64 research outputs found

    Inleiding: Helden in Nederland

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    De nieuwe geschiedenis van kiesrecht en democratie

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    Political Culture and National Identit

    New state, new citizens? Political change and civic continuities in the Low Countries, 1780-1830

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    For half a century, historians of the Low Countries have studied the decades around 1800 as a period of radical transition. By way of historiographical introduction to this special issue, this article surveys both the national and international origins of this approach, assesses its consequences for our understanding of citizenship in the period, and argues for the need to add another perspective, that of continuity. This article is part of the special issue 'Political Change and Civic Continuities in the Age of Revolutions'.   In de afgelopen vijftig jaar hebben historici van de Lage Landen de decennia rond 1800 vooral bestudeerd als een periode van radicale transitie. Bij wijze van historiografische inleiding op dit themanummer, geeft dit artikel een overzicht van de nationale en internationale ontwikkeling van deze benadering, en bekijkt welke consequenties die heeft gehad voor ons begrip van burgerschap in deze periode. Het betoogt dat er behoefte is een nieuw perspectief toe te voegen, dat van continuïteit.   Dit artikel maakt deel uit van het themanummer 'Political Change and Civic Continuities in the Age of Revolutions'

    Developments in Structuring of Reformed Theology:The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) as Example

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    The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625), an influential handbook of Reformeddogmatics, began as a cycle of disputations. A comparison of it with the cyclesthat were held previously in Leiden reveals some shifts in the structure of Reformeddogmatics. After introducing the Synopsis, this paper highlights thefunction of prolegomena, the place of predestination, and the relationship betweenthe magistrate and eschatology. It concludes that the choices made in theSynopsis illustrate tensions in Reformed theology. After the conflict with theRemonstrants it became urgent to carefully define the character of theology inthe prolegomena, to relate predestination to the person and work of Christ, andto connect the task of the magistrate to the doctrine of the church

    The International Relevance of Dutch History: Closing Comments

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    The contributions in this issue discuss the question of the relevance of Dutch history to an international public. The authors wish to avoid ‘exceptionalism’, but point – with the exception of the piece that examines the Holocaust – specifically to the particular in the Dutch past, focusing thereby on evergreen themes such as the Golden Age, the Dutch colonial empire and the role of religion. A great deal of attention is hereby devoted to the long perspective and the peculiar nature of Dutch ‘civil society’. The aim is not so much to focus on what is unique to the Netherlands – and certainly not to hold up the Netherlands as an example – but rather to attempt to explain the Netherlands on the basis of general issues drawn from historiographical debates. In this sense, the yardstick applied is the international world. Another striking feature of the contributions is that an analysis that takes a longer view – path dependency, ‘cultural freezing’ (Schrover) and traditions – is back with a vengeance

    Charles de Gaulle und die Massenmedien - Daniela Hoyer

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    Book review of: Daniela Hoyer, Charles de Gaulle und die Massenmedien. Wie ein Politiker Presse und Rundfunk instrumentalisierte, Gardez! Verlag 1998, ISBN 3-928624-81-
