth century to Early Twentieth century

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    The Inter-Parliamentary Union was formed in 1889, gathering, initially, 38 British and French parliamentarians. The IPU (guided, from 1901 up to 1908, by Frédréric Passy and William Randall Cremer), was to support and reinforce the objective of extending arbitration as a ‘peaceful tool’ for resolving the dispute between states. The aftermath of the First World War marked a decisive step forward in the development of a strong liberal internationalist milieux which promoted a peaceful order based on the international rule of law. This paper summarizes some issues of ongoing research and it focuses on two key topics: the rise of parliamentary control of foreign policy and the making of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’. Besides, it tried to elucidate, from another point of view, the political building of ‘transnational and peaceful politics’ aimed at the growth of peaceful and ‘progressive’ social relations among States and how the ‘peaceful politics’ are subjects that engage the complexity and the deep-rooted issues of State facing to the ‘first globalization’ and the ‘end of century crisis’

    In the Labyrinth. State, Governments and the Growth of the Public Debt in Italy in the Middle of 1980s.

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    The ambition of this work is to rethink and present a possible path of historicalinstitutionalinvestigation in relation to and with a critical comparison of solideconomic, political and sociological research into the political causes of rapid increaseof public debt and its \u2018instrumentalization\u2019 by coalition governments for the purposesof consensus, in the blocked political-institutional system, as the first Executives in theItalian Republic\u2019s history not led by Christian Democrats (DC) Prime Minister.The reason for the decision to concentrate the analysis on a reduced portion of thatdecade \u2013 and therefore chronologically not going past 1988-89, the year of a passage toa different phase for many aspects \u2013 responds to the intention of concentrating theanalysis and delving into the sources (archival and institutional sources, but alsoarchives of political parties).Italian State has always lived above its means, with a constant imbalance betweenincome and expenditure and at the same time expanding its distance with respect tosociety (but the debt was paid by social groups that took advantage of it), a process thattriggered off a perennial crisis of representation and strengthened the instability ofrelations between political institutions and society. Moreover, public debt crises, ashistorical research suggests, are always crises of institutional legitimization and requirea redefinition of the ways in which sovereignty and political power are exercised.Thus, the article investigates the impact of the \u2018political use\u2019 of public debt by italiangovernments on the relationship between the State and societ

    Diritto di "Terra", Diritto "da Mar". Gli Statuti della Terraferma veneta e gli Statuti di Capodistria ad un primo confronto (secc. XV-XVIII)

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    Questo articolo tenta di individuare un primo punto di partenza per un confronmtoi comparativo tra sistemi normativi statutari dello Stato veneziano

    Lo Stato nella società globalizzata

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    Contributo didattico sul ruolo dello stato "europeo" dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale ai giorni nostri

    Presidente del Gobierno y Congreso de los Diputados durante la primera fase de la época socialista (1982-1989): algunas reflexiones.

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    Analisi del rapporto politico-istituzionale tra il Presidente del Gobierno e il Parlamento negli anni Ottanta del Novecento

    Leonida Tedoldi (intervento critico alla fine del volume)

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    Intervento nel dibattito finale al volume che raccoglie il lavoro di confronto tra coloro che sono intervenuti al seminario che ha preceduto l'uscita della pubblicazione