105 research outputs found

    Terrorismo, terrore, sovranità. Su un rapporto di reciproca embricazione 

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    Terrorism in its current form (what has been seen at work on European soil, but not only there) is not a war of one state against another, but a phenomenon entirely internal to the state itself, which manages it with the means of management of the emergency rather than with the military and political instruments typical of armed conflicts. The emergency management of terrorism corresponds to the exercise of power through the terror that is typical of the modern state. Therefore terrorism and terror are imbricate, they intersect dialectically, entirely within the logic of modern sovereignty, which responds to the terrorist threat by its own citizens with the dispositive of exclusion-inclusion that is the characteristic of modern citizenship

    Biopolitica, istituzioni e sovranitĂ  in Roberto Esposito

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    The immunity/community plexus has found an extraordinary and tragic bench test in the recent years of the pandemic. The idea that the community can only survive if it activates a problematic dispositive of immunisation touches, in these years more than ever, the question of democracy. The latter struggles between identity as immediacy and representation as transcendence. Roberto Esposito has tried to envisage a mediation between these two principles by means of the idea of ‘institution’, which serves to counter the furious identification of all in one. But does this idea of immanence and horizontality not risk evoking other forms of spontaneous morphogenesis of political-legal orders? Doesn’t the critique of sovereignty end up resolving itself in the vitalistic exaltation of the unbridledness of those powers that underlie it? Does the institution succeed in standing between these two perspectives (Weberian formalism and Foucauldian biopolitics)

    Biopolitica, istituzioni e sovranitĂ  in Roberto Esposito

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    The immunity/community plexus has found an extraordinary and tragic bench test in the recent years of the pandemic. The idea that the community can only survive if it activates a problematic dispositive of immunisation touches, in these years more than ever, the question of democracy. The latter struggles between identity as immediacy and representation as transcendence. Roberto Esposito has tried to envisage a mediation between these two principles by means of the idea of ‘institution’, which serves to counter the furious identification of all in one. But does this idea of immanence and horizontality not risk evoking other forms of spontaneous morphogenesis of political-legal orders? Doesn’t the critique of sovereignty end up resolving itself in the vitalistic exaltation of the unbridledness of those powers that underlie it? Does the institution succeed in standing between these two perspectives (Weberian formalism and Foucauldian biopolitics)

    Diritti umani e soggetti vulnerabili. Violazioni, trasformazioni, aporie

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    Il volume intende indagare percorsi sviluppati su argomenti decisivi del dibattito filosofico-giuridico contemporaneo: la societĂ  multiculturale e i problemi dell'integrazione; l'articolarsi della differenza e le molteplici configurazioni della discriminazione; le inedite forme della schiavitĂč; le concezioni dell'eguaglianza, dell'autonomia e della solidarietĂ  nei contesti dello Stato di diritto costituzionale e in quello della societĂ  cosiddetta "globale"; i controversi rapporti tra relativismo e universalismo; nonchĂ© l'articolazione di un pensiero normativo che, procedendo per argomenti, si innesta negli spazi, concreti, della vita sociale e istituzionale


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    No teatro elisabetano, “O PrĂ­ncipe”, de autoria de Nicolau Maquiavel, revela o arquĂ©tipo do governante pĂ©r do, rompido com toda crueldade e todo subterfĂșgio. Ao mesmo tempo e de forma incrĂ­vel, a obra representa um sĂ­mbolo importante de honra Ă  bandeira e tambĂ©m de batalha contra o absolutismo real

    Sovereign Excess, Legitimacy and Resistance

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    When talking about his film SalĂČ, Pasolini claimed that nothing is more anarchic than power, because power does whatever it wants, and what power wants is totally arbitrary. And yet, upon examining the murderous capital of modern sovereignty, the fragility emerges of a power whose existence depends on its victims’ recognition. Like a prayer from God, the command implores to be loved, also by those who it puts to death. Benefitting from this "political theurgy" as the book calls it (the idea that a power, like God, claiming to be full of glory, constantly needs to be glorified), is Barnardine, the Bohemian murderer in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, as he, called upon by power to the gallows, answers with a curse: ‘a pox o’ your throats’. He does not want to die, nor, indeed, will he. And so, he becomes sovereign. On a level with and against the State

    Il pensiero italiano della politica. Dalla tradizione italiana all'Italian Theory

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    Negli ultimi anni si è affermata nel mondo la cosiddetta ‘anomalia italiana’, ovvero quel pensiero italiano che va più comunemente sotto il nome di Italian Theory o Italian Thought. Con tale espressione – che appena nata è già divenuta problematica quanto quella, per esempio, di French Theory – ci si riferisce a quella costellazione di studiosi che hanno pensato la crisi della politica nel secondo dopoguerra e negli anni Sessanta e Settanta del secolo scorso, dall’operaismo al paradigma biopolitico, dalla teoria della crisi alla definizione del concetto di impolitico, dal pensiero debole alla riflessione su soggettività politica e differenza sessuale. Questa costellazione ha come caratteristica comune, se una se ne può individuare, l’attenzione alla questione del conflitto, nell’alveo della tradizione italiana del pensiero politico che convenzionalmente si fa risalire a Machiavelli. Il ciclo seminariale di incontri qui proposto intende interrogare le voci più interessanti di questo dibattito che ormai si estende anche oltreoceano e che necessita di essere scandagliato e discusso
