32 research outputs found

    [Material] A proposal and basic examination of adaptive options when using the Likert method

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    The Likert method presents certain problems, such as the distribution bias caused by phenomena related to social desirability, central tendency, etc. One conceivable solution to this is to correct the distribution by changing the expression of the option\u27s anchor. In this study, we propose "adaptive options when using the Likert method" designed to change the option set according to the respondent\u27s latent level. We compare two sets of options. In terms of the anchor expression, we used one expression involving a symmetric option (ver. A) and another that increases the number of options in the positive expression (ver. B). As a result, ver. B showed that the distribution of the scale score was corrected to a closed, normal distribution. Furthermore, we also obtained a reasonable result in terms of the psychological distance of options. These results suggest the possibility of manipulating the distribution of the scale score by manipulating the anchor expression, while the possibility of the practical use of "adaptive options" was also demonstrated.本研究では、Likert法における社会的望ましさなどの影響による回答分布の偏りを解決する方法として、回答選択肢の評定尺度表現を変化させる適応型選択肢の考え方を提案した。また、その実現に向けて、同じ尺度に対して異なる2種類の評定尺度表現を用いることで回答分布等がどのように変化するかを検討した。その結果、評定尺度表現を変化させることにより、回答分布が変わることが確認された。本研究はJSPS科研費17K13926の助成を受けたものである

    An attempt to shorten the Social Desirability Scale using a voluntary panel Web survey data

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    This study attempted to reduce the number of items of the Japanese version of the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR-J: Tani,2008). After screening the data collected from 1307 participants through a web survey, this study applied the Generalized Partial Credit Model (Muraki,1992) to the Item Response Theory Model. It selected items using the slope and location parameters for each item to construct short forms of the BIDR-J. McDonald\u27s Omega and the test information function showed that the short forms had good reliability despite reducing the number of items. This study then determined their correlation with the BIDR-J to test their validity. The results indicated that the short forms of the BIDR-J demonstrate sufficient validity.本研究ではバランス型社会的望ましさ反応尺度日本語版(谷,2008)の短縮化を試みた。公募型Web調査で年齢が大学生以上である1307名のデータを収集し,データのスクリーニング後に947名のデータに部分得点モデル(Muraki,1992)を適用してslopeパラメタとlocationパラメタを推定した。そして,推定したパラメタを参考に,広い特性値に対応した短縮版と特定の特性値に対応した短縮版を作成し,McDonaldのω係数およびテスト情報関数を用いて信頼性を検討したところ,項目数を減らしたにも関わらず十分な信頼性が認められた。また,妥当性を検討するためにBIDR短縮版とMCSDSの相関係数を算出したところ,両者に相関が認められ,BIDR短縮版の妥当性が示された

    Regulation of the tubulin polymerization-promoting protein by Ca2+/S100 proteins

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    To elucidate S100 protein-mediated signaling pathways, we attempted to identify novel binding partners for S100A2 by screening protein arrays carrying 19,676 recombinant glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fused human proteins with biotinylated S100A2. Among newly discovered putative S100A2 interactants, including TMLHE, TRH, RPL36, MRPS34, CDR2L, OIP5, and MED29, we identified and characterized the tubulin polymerization-promoting protein (TPPP) as a novel S100A2-binding protein. We confirmed the interaction of TPPP with Ca2+/S100A2 by multiple independent methods, including the protein array method, S100A2 overlay, and pulldown assay in vitro and in transfected COS-7 cells. Based on the results from the S100A2 overlay assay using various GST-TPPP mutants, the S100A2-binding region was identified in the C-terminal (residues 111-160) of the central core domain of a monomeric form of TPPP that is involved in TPPP dimerization. Chemical cross-linking experiments indicated that S100A2 suppresses dimer formation of His-tagged TPPP in a dosedependent and a Ca2+-dependent manner. In addition to S100A2, TPPP dimerization is disrupted by other multiple S100 proteins, including S100A6 and S100B, in a Ca2+-dependent manner but not by S100A4. This is consistent with the fact that S100A6 and S100B, but not S100A4, are capable of interacting with GST-TPPP in the presence of Ca2+. Considering these results together, TPPP was identified as a novel target for S100A2, and it is a potential binding target for other multiple S100 proteins, including S100A6 and S100B. Direct binding of the S100 proteins with TPPP may cause disassembly of TPPP dimer formation in response to the increasing concentration of intracellular Ca2+, thus resulting in the regulation of the physiological function of TPPP, such as microtubule organization

    ADAMTS13 gene deletion enhances plasma high-mobility group box1 elevation and neuroinflammation in brain ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Highly adhesive glycoprotein von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimer induces platelet aggregation and leukocyte tethering or extravasation on the injured vascular wall, contributing to microvascular plugging and inflammation in brain ischemia-reperfusion. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type-1 motifs 13 (ADAMTS13) cleaves the VWF multimer strand and reduces its prothrombotic and proinflammatory functions. Although ADAMTS13 deficiency is known to amplify post-ischemic cerebral hypoperfusion, there is no report available on the effect of ADAMTS13 on inflammation after brain ischemia. We investigated if ADAMTS13 deficiency intensifies the increase of extracellular HMGB1, a hallmark of post-stroke inflammation, and exacerbates brain injury after ischemia-reperfusion. ADAMTS13 gene knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice were subjected to 30-min middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and 23.5-h reperfusion under continuous monitoring of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The infarct volume, plasma high-mobility group box1 (HMGB1) level, and immunoreactivity of the ischemic cerebral cortical tissue (double immunofluorescent labeling) against HMGB1/NeuN (neuron-specific nuclear protein) or HMGB1/MPO (myeloperoxidase) were estimated 24h after MCAO. ADAMTS13KO mice had larger brain infarcts compared with WT 24h after MCAO (p<0.05). The rCBF during reperfusion decreased more in ADAMTS13KO mice. The plasma HMGB1 increased more in ADAMTS13KO mice than in WT after ischemia-reperfusion (p<0.05). Brain ischemia induced more prominent activation of inflammatory cells co-expressing HMGB1 and MPO and more marked neuronal death in the cortical ischemic penumbra of ADAMTS13KO mice. ADAMTS13 deficiency may enhance systemic and brain inflammation associated with HMGB1 neurotoxicity, and aggravate brain damage in mice after brief focal ischemia. We hypothesize that ADAMTS13 protects brain from ischemia-reperfusion injury by regulating VWF-dependent inflammation as well as microvascular pluggin

    Osteoclast behaviors on the surface of deproteinized bovine bone mineral and carbonate apatite substitutes in vitro.

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    The present study investigated the osteoclast differentiation potential and paracrine effects of osteoclasts on osteoblast differentiation when the cells were cultured directly on two bone substitutes (BSs): deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) and carbonate apatite (CO3 Ap). Human primary osteoclasts cultured on the BSs were assessed by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and actin ring staining. Thereafter, the mRNA levels of osteoclastic differentiation markers were quantified by real-time PCR. Osteoblast behaviors in response to conditioned media collected from osteoclast cultures were investigated. Interestingly, mature osteoclasts were occasionally observed on the surface of the CO3 Ap granules, whereas very few and small osteoclasts were observed on DBBM. Similarly, real-time PCR analysis showed higher mRNA levels of osteoclast markers, including cathepsin K and TRAP, in the cells cultured on CO3 Ap than in those cultured on DBBM. Furthermore, compared to DBBM, CO3 Ap promoted osteoblast differentiation in human primary osteoblasts, whereas few paracrine effects of osteoclasts cultured with either BS were observed on the osteoblast differentiation potential. These limited results showed that CO3 Ap provided a favorable surface for osteoclast differentiation, as well as osteoblasts, compared to DBBM in vitro

    Stress Fracture of the Second Metacarpal Bone in a Badminton Player

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    We present a rare case of stress fracture of the second metacarpal bone. A14-year-old girl felt pain on the dorsal aspect of the right wrist without any history ofmajor trauma, when she played a smash during a game of badminton. On theradiographs, periosteal reaction was detected on the ulnar aspect of the base of thesecond metacarpal bone. She was treated conservatively and she returned to theoriginal activity level

    A Custom-Made Surgical Guide for Accurate Enucleation of Nasopalatine Duct Cysts: A Technical Note and Case Report

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    Nasopalatine cysts are common nonodontogenic cysts that occur in the maxilla. During the nucleation of large cysts extending to the floor of the nasal cavity, care must be taken to avoid damage to the nasal mucosa. In the present report, an innovative custom-made surgical guide made by a Three-dimensional printer is introduced for accurate enucleation surgery. The patient’s cone-beam computerized tomography and dental model scan data were obtained, and a tooth-supported type of surgical guide was designed containing a circular plate structure showing the size of the cystic region, an indicator that showed the position of the bottom of the cyst, and a sliding stopper that was used to accurately indicate the position of the deepest cyst wall. The surgical tool enabled us to indicate the accurate size, location of the cysts, and approach direction. Although effective and accurate navigation systems have become increasingly available, the cost-effective and accurate computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing surgical guide system introduced in the present report could support the safe enucleation of large nasopalatine duct cysts