683 research outputs found

    Wheat bread with dairy products - Technology, nutritional and sensory properties

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    Featured Application: Bakery industry, as nutritional and functional breads, with a considerable contribution to balance the daily diet for children and seniors in terms of proteins and mineralsAs the relation between diet and health became a priority for the consumers, the development of healthy foods enriched with functional ingredients increased substantially. Dairy products represent an alternative for new products and can be used to enhance the functional and nutritional value of bakery products. The addition of yoghurt and curd cheese to wheat bread was studied, and the impact on the dough rheology, microstructure, bread quality, and sensory properties were evaluated. Dairy product additions from 10 to 50 g and higher levels up to 70 g of yoghurt and 83 g of curd cheese were tested. Replacements were performed on wheat flour basis and water absorption. It was observed that the yoghurt additions had a positive impact on the rheology characteristics of the dough. For curd cheese additions, the best dough evaluated on extension was the 30 g of wheat flour formulation. In both cases, the microstructure analysis supported the results obtained for doughs and breads. These breads showed a significant improvement on nutrition profile, which is important to balance the daily diet in terms of major and trace minerals and is important for health-enhancing and maintenance. Good sensorial acceptability for breads with 50 g of yoghurt and 30 g of curd cheese was obtainedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Effect of Processing Temperatures on the Microstructure and Firmness of Labneh Made from Cow\u27s Milk by the Traditional Method or by Ultrafiltration

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    The types of Labneh were made from full-fat cow\u27s milk: (a) traditional Labneh was produced by straining cold yoghurt at 7°C in a cloth bag, and (b) UF Labnehs were produced by ultrafiltration (UF) of warm yoghurt at 35°, 40°, 45°, 50°, and 55°C. The UF Labnehs contained 22.7- 23.9% total solids, 7.8-8.3% protein, and 10.6-11.3% fat as compared to 25.3%, 9.1 %, and 11.9%, respectively, intraditional Labneh. Homogenization of the experimental Labneh samples in an ALM homogenizer using the D-170 or D-280 ,heads made the products smoother than unhomogenized Labnebs. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the largest and least uniform pores were present in traditional unhomogenized Labneh, where the protein clusters were relatively compact. Homogenization reduced the dimensions of the large pores and opened the structure of the protein clusters. Ultrafiltration of Labneh at elevated temperatures of 35° to 55°C resulted in an increase in the dimensions of the casein particles forming the protein matrix of the Labneh, evidently as the result of extended fermentation. Formation of complex casein particle chains, as observed by transmission electron microscopy, was associated with increased firmness of Labneh samples concentrated at temperatures above 45°C

    Svježi proizvodi - jogurt, fermentirano mlijeko, sirna masa i svježi sir

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    Fresh fermented dairy products in general are the oldest milk products. In the early days they were home-made and served as basic food. The introduction of industrial food processing allowed great diversification and a large variety of products is now available to the consumer. The combination of milk, sweet or fermented, with other foods, primarily with fruits and herbs, as well as the development of processes which led to prolongation of the shelf life for up to several months, contributed to the popularity, i.e. to the increase of consumption of these products. According to the latest survey of IDF (1) on the consumption of dairy products in the world, fermented milks are very popular and, with increasing health consciousness of consumers worldwide, new fermented milks are being developed.Potrošnja fermentiranih svježih mliječnih proizvoda naročito jogurta u mnogim je zemljama 1992. bila znatna (podaci IDF). Najhitniji korak u razvoju ovih proizvoda predstavlja primjena selekcioniranih kultura mikroorganizama što je omogućilo bolju kontrolu njihove kvalitete. Uključivanje probiotskih mikroorganizama u kulture za fermentaciju ili dodavanje u samo fermentirano mlijeko najvažnije su modifikacije budućih postupaka proizvodnje. Uvođenje ultrafiltracije u mljekarsku industriju omogućilo je proizvodnju svježeg sira i sirne mase koji sadrže više bjelančevina sirutke. Takvi proizvodi mogu potrošačima stvarati specifične probleme uslijed povećanih količina laktoze i ß-laktoglobulina. Industrijska proizvodnja skute od ovčjeg mlijeka u Sjevernoj Americi je modificirana i proizvodi se od mlijeka smjese sirutke i obranog mlijeka te i/ili dodavanjem praha kisele sirutke. Postupak proizvodnje fermentiranih, svježih mliječnih proizvoda je učinkovita metoda konzerviranja većine prehrambenih, vrijednih sastojaka mlijeka tijekom nekoliko tjedana

    Probiotic fermented dairy products

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    Fermentirani mliječni napitci su najpopularniji komercijalni industrijski proizvodi zbog unosa probiotičkih mikroba u ljudski probavni sustav. Stoga je u ovom radu dan pregled novijih spoznaja o probiotičkim fermentiranim mliječnim proizvodima. Obuhvaćen je povijesni pregled, komercijalni probiotički mikroorganizmi te proizvodi, njihova terapijska svojstva, mogućnosti poboljšanja kvalitete različitih tipova novorazvijenih mliječnih proizvoda kao i probiotički fermentirani proizvodi od kozjeg mlijeka.Fermented dairy products are the most popular vehicle used in the industry for the implantation of the probiotic microflora in humans. Therefore this paper provides an overview of new knowledge on probiotic fermented dairy products. It involves historical developments, commercial probiotic microorganisms and products, and their therapeutic properties, possibilities of quality improvement of different types of newly developed fermented dairy products together with fermented goat’s milk products

    Svježi proizvodi - jogurt, fermentirano mlijeko, sirna masa i svježi sir

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    Fresh fermented dairy products in general are the oldest milk products. In the early days they were home-made and served as basic food. The introduction of industrial food processing allowed great diversification and a large variety of products is now available to the consumer. The combination of milk, sweet or fermented, with other foods, primarily with fruits and herbs, as well as the development of processes which led to prolongation of the shelf life for up to several months, contributed to the popularity, i.e. to the increase of consumption of these products. According to the latest survey of IDF (1) on the consumption of dairy products in the world, fermented milks are very popular and, with increasing health consciousness of consumers worldwide, new fermented milks are being developed.Potrošnja fermentiranih svježih mliječnih proizvoda naročito jogurta u mnogim je zemljama 1992. bila znatna (podaci IDF). Najhitniji korak u razvoju ovih proizvoda predstavlja primjena selekcioniranih kultura mikroorganizama što je omogućilo bolju kontrolu njihove kvalitete. Uključivanje probiotskih mikroorganizama u kulture za fermentaciju ili dodavanje u samo fermentirano mlijeko najvažnije su modifikacije budućih postupaka proizvodnje. Uvođenje ultrafiltracije u mljekarsku industriju omogućilo je proizvodnju svježeg sira i sirne mase koji sadrže više bjelančevina sirutke. Takvi proizvodi mogu potrošačima stvarati specifične probleme uslijed povećanih količina laktoze i ß-laktoglobulina. Industrijska proizvodnja skute od ovčjeg mlijeka u Sjevernoj Americi je modificirana i proizvodi se od mlijeka smjese sirutke i obranog mlijeka te i/ili dodavanjem praha kisele sirutke. Postupak proizvodnje fermentiranih, svježih mliječnih proizvoda je učinkovita metoda konzerviranja većine prehrambenih, vrijednih sastojaka mlijeka tijekom nekoliko tjedana

    Microstructure and Firmness of Processed Cheese Manufactured from Cheddar Cheese and Skim Milk Powder Cheese Base

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    Processed cheese (10 different types) was made from Cheddar cheese and a cheese base produced from reconstituted skim milk powder by blending and melting with commercial emulsifying salts at 9Q\u3c\u3eC. In one experiment, the cheese base was subjected 10 accelerated cheese ripening by added enzyme. The finished products had 50.1- 53.5% total solids, 18.2-19.3% protein, 47.4-49.7% fat in dry matter, and 2.7-3.0% salt in water; pH was 5.3-5.4 after three months of storage at 10 C and 30 C. The experimental cheeses were markedly firmer than the control cheeses. All processed cheeses exhibited a similar pattern of firmness whereby the samples stored at 10 C were firmer than the fresh cheeses and the cheeses stored at 30 C were firmest. Only blends containing a large proportion of a cheese base treated with added enzyme were crumbly and were not satisfactory. Electron microscopy revealed differences in the structures of the raw materials and the processed cheeses. The cheese base, to which a protease was added. had an open structure compared to a compact structure of the untreated cheese base. The microstructures of all the finished processed cheeses stored at 10 C: were similar to each other. Storage of these cheeses for 3 months at 30°C resulted in the development of irregularly shaped fat particles, but differences in their dimensions were statistically not significant

    Physical properties of yogurt fortified with various commercial whey protein concentrates

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    The effects of whey protein concentrates on physical and rheological properties of yogurt were studied. Five commercial whey protein concentrates (340 g kg−1 protein nominal) were used to fortify milk to 45 g protein kg−1. Fermentation was performed with two different starters (ropy and non-ropy). Resulting yogurts were compared with a control yogurt enriched with skim milk powder. The water-holding capacity of the yogurt fortified with skim milk powder was 500 g kg−1 and ranged from 600 to 638 g kg−1 when fortified with whey protein concentrates. Significant rheological differences have been noticed between the yogurts fortified with different whey protein concentrates, independent of the starter used. Three whey protein concentrates generated yogurts with a behavior similar to the control. The two others produced yogurt with lower firmness (15 g compared with 17 g), lower Brookfield viscosity (6 Pa s compared with 9 Pa s), lower yield stress (2 Pa compared with 4 Pa), lower complex viscosity (13 Pa s compared with 26 Pa s), and lower apparent viscosity (0.4 Pa s compared with 1 Pa s) than the control, respectively. The yogurts with the lowest firmness and viscosity were produced with concentrates which contained the highest amount of non-protein nitrogen fraction (160 g kg−1 versus 126 g kg−1 of the total nitrogen), and the highest amount of denaturation of the whey protein (262 versus 200 g kg−1 of the total nitrogen)

    Heat transfer and rheology of stirred yoghurt during cooling in plate heat exchangers

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    http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02608774In the present work an experimental investigation was conducted to obtain a correlation for the determination of convective heat transfer coefficients of stirred yoghurt in a plate heat exchanger. A rheological study was carried out in order to characterise the stirred yoghurt flow behaviour, evaluating its dependency both on shear rate and temperature. A shift in the temperature dependency was evidenced at 25 ºC. It is also shown that the material shows a complex flow behaviour, changing from a Bingham fluid to a power-law fluid at shear stresses in excess of approximately 6.7 Pa. As regards the heat transfer behaviour of the non-Newtonian stirred yoghurt a correlation for the convective heat transfer coefficient was obtained that reveals the large effects of the thermal entry length due to the high Prandtl numbers and to the short length of the plate heat exchanger