55 research outputs found

    Climate change and the long-term viability of the World’s busiest heavy haul ice road

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    Climate models project that the northern high latitudes will warm at a rate in excess of the global mean. This will pose severe problems for Arctic and sub-Arctic infrastructure dependent on maintaining low temperatures for structural integrity. This is the case for the economically important Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road (TCWR)—the world’s busiest heavy haul ice road, spanning 400 km across mostly frozen lakes within the Northwest Territories of Canada. In this study, future climate scenarios are developed for the region using statistical downscaling methods. In addition, changes in lake ice thickness are projected based on historical relationships between measured ice thickness and air temperatures. These projections are used to infer the theoretical operational dates of the TCWR based on weight limits for trucks on the ice. Results across three climate models driven by four RCPs reveal a considerable warming trend over the coming decades. Projected changes in ice thickness reveal a trend towards thinner lake ice and a reduced time window when lake ice is at sufficient thickness to support trucks on the ice road, driven by increasing future temperatures. Given the uncertainties inherent in climate modelling and the resultant projections, caution should be exercised in interpreting the magnitude of these scenarios. More certain is the direction of change, with a clear trend towards winter warming that will reduce the operation time window of the TCWR. This illustrates the need for planners and policymakers to consider future changes in climate when planning annual haulage along the TCWR

    Adaptation of mammalian host-pathogen interactions in a changing arctic environment

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    Many arctic mammals are adapted to live year-round in extreme environments with low winter temperatures and great seasonal variations in key variables (e.g. sunlight, food, temperature, moisture). The interaction between hosts and pathogens in high northern latitudes is not very well understood with respect to intra-annual cycles (seasons). The annual cycles of interacting pathogen and host biology is regulated in part by highly synchronized temperature and photoperiod changes during seasonal transitions (e.g., freezeup and breakup). With a warming climate, only one of these key biological cues will undergo drastic changes, while the other will remain fixed. This uncoupling can theoretically have drastic consequences on host-pathogen interactions. These poorly understood cues together with a changing climate by itself will challenge host populations that are adapted to pathogens under the historic and current climate regime. We will review adaptations of both host and pathogens to the extreme conditions at high latitudes and explore some potential consequences of rapid changes in the Arctic

    Inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 induces cell-cycle arrest in the epithelial cancer cell line via up-regulation of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21

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    Cyclooxygenase-2 is the rate-limiting enzyme in synthesis of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids. Prior reports have shown that inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 activity, either by selective inhibitors or by antisense oligonucleotide, results in suppression of growth of squamous cell carcinoma cell lines which express high cyclooxygenase-2 levels, such as NA, a cell line established from a squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. To investigate the mechanisms by which cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors suppressed growth of these cells, the effects of NS-398, the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, on cell-cycle distribution were examined. NS-398 induced G0/G1 cell-cycle arrest in NA cells which expressed cyclooxygenase-2. G0/G1 arrest induced by NS-398 was accompanied by up-regulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, but not by up-regulation of the other cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Transfection with p21 antisense oligonucleotide inhibited cell-cycle arrest induced by NS-398. Accumulation in G0/G1 was also observed in NA cells transfected with cyclooxygenase-2 antisense oligonucleotide. On the other hand, NS-398-treated NA cells showed a loss of plasma membrane asymmetry, a marker of early events in apoptosis. However, NS-398 did not induce other morphological and biochemical changes related to apoptotic cell death. These results suggest that cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor induces G0/G1 cell-cycle arrest in NA cells by up-regulation of p21. Our results also suggest that NS-398 is not sufficient to complete the whole process of apoptosis in NA cells, although it induces an early event in apoptosis

    A proxy record of winter temperatures since 1836 from ice freeze-up/breakup in lake Näsijärvi, Finland

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    One obstacle on the way to a comprehensive spatial reconstruction of regional temperature changes over the past centuries is the sparseness of long winter temperature records. This paper reconstructs a proxy record of April and November–December temperatures in south-central Finland for the interval from 1836 to 1872 from breakup and freeze-up dates and ice-cover duration of a lake. Emphasis is on detecting the suitable winter months and quantifying the calibrations with measured temperatures (1873–2002). The calibration slope for the breakup date (0.158°C/day) is larger than for freeze-up date (0.119°C/day) or duration (0.090°C/day). A comparison with results from other proxy records shows that the slope may depend also on the geographical site. Trend analyses of the full temperature records (1836–2002) indicate the existence of minor change-points at around 1867 (April temperature) and 1874 (November–December temperature), with warming rates thereafter of 1.67°C per century (April) and 1.16°C per century (November–December). Spectral analyses reveal peaks in the band between 2 and 5 year period, which may point to influences of the North Atlantic Oscillation, and less power in the decadal band (up to 42 year period)