18 research outputs found

    Nova estimativa da prevalência da infecção pelo vírus "TT" (TTV) em populações de baixo e alto risco de São Paulo, Brasil

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    A prevalência da infecção pelo vírus "TT" (TTV) foi investigada pela técnica da Reação da Polimerase em Cadeia (PCR) em grupos considerados de baixo risco (doadores de sangue e crianças/adolescentes saudáveis) e de alto risco de exposição parenteral (hemofílicos); todos provenientes da cidade de São Paulo. Oligonucleotídeos empregados como primers, homólogos à região não traduzível (UTR) do genoma viral, mostraram-se muito mais universais, revelando frequências muito mais altas em ambos os grupos ( >; ou = 81%) do que os primers anteriormente utilizados, baseados na região genômica traduzível "N22" (doadores de sangue, 5,5%, e hemofílicos, 42,3%). O "PCR-UTR" também revelou um perfil interessante em crianças/adolescentes saudáveis: alta prevalência nos primeiros anos de vida e queda significativa em meninos adolescentes. O "PCR-N22", por sua vez, apresentou alta frequência em hemofílicos que receberam derivados de sangue fresco (58%) relativa àqueles que foram tratados com fatores de coagulação submetidos à inativação viral (9,4%) e doadores de sangue (5,5%).The prevalence of TT virus (TTV) infection was investigated by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in low- (blood donors and healthy children/adolescents) and high-risk (hemophiliacs) groups from São Paulo, Brazil. Primers based on the untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genome proved to be much more ubiquitous, leading to much higher frequencies for both groups ( >; or = 81%) than the earlier N22-PCR directed to the open reading frame 1 (blood donors, 5.5%, and hemophiliacs, 42.3%). The UTR-PCR also revealed an interesting profile for healthy children/adolescents: very high prevalence at the early years and significant decrease in male teenagers. The N22-PCR, in turn, demonstrated higher frequency in hemophiliacs treated with fresh blood products (58%), than in those treated with virus-inactivated clotting factors (9.4%) and blood donors (5.5%)

    Use of AST platelet ratio index (APRI Score) as an alternative to liver biopsy for treatment indication in chronic hepatitis C

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    Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is one of the most important causes of chronic liver disease in the world, potentially resulting in cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and the need for liver transplantation. Liver biopsy is currently performed before therapy indication. Although, it is the golden standard there are many reasons to avoid or delay the procedure. APRI Score is an easy, low cost and practice alternative method which was described as an alternative for assessing structural changes in chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The rationale of this study was to observe the accuracy of APRI Score in comparison to liver biopsy in 400 patients divided into two groups of 200 carriers (Validation and Experimental groups respectively) selected at random or according to liver fibrosis staging (METAVIR). The ROC curves showed a concordance among these two methods of 92% and 88.5% when 1.05 was the cut off (F3 and F4), and 87% and 83%, on 0.75 cut offs (F2-F4). The discordance in advanced fibrosis staging (F3 and F4) was only 16 (8%) and 22 (11%) out of 200 patients in the experimental and validation groups, respectively. In 26 (13%) out of 200 patients in the experimental group and 34 (17%) out of 200 patients in the validation group, there was discordance between APRI Score and liver biopsy in moderate and advanced fibrosis (F2-F4). In conclusion APRI is a serological marker that has satisfactory sensitivity and specificity together with a high predictive value and it can be useful either in the absence of a biopsy or to reduce the frequency with which biopsies need to be carried out to monitor the evolution of chronic hepatitis C and the right moment for treatment indication

    Immunoglobulin quantitation. Normal values

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    Use of AST platelet ratio index (APRI Score) as an alternative to liver biopsy for treatment indication in chronic hepatitis C

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    Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is one of the most important causes of chronic liver disease in the world, potentially resulting in cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and the need for liver transplantation. Liver biopsy is currently performed before therapy indication. Although, it is the golden standard there are many reasons to avoid or delay the procedure. APRI Score is an easy, low cost and practice alternative method which was described as an alternative for assessing structural changes in chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The rationale of this study was to observe the accuracy of APRI Score in comparison to liver biopsy in 400 patients divided into two groups of 200 carriers (Validation and Experimental groups respectively) selected at random or according to liver fibrosis staging (METAVIR). The ROC curves showed a concordance among these two methods of 92% and 88.5% when 1.05 was the cut off (F3 and F4), and 87% and 83%, on 0.75 cut offs (F2-F4). The discordance in advanced fibrosis staging (F3 and F4) was only 16 (8%) and 22 (11%) out of 200 patients in the experimental and validation groups, respectively. In 26 (13%) out of 200 patients in the experimental group and 34 (17%) out of 200 patients in the validation group, there was discordance between APRI Score and liver biopsy in moderate and advanced fibrosis (F2-F4). In conclusion APRI is a serological marker that has satisfactory sensitivity and specificity together with a high predictive value and it can be useful either in the absence of a biopsy or to reduce the frequency with which biopsies need to be carried out to monitor the evolution of chronic hepatitis C and the right moment for treatment indication

    Infecção pelo helicobacter pylori e sua correlação com os sintomas dispépticos e evolução da gravidez Helicobacter pylori infection and its correlation with gastrointestinal symptoms and outcome of pregnancy

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar em gestantes possível correlação da infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori com sintomas dispépticos e características maternas da gravidez. MÉTODOS: A soropositividade ao H. pylori foi obtida em 146 mulheres com 10 a 23 semanas de gestação. A média de idade foi de 29,6 anos, variando de 17 a 45 anos. A determinação semiquantitativa de anticorpos da classe IgG contra o H. pylori foi realizada com "kit" Elisa de procedência comercial (Varelisa H.pylori IgG Antibodies, Pharmacia & Upjohn Diagnostics GmbH & Co., Germany). Grávidas com sintomas dispépticos que necessitaram de tratamento constituíram o grupo investigado. Outras características maternas também foram correlacionadas à infecção pelo H. pylori: obesidade - IMC >30; paridade - primípara e multípara; evolução da gestação - a termo e aborto ou prematuridade. Os valores obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística - t de Student e Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da infecção pelo H. pylori na população estudada foi de 65,7%. Constatou-se ausência de correlação entre a infecção bacteriana e os fenômenos dispépticos da gravidez. Correlação negativa também foi constatada para obesidade, paridade e o evoluir da gestação. Gestantes com sorologia positiva apresentaram media de idade significantemente maior que as de sorologia negativa: 30,45 ± 6,87 versus 27,96 ± 7,44, p= 0,045565. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo não associou a infecção pelo H. pylori com os sintomas dispépticos da gravidez, nem com as características maternas estudadas: obesidade, paridade e evolução da gravidez.<br>OBJECTIVE: The present study intended to investigate whether there was a relationship between pregnant women with dyspeptic complaints and with and without Helycobacter pylori infection in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: H.pylori seropositivity was determined in 146 (aged 20 to 40 years) antenatal patients at 10 to 23 weeks gestation. H.Pylori ser um Immunoglobulin IgG antibody concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA). Age, obesity, parity, outcome of pregnancy and dyspeptic symptoms were registered in the patients' medical records. Chi-square and Student's t-test were used for statistical analysis of the data. RESULTS: Prevalence of H.pylori infection in the population studied was 65.7% (96 of 146). H pylori infection was not associated with parity, preterm delivery, obesity or with dyspeptic symptoms. Women positive for H.pylori IgG were older (30, 45 ± 6.87 vs 27, 96 ± 7.44, p= 0,045565*) than H. pylori negative patients. CONCLUSION: In this study there was no association of H pylori infection with dyspeptic symptoms in pregnancy .nor was its presence associated with obesity, parity and outcome of pregnancy

    Reação imunoenzimática (ELISA) para detecção de anticorpos contra o vírus da Rubéola: um método simples de produção de antígeno. Nota prévia

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    Um método simples de produção de antígeno de vírus da rubéola, por extração com desoxicolato de sódio para aplicação no ensaio imunoenzimático, IMT-ELISA, é apresentado. Este ensaio comparado com ELISA comercial (Enzygnost-Rubella, Behring), no estudo de 108 soros e 118 amostras de papel de filtro apresentou 96,9% (219/226) de concordância e um coeficiente de correlação de 0,90 entre as absorbâncias. Sete amostras apresentaram resultados discordantes, negativos pelo ensaio comercial e positivos pelo IMT-ELISA. Destas, 4 foram testadas por RIH, observando-se positividade em 3.A simple method of rubella antigen production by treatment with sodium desoxycholate for use in enzyme immunoassay (IMT-ELISA) is presented. When this assay was compared with a commercial test (Enzygnost-Rubella, Behring), in the study of 108 sera and 118 filter paper blood samples, 96.9% (219/226) overall agreement and correlation coefficient of 0.90 between absorbances were observed. Seven samples showed discordant results, negative by the commercial kit and positive by our test. Four of those 7 samples were available, being 3 positive by HI

    Serum selenium and selenoprotein-P levels in autoimmune thyroid diseases patients in a select center: a transversal study

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Selenium (Se) supplementation has been used to help prevent the progression of Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO) and autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) patients. We investigated Se serum and selenoprotein P (SePP) levels in Graves’ disease (GD) with and without GO, Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) patients and in 27 control individuals (C). Subjects and methods: We studied 54 female and 19 male patients: 19 with GD without GO, 21 GD with GO, 14 with HT and 19 with HT+LT4. Se values were measured using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Serum SePP levels were measured by ELISA. Results: Median Se levels were similar among all groups; GD patients: 54.2 (46.5-61.1 μg/L), GO: 53.6 (43.5-60.0 μg/L), HT: 51.9 (44.6-58.5 μg/L), HT+LT4 54.4 (44-63.4) and C group patients: 56.0 (52.4-61.5 μg/L); P = 0.48. However, serum SePP was lower in GO patients: 0.30 (0.15-1.05 μg/mL) and in HT patients: 0.35 (0.2-1.17 μg/mL) compared to C group patients: 1.00 (0.564.21 μg/mL) as well as to GD patients: 1.19 (0.62-2.5 μg/mL) and HT+LT4 patients: 0.7 (0,25-1.95); P = 0.002. Linear regression analysis showed a significant relationship between SePP and TPOAb values (r = 0.445, R2 = 0.293; P < 0.0001). Multiple regression analysis found no independent variables related to Se or SePP. Conclusion: A serum Se concentration was lower than in some other countries, but not significantly among AITD patients. The low serum SePP levels in GO and HT patients seems to express inflammatory reactions with a subsequent increase in Se-dependent protein consumption remains unclear

    New prevalence estimate of TT virus (TTV) infection in low- and high-risk population from São Paulo, Brazil

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    The prevalence of TT virus (TTV) infection was investigated by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in low- (blood donors and healthy children/adolescents) and high-risk (hemophiliacs) groups from São Paulo, Brazil. Primers based on the untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genome proved to be much more ubiquitous, leading to much higher frequencies for both groups ( > or = 81%) than the earlier N22-PCR directed to the open reading frame 1 (blood donors, 5.5%, and hemophiliacs, 42.3%). The UTR-PCR also revealed an interesting profile for healthy children/adolescents: very high prevalence at the early years and significant decrease in male teenagers. The N22-PCR, in turn, demonstrated higher frequency in hemophiliacs treated with fresh blood products (58%), than in those treated with virus-inactivated clotting factors (9.4%) and blood donors (5.5%)