35 research outputs found

    As patentes brasileiras de 1830 a 1891

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    This paper shows a sistematization of the data for granted patents from 1830 to 1891 in Brazil and, it argues that there is a strict relationship between those patents and the contemporary productive structure. At the same time, it is suggested a relationship between the number and diversification of patents and, the scientific-technological development of Brazil or in some cases, from abroad due to the internationalization of the national system of patents. The paper comprises four sections. In the first, it is made a survey of the literature on technological innovation. The second section shows a brief account on the evolution of the national and international legislation of patents for the chosen period of time. In the third section, after a characterizing the economic structure of Brazil on the ninetenth century, it is analyzed its relationship with the granted patents. Finally, it will be shown some conclusions and implications from the previous sections.Este trabalho apresenta uma sistematização dos dados de registros de patentes no Brasil, no período de 1830 a 1891, e procura mostrar que existe uma estreita relação entre as patentes registradas e a estrutura produtiva prevalecente. Ao mesmo tempo, sugere-se uma relação entre o número e a diversificação das patentes e o desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico do país, e, em alguns casos, do exterior, em face da internacionalização do sistema de patentes do país. O trabalho está dividido em quatro segções. Na primeira e feita uma revisão da literatura de inovações tecnológicas quanto ao patenteamento e sua relação com as atividades produtivas e inventivas; a seguir, faz-se um breve resumo da evolução da legislação sobre patenteamento no Brasil e no exterior no período analisado. Na terceira seção caracteriza-se a estrutura econômica do país no século XIX e analisa-se sua relação com os registros de patentes. Por último, apresentam-se algumas conclusões e implicações da análise.

    Evaluation of Alternative Halo Ring Positions in Children Using Tomography

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    OBJECTIVES: The halo ring can be applied in children, through skeletal traction or a halo vest device, to treat many cervical spine pathologies, including traumatic injuries and pathologies related to deformities. However, the procedure is associated with various complications, such as infection, pin loosening, and respiratory and neurological problems. Although widely studied in adults, the best pin insertion site in children and the correlations of pin insertion sites with outcomes and complications have not been completely elucidated. This study aimed to determine alternative pin placement sites based on a morphological analysis of the infant skull by computerized tomography (CT). METHODS: An analytical-descriptive study was performed using 50 CT scans from children. The Wilcoxon and Friedman tests were used. RESULTS: A linear and directly proportional relation was found between cranial thickness and patient age. The average thicknesses of the anterior points across all ages analyzed ranged from 4.16 mm to 4.98 mm. The thicknesses of the posterior points varied from 3.94 mm to 4.27 mm. Within each age range, points 1 cm above the standard insertion sites had thicknesses similar to those of the standard sites, and points 2 cm above the standard insertion sites had thicknesses greater than those of the standard sites. CONCLUSIONS: The cranial thickness at all points increases linearly with age. Points 1 and 2 cm above the standard insertion sites are viable alternatives for the placement of halo pins. Preoperative CT can aid in choosing the best positioning sites for pins in the skull

    Strategic Planning Systems and Budgeting Innovation

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    This presentation was commissioned by the Public Management and Transparency Network of the Regional Policy Dialogue for the VII Hemispheric Meeting celebrated on May 8th and 9th, 2006. This presentation was commissioned by the Program to Implement the External Pillar of the Mid-Term Action Plan for Development Effectiveness (PRODEV), to be presented during the VII Meeting of the Transparency Network. It is based on a paper that discusses the possibilities of making progress in coordinating government strategic programming through the allocation and implementation of public budgetary resources, particularly with regard to Latin American countries

    Sistemas de planificación estratégica e innovaciones presupuestarias

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    Este documento fue comisionado por la Red de Gestión Pública y Transparencia del Diálogo Regional de Política para la 7a Reunión Hemisférica celebrada los días 8 y 9 de mayo de 2006. El objetivo de este documento es analizar las posibilidades de avanzar en la articulación de la programación estratégica gubernamental con la asignación y aplicación de recursos presupuestarios del sector público tomando en cuenta algunas experiencias realizadas en Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, México y Uruguay

    Frouxidão fiscal

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    Balanço comercial numa analise quantitativa <br>Trade balance in quantitative analysis

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    Tentativa de comprovação da validade do modelo econométrico utilizado por Lemgruber no período 1965-1974. Procedeu-se ao teste do modelo, utilizando-se o período de 1965-1977 a fim de realizar a comprovação pretendida, face a nova conjuntura internacional de elevados preços do petróleo, de desvalorização do dólar frente às moedas de alguns países industrializados e de baixo crescimento da economia mundial, bem como das mudanças na política econômica de comércio exterior do Brasil. Procedeu-se também a um teste de modelo alternativo para melhor aplicação econométrica a conjuntura atual de comércio exterior. Ao final observou-se que os modelos estudados são suficientes para mostrar que a melhora do nosso balanço comercial está sujeita às variáveis externas como, renda mundial, preços de importações e exportações, não se desprezando também a variável interna — taxa de câmbio.<p><p>Attempt to confirm the validity of the econometric model utilized by Lemgruber for the period 1965-1974. This model was applied to the period 1965-1977, in order to test it in the face of a new set of international crisis, such as the increase of petroleum prices, the devaluation of the dollar in relation to the currencies of other industrial countries, and the low growth-rate of the world economy, as well as in the face of the changes in Brazil's foreign economic policy. An alternative model was also tested for econometric applicability to the actual situation of foreign trade. It was observed, in the end, that the models studied sufficiently demonstrated that the improvement of our balance of trade is subject to such external variables as world income and import-export prices, as well as to the internal variable of exchange rate

    Uma década de economia brasileira: 1964-1974

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      Análise da economia brasileira na década de 1964-1974. Esse período foi dividido em duas partes. Na primeira parte, aborda-se o período chamado de "imaginação reformista", que vai de 64 a 67, e analisam-se as idéias que permearam as reformas institucionais estabelecidas nesses anos. Na segunda parte, analisa-se rapidamente o período chamado de "milagre brasileiro", de 68 a 74, sobre o qual existe vasta literatura. Tentativa de interpretação critica do modelo de desenvolvimento implantado a partir da segunda metade da década de 50.Analysis of the Brazilian economy in the decade 1964-1974, divided in two parts. In the first part, the ideas that permeated the institutional reforms established in the period wich extends from '64 to '67 and accosts the era of "reformist imagination" are confronted and analyzed. In the second, the period from '68 to '74, called the "Brazilian miracle", and about which there is much literature, is rapidly analyzed. Attempt to critically interpret the model of development in operation since the second half of the decade of the '50s