97 research outputs found

    Catheter-related fungemia due to fluconazole-resistant Candida nivariensis

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科血液情報学We report on a case of fungemia due to fluconazole-resistant Candida nivariensis (MIC, ≥128 μg/ml). Internal transcribed spacer PCR followed by microchip gel electrophoresis with a blood culture that tested positive revealed a unique pattern different from those of other pathogenic yeasts. Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved

    [実践報告] 認知症看護認定看護師に求める資質能力を探る取り組み

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    本取り組みは、認知症看護認定看護師(以下、DCN)に求める資質や能力を明らかにし、認定看護師教育を検討することを目的とした。 DCN26名によるグループワークの結果、認定看護師に求める資質能力は「多角的な対象理解」「ケアによる貢献」「スタッフとの高い親和性」「柔軟な対応力」「他者への説明」「自らの能力の把握」「現状に対する問題意識」「ピアレビューへの参加」「個性発揮能力」「高い知識技術による指導」「モデルとなる実践の例示」「スタッフへの良い波及効果」の12項目が抽出された。 DCNが認知症者に対するケアの方向性を統一し、スタッフの認知症者に対して抱くネガティブな感情のサポート、さらに多職種連携を行うにあたり「スタッフとの高い親和性」は重要である。今後の認定看護師教育において、DCNがスタッフとの関係性を向上させるような教育支援の検討が必要である。This study aimed to examine certified nursing education through clarifying the performance abilities and personal characteristics required for certified nurses who hold the Dementia Nursing Certification Nurse(called “DCN-certified nurses”).Group work was conducted with 26 DCN-certified nurses, and based on their group work experiences, the following 12 items were extracted as performance abilities and personal characteristics required for certified nurses: “a multidimensional understanding of people with dementia,” “their contribution to care,” “a good relationship with staff members,” “the ability to be flexible in their response,” “the ability to provide explanation to other people,” “an understanding of their own abilities, “awareness of the existing situation,” “their participation in peer review,” “the ability to demonstrate originality,” “a high level of leadership knowledge and skills,” “the ability to effectively model practical examples,” and “positive spillover eff ects on staff members”. “A good relationship with staff members” is considered highly important in standardizing the direction of care for people with dementia, alleviating negative feelings of staff members towards people with dementia, and moreover collaborating with a variety of professionals. In the vision for certified nursing education in the future, it is necessary to examine educational support in which DCN-certified nurses can help improve relationships with staff members

    High-density Integrated Linkage Map Based on SSR Markers in Soybean

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    A well-saturated molecular linkage map is a prerequisite for modern plant breeding. Several genetic maps have been developed for soybean with various types of molecular markers. Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are single-locus markers with high allelic variation and are widely applicable to different genotypes. We have now mapped 1810 SSR or sequence-tagged site markers in one or more of three recombinant inbred populations of soybean (the US cultivar ‘Jack’ × the Japanese cultivar ‘Fukuyutaka’, the Chinese cultivar ‘Peking’ × the Japanese cultivar ‘Akita’, and the Japanese cultivar ‘Misuzudaizu’ × the Chinese breeding line ‘Moshidou Gong 503’) and have aligned these markers with the 20 consensus linkage groups (LGs). The total length of the integrated linkage map was 2442.9 cM, and the average number of molecular markers was 90.5 (range of 70–114) for the 20 LGs. We examined allelic diversity for 1238 of the SSR markers among 23 soybean cultivars or lines and a wild accession. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 7, with an average of 2.8. Our high-density linkage map should facilitate ongoing and future genomic research such as analysis of quantitative trait loci and positional cloning in addition to marker-assisted selection in soybean breeding


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    This study examined the effects of rehabilitation on patients after coronavirus disease 2019 recovery. 45 patients(male18, female 27, aged 49‐97, median:79 years old)were evaluated for physical and cognitive functions using eight assessment items. We compared and analyzed these data at the time of admission with at the time of discharge, as well as outcome assessment using a performance index. Among the evaluated items, significant improvements were observed in FIM motor(p<0.001), cognitive(p<0.001), MMSE(p<0.001), right hand grip strength(p<0.01), left hand grip strength(p<0.001), skeletal muscle mass(p<0.05), and 6‐minute walk test(p<0.05). In addition, the performance index of the subjects was 100.6, which was much higher than the facility standard requirement. Furthermore, it was suggested that the establishment of exercise habits and lifestyle rhythms through rehabilitation may have contributed to the cessation of oxygen administration, insulin and psychotropic medication, it was clarified that the implementation of rehabilitation is effective

    ヤグルマソウRodgersia podophylla A. GRAYの成分研究(第2報)

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    Four constituents, (-)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, 11-O-galloylbergenin and phloridzin were isolated from the rhizomes of Rodgersia podophylla A. GRAY. Their structures were established on the basis of spectral data

    [実践報告] 老年看護学実習の学びにポスターツアー(ジグソー法)を用いた教育実践の評価

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    要旨:本稿では看護学部3年生の「老年看護学実習Ⅰ」の科目におけるポスターツアー(ジグソー法)を用いた教育実践の概要および実施状況、さらに学生からの評価をもとに教育実践の効果を述べる。 2019年9月~10月、58名の学生は老年看護学実習(高齢者施設実習)の学びをグループでまとめてポスターを作成した。ジグソー法による実習グループの再編成後にポスターツアーを実施した。実習終了後、対象学生へ無記名自記式のアンケート調査を実施した。 調査の結果、“実習施設の理解が深まった”は「とてもそう思う」93.1%、「少しそう思う」5.2%、「無回答」1.7%であった。“他施設の役割・機能がわかった”は「とてもそう思う」93.1%、「少しそう思う」3.4%、「どちらでもない」および「無回答」ともに1.7%であった。“施設間の相違がわかった”についても同じ傾向を示した。 ポスターツアー(ジグソー法)を用いた実習の学びの共有は、質疑応答に十分な時間を費やすことが可能となり、発表全体への理解度を深めた。また、個々のグループメンバーが代表として責任をもってグループの学びを他のメンバーへ発表することは、フリーライダーを抑止し、個人の学びを深めることに効果的であった。Abstract: This study outlined an educational practice based on poster presentations (jigsaw method) in the course “Geriatric Nursing Practice I” taught to third-year students at the faculty of nursing in A nursing college. We also described the implementation status of the educational practice and its effectiveness based on students’ evaluations. From September to October 2019, 58 students created posters in groups summarizing what was learned during their practical training in Geriatric Nursing Practice I (i.e., practice at older adult care facilities). Poster presentations were conducted based on the jigsaw method after the students of the training group regrouped. After the practical training was completed, the students were surveyed using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. According to the survey results, 93.1% of the students responded “Strongly agree” to the statement “I gained adeeper understanding of the training facility,” whereas 5.2% responded “Somewhat agree,” and 1.7% did not provide a response. Regarding the statement “I understood the role and function of other facilities,” 93.1% of the students responded “Strongly agree,” whereas 3.4% responded “Somewhat agree,” and 1.7% either responded “Neither agree nor disagree” or did not provide a response. The same tendency was observed with regard to the statement “I understood the differences between facilities.” Sharing what was learned during the practical training through poster presentations (jigsaw method) allowed the students to spend sufficient time on questions and answers which deepened their understanding of all presentations. Further, each group member presented what their group had learned to other groups, which was effective in deterring freeloaders and promoting intensive individual learning

    ニンチショウ カンゴ ニンテイ カンゴシ キョウイク カテイ ニオケル キョウイク ト ジュギョウ ヒョウカ ノ ブンセキ

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    認定看護師教育課程 認知症看護認定看護師コース(以下、本教育課程)の教育実践を振り返り、今後の課題を検討した。今回、授業評価を実施した研修生20名の認知症看護経験年数は平均10.4±4.45年であり、本教育課程を受講した理由の大半は自己の学習ニーズ(16名)であった。研修生の本教育課程に対する期待には「臨床実践に沿った講義内容」があり、修了生による臨床に即した実践内容を含んだ授業の工夫が必要であると考えられた。研修生は「認知症ケアを自己の言語で伝えられるようになりたい」という目標を持つ者が多く、本教育課程で看護過程の展開技術を重視した学習プログラムはニーズに一致していた。研修生は自己の目標達成において病院実習の有効性を高く評価していたが、満足度は低い傾向を示した。特に、受講理由が施設長等の勧めである研修生にその傾向が認められた。よって、入学前に研修生が自己を振り返る課題を課し、本教育課程での学びのイメージを高めさせ、認定看護師の研修の質の向上を図ることが課題に挙げられた。The purpose of the research was to look back upon the educational practice of the course for certified nurses in dementia nursing of the curriculum for of certified nurse education, (hereafter referred as to "this education course") and discuss tasks for future use. The average number of years of experience in dementia nursing for the 20 trainees of whom the class evaluation of this education course was implemented was 10.4±4.45, and the reason for attending this educational course was for the majority, a fulfillment of their own learning requirements (16 trainees). Their expectations for this educational course included the "contents of lectures consistent with clinical practice." Therefore, it was considered necessary to contrive the class in line with the clinical practice of those who have already completed this educational course. There were many trainees who had the target of "conveying dementia care in their own words," which showed that a learning program with emphasis on developing technology for the nursing process matched their needs. Although the trainees highly evaluated the eff ectiveness of hospital practice for their target achievement, they showed a low degree of satisfaction. This trend was significant among those who attended this educational course at the encouragement of the chief of their facility, in particular. Therefore, the benefit of indicating the tasks before they attend this educational course, in order to make them refl ect on themselves, enhance their image of learning in this educational course. Improving the quality of training for qualified nurses was also clarified

    コウレイシャ リカイ ニオケル ガクセイ ノ マナビ ノ シテン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    本研究の目的は、看護学生1年生がどのような視点から高齢者を理解しているのかを明らかにすることである。学生へ祖父母など身近な高齢者の生活の現状や生活史に関するインタビューを課し、その課題レポート116部を分析対象とした。複数の研究者で課題レポートにおける学びの視点を質的に検討した結果、8つの学びの視点が見出された。学生は、《インタビュアーとしての立場に立つ》ことで倫理的感受性が高まっており、インタビューによる教育効果を確認することができた。また、学生は一人の生活者として《現在の自己と重ねる》、《自己の将来を見据える》ことで、高齢者の強みを見出すことができていた。一方、学生は《高齢者の話を自己の価値観で解釈する》こともあり、自己の価値観や思考、感情を意識的に振り返り、事実と解釈の違いを理解することが重要であると考えられた。しかしながら、学生は高齢者が移りゆく時代背景や病気体験に対する《高齢者自身の解釈を知る》、《既存の高齢者像と照らし合わせる》ことで、豊かな高齢者像を描くこともできていた。以上のことから、学生は自発的な学ぶ視点で高齢者を理解しており、今後の教育過程において育みたい視点であると示唆された。The aim of this study was to elucidate from what viewpoints first-year nursing students have in understanding elderly people. We gave the students assignments to hold interviews with their closely related elders, people such as grandparents and ask them about their living conditions and histories, and then analyze 116 submitted reports. Multiple researchers qualitatively evaluated the students\u27 viewpoints for learning in these reports and identified eight such viewpoints of learning. The students\u27 ethical sensitivities were enhanced by `learning as interviewers\u27, allowing us to confirm the educational eff ect of an interviewing assignment. The students were able to recognize strong points of elders by "identifying the present state of the students with their stories" and "hearing such stories with an awareness of their own futures" as individuals. However, the students occasionally "interpreted the stories of the elderly people based on their own values", suggesting that it would be important to consciously reflect on one\u27s own values, conscious awareness, and personal feelings to better understand the difference between fact and interpretation. As a result, the students succeeded in forming a positive image of elderly people by "knowing their interpretations" of the changing times, background, and illness experiencing and "comparing this with the conventional images of elderly people". Thus, the students learned through their voluntary viewpoint, a better understanding of elderly people, suggesting that it is important `for teachers to just follow these spontaneous actions of students\u27