43 research outputs found

    Analysis on Sex Education in Schools Across Malaysia

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    AbstractThe objective of this research is to analyse the respondent's perceptions on whether sex education or elements of it are being taught in Malaysian schools. This issue should be highlighted since there are so many sex-related social problems among the teenagers.Before giving their feedback, the respondents were first introduced on the aspects of sexuality education based on UNESCO's 2009 curriculum guideline. Based from the data received, 90% of the respondents agreed that sex education has not been taught in Malaysian schools. The respondents explained that the informal information given by most of the teachers were vague thus defeating the purpose of the students to learn on the issues


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    THE EFFECT OF SKIN WASTE COFFEE SIMPLE PROCESSING COFFEE WASTE WITH CORN SUBTITUTION LEVELS ON THE APPEARANCE OF CHICKEN PRODUCTION. The study aims to determine the extent of the effect of coffee skin waste in the ration on the appearance of broiler production. Chicken strain used by CP. 707 aged 1 day as many as 144 tails using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern 3 x 4 where, factor A1 is the skin of the sun dried, A2 soaked and A3 boiled. Meanwhile, Factor B is 4 levels of coffee skin substitution for corn where, B0 = 0%, B1 = 25%, B2 = 50%, B3 = 75% with each treatment of 3 replications. The results of the diversity analysis showed that, the interaction between coffee skin (A) drying, soaking, boiling with substitution level (B) had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on ration consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion. Meanwhile, different results are shown by the level of substitution (B) which gives a different effect (P <0.05) on body weight gain. ration consumption, feed conversion, i.e. portion of ration consumption 1014.18% - 125.47%, weight gain 25.13% - 54.95%, and ration conversion 2.28% - 2.55%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the coffee skin can replace some of the corn with the best replacement at the level of 25% in all processing methods.Keywords: Broiler, coffee skin waste, feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion

    The Maintenance of Gorontalo Language through Teaching The Local Content at Elementary Schools

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    The current condition exposes the degradation of number of speakers even the use of Gorontalo language. It is proved by the data which show that almost 40% of respondents cannot speak Gorontalo language actively. As a consequence, the maintenance of Gorontalo language is a must to prevent this phenomenon to be worse. One of the effective ways to maintain Gorontalo language is teaching the Gorontalo language through the local content at elementary schools. Moreover, the teaching process should involve cultural and linguistic aspects of the language


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    Malaysia lies in the tropics within latitudes 1°-8°N and longitudes 100°-119°E and consists of Peninsular Malaysia, and the states of Sabah and Sarawak. Peninsular Malaysia is bounded by seas on all sides, except in the north where it is joined to the Asia mainland via Thailand. Sabah and Sarawak are located on the northern part of Borneo Island. The two land masses are about 1,200 km apart, separated by the South China Sea . The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia faces the South China Sea , as do Sarawak and the western part of Sabah. The West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, however, is bordered mainly by the Straits of Malacca

    Sea turtle species of the Southeast Asian countries

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    Six of seven species of living sea turtles in the world were confirmed to nest or inhabit the Southeast Asian waters. These are leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and flatback turtle (Natator depressus); (Kamarruddin, 1993; Soehartono, 1993; Palma, 1993; Chantrapornyl, 1993; Sukarno et al., 1993; Chantrapornsyl, 1996 and Kamarruddin e t al., 1996). All these six species are commonly found in ASEAN waters except for the flatback which are found in eastern Indonesia. The flatbacks are known to nest in Australia but the foraging areas are in the Indonesian waters

    Action taken by SEAFDEC on sea turtle research and conservation activities (1992-2003)

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    The First SEAFDEC Workshop on Marine Turtle Research and Conservation was held in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia from 15-18 January 1996. The workshop was attended by participants from Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam and Japan. The objectives of this workshop were to provide a platform for sea turtle scientists from SEAFDEC member countries to present, discuss and update biological information on marine turtles in the region, beside enhancing the cooperation and collaboration in research and relevant activities among member countries to help protect and conserve sea turtles

    Hubungan latihan keselamatan, peraturan dan prosedur keselamatan terhadap prestasi keselamatan anggota kerja GIATMARA

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    Prestasi keselamatan memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan pengurusan keselamatan di tempat kerja serta bertujuan untuk memastikan pematuhan keselamatan dan penyertaan keselamatan di dalam organisasi. Prestasi keselamatan juga menyumbang dan menentukan kejayaan pelaksanaan program pencegahan kemalangan. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti hubungan antara latihan keselamatan, peraturan dan prosedur keselamatan dengan prestasi keselamatan pekerja di GIATMARA. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif yang menggunakan rekabentuk kajian tinjauan. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah borang soal selidik yang melibatkan 128 responden dalam kalangan warga kerja GIATMARA di negeri Perak. Hasil analisis statistik korelasi Pearson menunjukan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara latihan keselamatan (r = .496, p ≤ 0.01), serta peraturan dan prosedur keselamatan (r = .593 **, p ≤ 0.01) terhadap prestasi keselamatan. Hasil kajian ini membuktikan bahawa latihan keselamatan serta peraturan dan prosedur keselamatan mempengaruhi prestasi keselamatan sesebuah organisasi. Oleh itu, adalah penting bagi setiap organisasi untuk memastikan bahawa setiap pekerjanya menerima latihan keselamatan yang mencukupi dan disediakan dengan peraturan dan prosedur keselamatan yang teratur dan jelas

    Conservation and Enhancement of Sea Turtles in the Southeast Asian Region

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    Southeast Asian countries have accorded great concern to the conservation and enhancement of sea turtles , both from the environmental and marine biodiversity point of view. These countries produce six of the seven living sea turtle species found worldwide and renowned as some of the most productive in the world. All countries recognize the significance of the sea turtle population and their habitats existing in the waters of this region. The sea turtles are highly migratory species, where the seas of Southeast Asian countries form a contiguous body of water without any interval where the sea turtle migrate freely across national boundaries. Thus, all Southeast Asian countries realize that multi-lateral efforts are necessary to ensure long-term survival of the sea turtle in this region . It was this understanding that had led to the signing of Memorandum of the Understanding (MoU) on ASEAN Sea Turtle Conservation and Protection by ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) at their Nineteenth Meeting on 12 September 1997 in Bangkok. The MoU laid down the objectives and the mechanism of cooperation for the conservation , management and enhancement of sea turtles in this region

    Bali: Tourism Economy The End Of 2021, Will Fly High Again?

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    Based on the Bali Economic Quarterly Development document for the second quarter of 2021 by BPS, from the beginning of 2020 until now, the Covid-19 pandemic has continued to infect Indonesia. Even the number of new cases affected by this disease is increasing. Based on data from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, as of June 30, 2021, the number of daily new confirmed cases reached around 21,000. Not only attacking the health sector, but this pandemic has also shattered the joints of the economy. Various government efforts carried out in 2021 have been able to withstand the economic contraction year on year. In the second quarter of 2021, Indonesia's economic growth year on year was recorded at 7.07 percent and was the first positive growth since the second quarter of 2020. In particular, the tourism sector became the sector that experienced the highest growth in the second quarter of 2021. The transportation and accommodation provision business fields, which are the business fields most closely related to the tourism sector, are the two categories that experienced the highest growth, namely by 25.10 percent and 21.58 percent. Among all provinces in Indonesia, Bali can be said to be one of the provinces most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Bali's dependence on foreign tourist visits has caused Bali to still slump in the economy. Since March 2020, the arrival of foreign tourists to Bali has continued to decline. The decline even reached almost 100 percent when compared to the same months the previous year