1 research outputs found

    ANALISIS STRUKTUR, PERILAKU DAN KINERJA INDUSTRI PERBANKAN DI INDONESIA TAHUN 2003-2008 (Structure-Conduct-Performance Approach Vs Relative Efficiency Approach)

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    The industry of banking has a very vital role and strategic in Indonesia's economic matters. National banking industry has experienced the dynamics since the enactment of deregulation in the monetary sector. The government through by Bank Indonesia (BI) as the monetary authority has presented the various wisdom that directly influenced the structure, the behavior and work force of the national banking industry. Various government’s wisdom as a response to the dynamics of national economy include monetary crisis in 1997-1998 which has broken the stability of national economy and the banking industry in Indonesia. This study intend to find out the structure of Indonesia's banking industry during the 2003-2008, make analyze the influence of the structure and behavior / strategy of the company (bank) on firm’s work force. The data that used in this study are panel data from 2003-2008 with a sample of this study is 82 commercial banks. The model of analysis that used in this research is method of Fixed Effects Model (FEM). This study also aimed to compare between the two approaches / mazhab (hypotheses) that can describe the true condition of the banking industry in Indonesia. The first approach is the Structure-Conduct- Performance (SCP) approach, while the second approach is the Relative Efficiency (RE) approach. The results showed that both of Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) approaches and Relative Efficiency (RE) approaches can describe the condition of banks in Indonesia, this point shows that the work force of the company (profit) is influenced by the structure of the industry through a proxy the ratio of assets (RA) and also influenced by the efficiency of the company through a proxy of market share (MS). Besides that, the point also obtained the result, that the Net Interest Margin (NIM) variable has positive impact and significant to profit. While the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) variable, the Loans to Deposit Ratio (LDR) variable, the non-performing loans (NPLs) variable and the Owner variable was not significantly impact to profit